Friday, November 19, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Friday, November 19th, 2010

You know what they need to make? A usb with an arrow on one side, signifying that that's the side that faces up when in your usb slot. JESUS! I know i'm not the only stupid monkey person that is all "Hurr, I've flipped this thing like 10 times and I still can't get it in hurr". Why does this torture my feeble mind?
Today is Friday! I love Fridays. Do you know why? No? Well i'll tell you in the form of a list!
1. I especially love this Friday because it also happens to be payday.
2. I like staying up on a shit load of coffee so it feels like my weekends stretches out longer.
3. Everything amazing happens on Friday nights.
4. It is a proven fact that most babies are made on Friday nights. =O
( I just made that up, but doesn't that sound plausible?)
5. I finally feel like a 22 year old on Friday nights, playing video games, staying up past 10:30, and hanging out with friends. Sunday - Thursday i'm 40 years old.
These are basically the reasons in which Friday roxxorz.
Also, if you haven't read Questionable Content, you really, really should. BUT you should probably start with the archive because the most recent comics are kinda spoilers. This comic has actually made me quite depressed lately because it feels like i've grown up with these fictional people and right now it's saaaaaaaaaaad. Is it irrational that I am sad because some pixels are sad? Am I becoming a shut-in (just like MARIGOLD, yet another reason why I AM MARIGOLD)? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF MY LIFE?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
... Anyway, It is only yet the start of my day today, so we'll see how the rest of it goes.
I've gotta work late today, and I also have to go to my parents house.
After that, the real fun begins.
With Mabo Tofu.
And Mario Party.
And coffee.
Seriously, who could ask for more?

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