Monday, November 15, 2010

Geekend Adventures: The Weekend of a Geek - November 12-14, 2010

So I'm gonna cut back on the Buddha-ful entries, since I have absolutely no money for healthy food, lol.
Also, notice that I put the 12fth to the 14th. I count Friday nights the start of my weekend.
Here are a list of interesting things that happened to me  (or I realized) over the weekend:
1. I will never be able to clean my room completely.
2. Leaving the cap open on upside down body wash tends to deplete your supply. Quickly.
3. Coincidently, I bought new body wash. =P
4. I finally DLed uTorrent. It took me about 2 years to do this. XD
5. I should just stop sweeping and mopping my floors because they'll just be invaded by drips and drops again. Also, hair.
6. Coffee cubes of doom! (blog to come!).
7. Sadly, we ran out of creamer.
8. Even more sad, we ran out of coffee.
9. I have a baby shower to plan.
10. My parents came back from their travels! They brought me goodies! YAY!
11. Because I was so wired on coffee, I decided to head to the gym around midnight. Strangely enough, it was more populated than 10pm.
12. Grooming myself after a month of not doing this takes a LONG time.
13. Michael burned pancakes. He never does this.
14. I have friends that help organize my room. This has happened at least yearly since I was about 15 probably.
15. I have friends that jack statuses while i'm on the throne!
16. I love Bleach (the anime, not the product).
17. I am Marigold. I cannot stress this enough.
18. I take FOREVER to get ready if I wanna shower, straighten my hair, and apply makeup.
19. I found a nice China Glaze red color for the holidays! (blog to come on HGG)
20. Zap Cafe. It's pretty damn awesome.
21. Getting caught like a deer in headlights in the middle of a Christian service is REEEEAAAALLLLYYY AWKWARD. 
22. I really love the sound of the guitar.
23. I really do wish I was brave enough to hop on a mic and sing my heart out.
24. I have problems hanging up my clothes after they come out of the dryer.
25. I have intense bed hogging qualities.


  1. Hey just started reading your blog. I laughed at number 24 because I have the same issue! I just dump them on the floor and "plan" to hang them up and then I usually forget. I am def. the same way has number 18! :)

    ~From one blogger to another, Andie

  2. Yay! A reader! I'm sorry I took so long to publish your comment - i'm usually more diligent and post daily or at least talk to my subscribers (which are few and far between!), but lately it's been crazy. I've got a few posts coming up, and i'm really glad you enjoyed this one! =)
