Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Daily Pink!: November 3rd, 2010

I think i'm going to make TDP! officially a listed entry!
1. My new office is closer to the bathroom and lunch room. Also, I have more people to talk to down here! That's kind of a double edged sword though.
2. My lovely boyfriend Michael cleaned up the house for me! I am indeed a lucky girl.
3. I am giving up Starbucks. This is a good thing because it's gonna save me a jillion dollars and a jillion sugar calories. Starubucks price is proportionally equal to sugar calories. It's a well known fact.
4. I don't think I have ANYTHING planned for this weekend, so I can finally RELAX and get some of my priorities straightened out. It feels like I didn't have a weekend last week! But I did manage to get my field research out of the way, so that's good.
 5. I get paid tomorrow! WOOT
1. I got moved! I liked my own little personal office up there.
2. I'm hungry, and have no idea what I want for lunch.
3. It's THUUURRRRSDAY. This means I have homework due, and also, I was supposed to read my novel by today. I've got about 150 pages to go, and only two hours to do it. FML.
4. I've gotta go grocery shopping soon with close to no money. Damn rent.
That's pretty much all that happened to me today. I am not an interesting being, apparently. =o

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