Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 24th, 2010

I did not do TDP yesterday because I didn't have much time to do it! Soooo busy.

Anywho, my weekend was pretty terrible, so i'll just skip over that. I got up an hour late yesterday which was like one final kick in the crotch from the weekend, so I wasn't so happy about that either. But besides that, yesterday was fun. Work starts one hour earlier for me from now on, because I started school yesterday! I had two classes last night, and i'll have one class every night until Thursday.

And then last night, I also went to dinner right after school with some of my old coworkers. One was visiting from the Big Island. We went to Shokudo, a Japanese-fusion restaurant. I ordered my favorite, Sukiyaki Bibimbap fried rice, and shared a Shrimp Tempura appetizer. I had a Grape Calpico Vodka Soda as well. We also had some Honey Cinnamon toast and ice cream for dessert. Yum!

I had a strange dream last night. I was pregnant, checking into a hotel, and I had the top floor. It gradually became aware that the hotel was like one of those traveling hotels, with just a bed to sleep in. So my room was at the top, and it was basically a 10X15 foot box. I sat in the middle of the room, and I remember the floor being covered with astro turf. There were glass windows all around, so it gave a panoramic view, but I was very high up off the ground. All of a sudden I went into labor! Then the floor started to crumble, and I started to fall through, while in active labor. Then I woke up.

According to the Dream Moods dictionary website, pregnancy means a new stage of life, like some kind of new era. Being on a top floor means being successful at something, as if climbing a tier. Breaking ground means uncertainty, or unstable feelings toward something, and fear of failing.

The new era in my life is school, and I am very nervous about it. My brain was just flipping through the events of the day, and the feelings I had about them. It was kind of jarring to feel the same feelings I felt when I attended the same school and classes 4 years ago. I remember while in class, thinking "Am I actually here? In the same school? In the same class? Is it going to be the same as last time? Am I going to drop my classes again?". But I will try my best not to, because it's not really an option anymore. Ganbarimasu, ne?!

My neck hurts. I must have slept on it wrong. Crap.

Have a great day!



  1. A hotel in a dream can refer to a temporary stage in your life, so perhaps part of the dream is about your thoughts of what is going to happen in the future. Where will you go after you "have your baby" - finish school?

    Source: http://www.meaningofdreams.org/dream_dictionary/hotel.htm

  2. You know, i'm not sure what i'm going to do after I finish school. Which is probably why the ground was unstable in my dream.

    Thanks for reading and commenting! =)
