Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Daily Pink!: July 31st, 2010

Today is another Saturday spent at work. Getting paid hourly has it's perks, but not when I've gotta give up a weekend to makeup some hours. Boooooo.

Anywho, I've been thinking a lot about exactly how far i've come in the past years. I know that each new year brings something different; another life lesson to be learned. But I didn't really take notice that it accumulates throughout the years.

So the easiest comparison is to take a survey... that I already took 7 years ago.
Here are my answers:

Originally taken on Saturday, December 6, 2003 - Re-taken on [Saturday, July 31, 2010]

x. Name: Kathryn A. Yadao [Duh]
x. Nicknames: katie, kitty, crippled, stupid... this could go on forever... [hahaha, I get Katie from my high school friends, and Kathryn from everyone else.]
x. Hair color: brown red [Medium brown]
x. Birthday: September 26, 1988 [I think it’s still the same]
x. Eye Color: Dark Brown. [Not really, though. They’re a lighter brown than everyone elses]
x. Siblings: 1 brother and 1 sister. [hahaha, I don’t think that changes either]
x. What's your sign: libra [Duh]
x. Foot size : 11 womens 10 mens... yes, i am a giant [Actually, I’m a 12 now -____-;;;]
x. Crush : isnt that a drink? ;-p [hah.]
x. Who?: hrmmm... casper. [hahahaha! Code name!]
x. Age you act: it could range from 3- 40... depends on my mood. [I think I act my age now… maybe a little older]
x. Where do you live: KALIHI!!! YES, I AM GHETTO! [Makiki]
x. Where do you want to live: manoa... to be closer to school and everything [Hey, I’m getting closer! Haha, I’d still love to live in Manoa]
x. Any board sport : nope [Still no]
x. Birthplace: kapiolani hospital [Same, that will never change]
x. Ever gone skinny dipping?: nope... have i ever wanted to? Nope [NOPE!]
x. What are you watching?: the letters move across the screen [Same! Haha]
x. Last person you talked to? Mommy [Uh, Michael]
x. When do you go to sleep: around 930 ish... basketball is really tiring... [lol! I sleep EARLIER now! Hahaha]
x. Most embarassing moment? STOP ASKING ME THAT!!! [EEE Gads. I have SOOO many.]
x. Stupidest person you know: me... other than that... meeh... [<_<;;]>
x. What are your favorite forms of jewlrey? i love rings... and bracelets... but not necklaces too much... WHITE GOLD IS THE BEST!!! [White gold is STILL the best. I like long necklaces, I like charm bracelets, and I am waiting for an important ring to come along someday.]
x. Ever liked someone too young for you: nah. [Noooo]
x. Do you think you have multiple personalities: hmmm... let me ask kai, ann, takuya, and kouichi.... @_@ [OH JEEZ]
x. Ever walked in on someone changing or showering?: nope. hopefully, it will be some hot guy if i ever do... ;-D [Nope]
x. What is the first thing you say on the phone? hello? [Hello?]
x. What did you you yesterday: went to school, went to manoa marketplace, went to practice, went home. [Got up, went to work, picked up Kelli, went to grab a bubble drink at Shirokiya, dropped Kelli off, went home, slept.]
x. Who was your last crush: no comment. [Michael was my last crush technically.]

x. Fallen for your best friend: well ,he wasnt my best friend at the time... [Yes]
x. Made out with JUST a friend: nope [Technically]
x. Been rejected: nope. i never asked. [Nope, still the same.]
x. Been in love: Yes. [Yes.]
x. Used someone: ummm, not to my knowledge... [Nope]
x. Been used: nope [Yes]
x. Cheated on someone: nope. [Nope]
x. Been in jail: no [Still no]
x. Done drugs: no [^_~]
x. Run away from home: almost attempted to... [hahaha, Why would I run away from home when I pay the rent?]
x. Hit a girl: yah [lol XD]
x. Hit by anyone: yah [Yup]
x. Stolen anything: yah [Not since then lol]
x. Broken a bone: not yet... [I did! My middle finger during basketball practice! Probably soon after this original post]
x. Cheated on a test: sad to say, but yes [Yeah >_<]

x. Gotten drunk: kai has [XD Well, now, IDK! Michael’s bday I’m pretty sure I came close!]
x. Been with two guys/girls at once: nope [No, ew]
x. Been in a hospital: yes [YES <_<]>x. Panic: ??? [At the disco?]
x. Anxiety: yah [Not as bad as before, but still there]
x. Depressed: most of the time [Jeez, no.]
x. Suicidal: sometimes [<_<>
x. Obsessed with hate: too much work [No]
x. If you could be anywhere, where would you be: in an empty jungle fun [Hahaha! That WOULD be fun. Um, I’d be home, cleaning lol… wow, that sounds pretty sad hah.]
x. What are you listening to: me type [Jack Johnson – Constellations]
x. Can you do anything freakish with your body: yah... the hand thing [HAHAHA I forgot about that!]
x. Do you have a favorite animal: panda's [lol, I guess?]
x. Current Clothes: bathing suit top, bball shorts, knee brace, shoes. [lol I don't wear any of those things anymore! I'm wearing white jeans shorts, my "White text on a black shirt" shirt, and a gray vest. And my slippahs!]
x. Current Mood: ok, happy, tired, a little depressed [Isn’t that a little oxymoronic? Lol. I’m pretty good.]
x. Current Music: none [Now it’s Maroon 5 – Through With You]
x. Current Taste: chicken katsu curry [Spry Spearmint Gum]
x. Current Smell: chicken katsu curry [Nothing… office? Lol]
x. Current thing I ought to be doing: cleaning my room [Cleaning my room! Hahahahaha!]
x. Current Desktop Picture: a sunset [Tulips at the office, at home… I think it’s a picture of me, Nicole, Jackie, and Becky at Christina’s wedding]
x. Current Favorite Group: nope [BIG BANG!!!!!!]
x. Current Book: outbreak [Twentysomething Essays by Twentysomethings]
x. Current DVD In Player: rayearth [lololol It’s probably House]
x. Current Refreshment: eh? [Passion Orange juice]
x. Current Worry: that im never gonna move from the spot im in [Finances]
x. Current Crush?: eh? [None]
x. Current Favorite Celebrity: nope [Tom Wellington, you’ll always be in my heart <3]

x. Food and drink: food: korean spicyness drink: root beer or cream soda... [YES KOREAN FTW!... drink? Alo]
x. Song: waaaaayyyy too many[Currently anything from Big Bang! Wewt~]
x. Junk food: hmmm... all of them [Pretty much lol]
x. Sappy love song: geeesh. your talking to ME here... all i DO is sit in my room listening to sappy love songs!!! [XD (it’s still true)]
x. Drink: root beer or cream soda [Alo]
x. Color: either pink, or red and yellow [Pink or Purple]
x. Shoes: vans and my and ones[Converses/Nike Free’s]
x. Candy: payday, or bottle caps [Butterscotch candies or Kit Kats <_<;;]

x. TV Show: inuyasha? [LOLOLOL. House]
x. Movie: too many... well, it depends on my mood... i say outbreak right now... [Hahaha! Outbreak is still one of my faves, but Inception takes the cake right now]
x. Book: too many [Hmmm my indecisiveness hasn’t changed at all]
x. Type of music: alternative rock/ hip hop and r&b... mebbe some rap... [lol, sure]
x. Type of car: the ones that work [Hahaha! Well, I do love trucks <3,>
x. Saying: WAAAAAAAYYYY TOO MANY. [Hah, same.]
x. Fast food: the ones that make you the fattest, always tend to taste the best... [-___-;; Taco Bell/Jack In The Box/Wendys… all of which I try really hard to avoid!]
x. Ice cream: white chocolate mousse from tcby [^_^ I had that recently! It wasn’t as good as I remember lol. I like vanilla bean <3]

x. Emotionally Stable: ummm... no [Hmmmm much more than before…]
x. Shy: sometimes painstakingly... [Not so much, but I have my days]
x. Difficult?: yes, i can be [Yeah, I am, though I try not to be]
x. Attractive: once again... hahahahahahahahaha... i laugh in your face... [<_<;;>
x. Bored Easily: nah, not really... [Nope]
x. Thirsty: not right now [Not atm]
x. Responsible: i can be [Yes!]
x. Sad: yes [No]
x. Happy: yes [Yes]
x. Trusting: yes [Yes]
x. Talkative: i can be [I can be]
x. Unique: nah, i dont think so [Hmmm? I don’t know.]
x. Needy: yah, kind of. [Not so much anymore]

x. Kill: me [Heh, the people that know, know.]
x. Slap: me [Same person]
x. Be like: hopefully i'll live up to half as much as my mom is... [My mom <3]>
x. Friend(s) you've dreamt about: uck. lets not go there... [haha]
x. Friend(s) your tell secrets to: ... uh, jade, nicole, and mike... but only jade, and nicole seem to tell me theirs :-p... j.j. mike [hahaha. Jackie, Becky, Nicole, Michael, Kelli, Hieu. For life!]

x. Number: 26 [Same]
x. Holiday: christmas or thanksgiving... i cant decide [Christmas]
x. Radio station: and it goes a little something like this... 101.9, 102.7, 104.3, 97.5, 96.3, 94.7, 93.1, and 92.3 [97.5?!? oh gawd! Now it’s 93.1, 102.7, 104.3, 101.9, 100.3]
x. Place: theres a little chapel on the nimitz highway... it has a swing for two, outlooking the sunset on the beach... its so pretty there... nobody better take it. i think im gonna get married there if i ever do. [I still kind of want to get married there…]
x. Flower: i dont quite know... [Still not sure, I haven’t gotten enough flowers to know.]
x. Scent: refreshing water and thermasilk... ask Nicole [hahaha whaaat? I like gardenia smells, I like Karma from Lush, and I like Dream from Gap]
x. Relieved? yup. but i bet the people reading this are really ticked off by now... ;-P [I’m not sure how to answer that]

x. School: UH. if not, hcc, kcc, or MAYBE lcc... that's a little too far, though... [KCC for now, Chaminade later]
x. Where you want to live: in my house... in manoa. [Yup, sounds right]
x. How many kids do you want: AHHHH!!! KIDS!!! NEVER!!! nah, i want 3 at the least, and 5 at the most. but never 4... (IF i get married) [Actually yeah, 3-5 is still the same, but 1 would still be a blessing.]
x. What do you want to do when you grow up: i really have no clue... [HAHAHAHA, not much has changed here.]
x. Wedding song: who says im gonna get married? [Who says I’m gonna get married?]
x. Song in your head: feelin it -blink 182- [How Gee – Big Bang]

x. Coke or pepsi: coke [Ew, neither]
x. Cats or dogs: DOGS [I like both now <3]

x. Dvd's or vhs: dvd's [LOL Blue Ray]
x. Deaf or blind: deaf... i know sign language [Same!]
x. Pools or hot tubs: pools [I like both]
x. Tv or radio: radio, but i need to watch tv when im eating dinner... ?_? [Ummmm TV]
x. Cd's or mp3's: mp3's but i dont have a player... [Hahaha, pua ting. I have an MP3 player now.]
x. Apples or oranges: apples [Ew, oranges]
x. Gap or old navy: old navy [Banana Republic XD nah, I still love Old Navy]

x. Cacaed: what? [What?!]
x. Cried: last night. [Um, …. Actually I don’t recall. Probably sometime this month.]
x. Watched a disney movie: i think a couple days ago... [Urrrhhh I don’t remember]
x. Given/gotten a hug: i think it was jackie... we did our little half hug ritual... [LOL What was that again? Jackie do you remember? I got a hug this morning! =)]
x. Been to the movies:last weekend... gothika [Holy crap lol that was a long time ago. Inception!]

Wow, some things have really changed, and some things havent. I was 15 when I did this the first time, and I am now 21. It's a really interesting comparison to make, especially reading through old posts where ! +aLk lYk DiS. <____<;;

How much have you changed in 7 years?

See you tomorrow!


Friday, July 30, 2010

The Daily Pink!: July 30th, 2010

I was reading through my old blog that I won't mention (mainly because I need to delete a few things...!), and I realized that I have YEARS of blogging. I blogged everyday, if not more than once a day for about 2.5 years! Whoa!

So i'm going to try to get back to that. It will be on this blog, but i'm going to classify it as "The Daily Pink!" entry, instead of a "SEOTS" entry.

So this is entry number 1!

I am currently at work right now, typing away, looking forward to lunch, and a quick chat with Kelli later.

So far, it's been somewhat of a routine morning, but i'm looking forward to Michael submitting his medical records to KCC, so he can finally register. I hope he gets the classes he wants! This is an exciting adventure for both of us, and I really hope it all works out!

I'm also going to be posting my current favorites, so I can keep track of how my tastes have progressed in the future.

Current Favorites:
Song: Number 1 - Big Bang
Book: Twentysomething Essays by Twentysomethings
Movie: Inception
Snack: Loacker Milk-Vanilla Wafers <3>PinkStar26

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SEOTS Entry No. 2: The Visciousness That Is Credit: A Warning For Young Adults

Growing up as a young kid and into my teenage years, my parents and grandparents let me in on some valuable information regarding financing. They told me to work hard, and save money for the things I want. Did I listen? OF COURSE! I saved EVERY LAST PENNY. THE END.

I hope you felt the sarcasm in that. I ended up NOT listening, and spending all my money, so that I have practically none in savings. And once you turn 18, suddenly you get all this mail with credit card offers (and if your parents are smart like mine, they'll shred 'em), and it's like "WOW MONEY OOH". But i'm smarter than that (or so I thought). I did not get a credit card at 18, and I am not in debt, and for that I was proud.

So finally sometime last year around Christmas time, I decided that it was time to branch out a little, and get a car of my own. I tried to get a car with no money down, and no established credit whatsoever, and they all but laughed in my face. So I went home, had a little cry, and made a promise that I was going to save up money over the next six months for a down payment.

Someone also recommended going to a credit union to establish some credit, and that's also what I did. So with the advice of a loan officer there, I took out a small personal loan, and paid it off over 6 months, regularly. I was on my way to getting the car of my dreams!

Over time, things tend to change. Priorities shift, and obstacles seem to get in your way, like those tiny, irritating gnats that fly in your face and hover. I made the decision to move out of my parent's home, and move into a one bedroom apartment with my boyfriend. This decision drastically affected my income, and I seriously had to re-budget myself (which I am still constantly doing). Eventually I paid off the loan, and that same day, I went to the bank to see if my newly established credit paid off. Also, my friend had a car for sale, and it was reasonably priced, and I could afford it.

First of all, my loan officer didnt remember me. Okay, understandable. I hadn't seen her in 6 months, and she probably has a lot of customers. But I did learn some other invaluable information that day. I learned how to completely insult someone into wanting to pull their membership from a credit union! Here's how: 1) Don't remember me. 2) Get my information wrong. 3) Talk over me, and dont let me ask questions. 4) Be all over the place with your information, so I can't follow your train of thought. 5) Speak to me in a condescending tone, like I am a delinquent child.

I was so appalled. I looked around at other credit unions, but was denied because of "insufficient credit history". I asked a loan officer from another union and he said that even though I took out a 6 month personal loan, it's practically the same as having no credit history. I was completely floored. All that work was for nothing. Wasted time and interest paid.

So in order to get even the car, I end up having to go back to my original loan officer with my tail between my legs like a bad dog. Shame, shame, know your name.

It's just a really sad process. I did not get a credit card at 18 when I was "pre-approved" because I knew I was not ready for that responsibility. I knew that I would just shop and spend (I can't tell you how many times I went in the negatives in my actual bank account...). I did the right thing. And after the economy crashed and as the credit and loan market became more skeptical and skeptical about lending, I can no longer get lines of credit in my name.

So my question becomes, how does a young, responsible person without any credit history, get approved for a substantial line of credit to start building credit? It's a bad cycle to be in. And it makes me so unbelievably sad and angry. I'm sad that this reinforces the feeling of shame and being an "irresponsible teenager" when I didn't DO anything to deserve this treatment. I'm angry at all the people before me that went and ruined it for the future kids trying to establish themselves. Now no one wants to take a risk, and shun every young person out there. I mean, I understand how it would be a risk to the bank to some extent, but at the same time, they need to listen to each person's story. Stereotypes at its finest.

What really matters though, is that I was still able to get the loan. It is at a higher interest rate, but fortunately they were still able to finance it. The trick is to keep your head up high, and just remember that you shouldn't feel bad for taking responsibility for yourself. It's always going to be an uphill battle, and if you're lucky like I am, you'll have friends and family to help pick you up when you stumble.

There's a lyric line that has helped me through some tough times from Holly Brook's song "All Will Be Forgotten" - This is dedicated to all my friends and family that have ever helped me out when I needed them the most, and I hope they know I'm there for them too.

"All will be forgotten. Every tear you've cried. As soon as you awaken, to what's right in front of your eyes, standing by your side."


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

SEOTS Entry No. 1: Health Crisis!

I hate to start off on a negative note, but I don't understand why people aren't more interested in science and the human body. We've all got one. It's like having a car and not reading the manual; People just kind of "go with the flow" and don't ever wonder if they could be driving more effiiciently. Maybe it's just my questioning and clinical nature.

Anyway, I have been hearing too many people talking about the decline of their health, or family members passing away. It makes me worried and nervous at first, just thinking about how fragile life is, but then transgresses quickly to anger. I'm angry! Why don't people take better care of themselves? I mean, my personal internal conflict alarm (yes, I have one) goes off and says "Well, now, you shouldn't be talking...", and it's true. I'm not in good shape, and I have my own love/hate relationship with laziness and procrastination. But I try not to get sick, and keep my immune system up, so I can focus on getting INTO shape, not keeping myself out.

So, like my status updates on both Twitter and Facebook imply, I challenge everyone to make an effort today and everyday, big or small, to promote personal health. This can range from pushing yourself to run an extra mile today, or just sitting up straight. Any amount of effort is still effort, and can only help improve yourself, so you can do whatever it is you want or need to do.

Here are some tips to give a little positive oomph to your day:

Starting Small:

Desk Job Exercises
While sitting at that desk job of yours (or anywhere for that matter), place a little post-it note at the edge of your computer screen or keyboard with the word "POSTURE" on it. This will be a little reminder to stop slouching, and improve your posture. Improving your posture aids circulation, digestion, muscle and chiropractic health. Not to mention you'll look longer and leaner, even if it's just a few inches. You can also prevent carpal tunnel by doing some wrist and arm stretches, and doing some slow breathing exercises can help focus your mind better for more efficient work.

Chill Out
Know your limits. One of the best things you can do for yourself if you're already in great shape is to know the limits your body is telling you. Don't push yourself into overdrive and exercise until you hurt yourself, and while dieting may be crucial, let yourself indulge every once in a while; It can do miracles for your self-esteem and prevent binging.

Surf the Web
Do some research online. Finding out information about what foods or exercises can gear you up to try new things. Summer is here, which brings an entirely different array of seasonal fruits and veggies, which means a new palette of healthy dishes for you to try. Also, working out outdoors can be a refreshing change of pace for you if you're tired of the same old grays of the indoor gym.

Let Me See Your GRILL
Smile! Even if you don't feel good, greet each person with a smile. This will improve your demeanor towards others and make you more approachable. Also, your facial muscles have "muscle memory", so smiling just may trigger some fond memories to improve your mood.

Bigger Fish to Fry:

Hot Mama
There's nothing better than the feeling you get after knowing you've pushed yourself past your physical goals. When exercising, know your limits, but strive to reach just a little bith farther than you did the day before. There's always room for improvement. You can enhance that post-workout dopamine rush with a long, hot shower. Pay special attention to your muscles that allow you to reach those physical goals. Have an epsom salt bath, or my personal favorite, melt a bath bar from LUSH (try "Karma").

Sometimes It's Not All About You
Instead of opening up your wallet to donate to charities, open up your heart and your schedule. Volunteer some of your time and appreciation for your favorite non-profit organization, and lend a helping hand. You wont get a check at the end of your experience, but you'll get a reward of feeling good about yourself and your actions, and you might even get some physical exercise too.

Switch It Up
Try an entirely different type of workout plan, or a new diet plan. Expand your horizons by exploring a new way to exercise, like yoga, pilates, or even tai chi. This makes it an even better and more fun experience if you can share it with a friend. Also, look for different types of food to aid a new direction in your dieting journey. Switch to low-sugar, or low-sodium, or whatever fits your needs. Or if you're brave enough, try making a big life change and go vegan! See how your body reacts to different methods, and pick the one that's right for you.

Take Nike's Advice and Just Do It
Make an extra effort to keep some workout clothes and a pair of shoes in your car, or have them readily available at home, so when you get the urge to move, there are no excuses in your way. Just get up and go! Even if it's for 15 minutes, EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS. Be prepared for success.

Well, whatever it is you decide to do, commit to it. Don't say no to the cupcake now, and have one for dinner. Make positive choices in your life, and you'll get positive results.
