Friday, July 30, 2010

The Daily Pink!: July 30th, 2010

I was reading through my old blog that I won't mention (mainly because I need to delete a few things...!), and I realized that I have YEARS of blogging. I blogged everyday, if not more than once a day for about 2.5 years! Whoa!

So i'm going to try to get back to that. It will be on this blog, but i'm going to classify it as "The Daily Pink!" entry, instead of a "SEOTS" entry.

So this is entry number 1!

I am currently at work right now, typing away, looking forward to lunch, and a quick chat with Kelli later.

So far, it's been somewhat of a routine morning, but i'm looking forward to Michael submitting his medical records to KCC, so he can finally register. I hope he gets the classes he wants! This is an exciting adventure for both of us, and I really hope it all works out!

I'm also going to be posting my current favorites, so I can keep track of how my tastes have progressed in the future.

Current Favorites:
Song: Number 1 - Big Bang
Book: Twentysomething Essays by Twentysomethings
Movie: Inception
Snack: Loacker Milk-Vanilla Wafers <3>PinkStar26

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