Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm... Engaged?

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged, to find the ways in which you, yourself, have altered." - Nelson Mandela

This weekend was AMAZING. Unexpected, yet anticipated, my boyfriend of eight years proposed to me on Friday evening.

I don't want to go into the details of the proposal. I didn't take any pictures of the things that were done. I want that moment to be sealed forever in his and my thoughts, alone. It was something special, and intimate, and even though key people will know how it happened, I didn't want any pictures from these few special days (other than the obligatory ring and hand pictures).

Of course, I wanted this to happen. I knew many years ago that I wanted this to happen. Many people aren't surprised, but i'm more surprised in myself than I thought I would be. I expected to feel overjoyed and happy, then go back to our lives, plain and simple. Technically, what would change? We're sporting rings on our finger (yes, him too) but that's the only difference. We'll go back to work, we'll go back to school, we'll go back to our apartment and live life how we've always been living it. But, it's different.

I can't tell you the ways in which it's different. I look at Michael differently. I look at our lives differently. Sure, it's only been a few days, but this feeling isn't even slightly tapering yet. Maybe it will in a week, a month, a year, but really, are we the same people? I don't think we are. We've entered into a transitional time, of sealing our bond with each other. Sure, i've known for a long time that he's "the one" but these rings make it so different, beyond any words I can describe.

We were at Barnes and Nobles yesterday in the Manga section, and there was a kid there (can't have been older than 18) that said "Wow, adults in the Manga section! That's cool." and I couldn't help but laugh and feel slightly appalled. Wait now, who's the adult here? I swear to god i'm still fourteen. Or sixteen. Or even nineteen! Suddenly I feel toooo old, WAY too old. Did he notice the rings on our fingers or was it just us? I'm pretty sure he didn't notice, and that means we LOOK like adults? What?

Here's to the next couple years. Here's to the beginnings of a great time, a stressful time, an important time in our lives.
