Thursday, March 3, 2011

Woe is me and all that jazz.

So, (I swear to god I always start my posts off with "so") I've neglected this blog worse than a Christmas fruitcake around mid February. My poor SEOTS blog was SEOTSed by the SEOTSer. I am indeed a terrible person.

I'd like to say that I was working on some grand project, taking all of my time, earning me loads of cash. I'd also like to say that I was some kind of FBI agent, working undercover, booking the bad guys and saving the world. I'd love to share that I was actually sent back through time, chatting it up with the brontosauruses (they're actually assholes) and living it up with the cavemen (not as scruffy as you think, in fact, they could be the first metrosexuals). And as much as i'd like to tell you about all these things, I can't. They sadly didn't happen (I never stop wishing though!).

Since the last post, a whole lot of nothing happened. School, work, life. Life happened. Stuff happened. Shit happened. To tell you the truth, if I narrated the last few months in my blog here, it will bore you to death. On a personal level, i've learned a lot. I'm in a different mindset. I'm eventually gonna change my mindset. So i'm not gonna tell you about that.

Things you probably don't need to know about me, but i'm gonna tell you anyway:

- Still in school, and drowning miserably.
- Still nuts.
- Still working full time (and earning petty cash =/).
- Still a smarmosaur.
- Still loving nail polish (moving onto decals soon, omg).
- Still fighting acne, but it's getting better! :)
- Still trying to gain blog readers (please feed me your souls? pretty please?)
- Still making lists (like this one!).

And to conclude this unnecessary blog post, I just want to sincerely apologize to all my friends. I've been avoiding pretty much everyone (for good reason), and i'll explain why later (I'm a zombie, I don't want to infect you). Please bear with me for the next few months, and i'm sure things will get better (they seem to have found the antidote).

Still living the SEOTSed life,
