Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Daily Pink!: July 31st, 2010

Today is another Saturday spent at work. Getting paid hourly has it's perks, but not when I've gotta give up a weekend to makeup some hours. Boooooo.

Anywho, I've been thinking a lot about exactly how far i've come in the past years. I know that each new year brings something different; another life lesson to be learned. But I didn't really take notice that it accumulates throughout the years.

So the easiest comparison is to take a survey... that I already took 7 years ago.
Here are my answers:

Originally taken on Saturday, December 6, 2003 - Re-taken on [Saturday, July 31, 2010]

x. Name: Kathryn A. Yadao [Duh]
x. Nicknames: katie, kitty, crippled, stupid... this could go on forever... [hahaha, I get Katie from my high school friends, and Kathryn from everyone else.]
x. Hair color: brown red [Medium brown]
x. Birthday: September 26, 1988 [I think it’s still the same]
x. Eye Color: Dark Brown. [Not really, though. They’re a lighter brown than everyone elses]
x. Siblings: 1 brother and 1 sister. [hahaha, I don’t think that changes either]
x. What's your sign: libra [Duh]
x. Foot size : 11 womens 10 mens... yes, i am a giant [Actually, I’m a 12 now -____-;;;]
x. Crush : isnt that a drink? ;-p [hah.]
x. Who?: hrmmm... casper. [hahahaha! Code name!]
x. Age you act: it could range from 3- 40... depends on my mood. [I think I act my age now… maybe a little older]
x. Where do you live: KALIHI!!! YES, I AM GHETTO! [Makiki]
x. Where do you want to live: manoa... to be closer to school and everything [Hey, I’m getting closer! Haha, I’d still love to live in Manoa]
x. Any board sport : nope [Still no]
x. Birthplace: kapiolani hospital [Same, that will never change]
x. Ever gone skinny dipping?: nope... have i ever wanted to? Nope [NOPE!]
x. What are you watching?: the letters move across the screen [Same! Haha]
x. Last person you talked to? Mommy [Uh, Michael]
x. When do you go to sleep: around 930 ish... basketball is really tiring... [lol! I sleep EARLIER now! Hahaha]
x. Most embarassing moment? STOP ASKING ME THAT!!! [EEE Gads. I have SOOO many.]
x. Stupidest person you know: me... other than that... meeh... [<_<;;]>
x. What are your favorite forms of jewlrey? i love rings... and bracelets... but not necklaces too much... WHITE GOLD IS THE BEST!!! [White gold is STILL the best. I like long necklaces, I like charm bracelets, and I am waiting for an important ring to come along someday.]
x. Ever liked someone too young for you: nah. [Noooo]
x. Do you think you have multiple personalities: hmmm... let me ask kai, ann, takuya, and kouichi.... @_@ [OH JEEZ]
x. Ever walked in on someone changing or showering?: nope. hopefully, it will be some hot guy if i ever do... ;-D [Nope]
x. What is the first thing you say on the phone? hello? [Hello?]
x. What did you you yesterday: went to school, went to manoa marketplace, went to practice, went home. [Got up, went to work, picked up Kelli, went to grab a bubble drink at Shirokiya, dropped Kelli off, went home, slept.]
x. Who was your last crush: no comment. [Michael was my last crush technically.]

x. Fallen for your best friend: well ,he wasnt my best friend at the time... [Yes]
x. Made out with JUST a friend: nope [Technically]
x. Been rejected: nope. i never asked. [Nope, still the same.]
x. Been in love: Yes. [Yes.]
x. Used someone: ummm, not to my knowledge... [Nope]
x. Been used: nope [Yes]
x. Cheated on someone: nope. [Nope]
x. Been in jail: no [Still no]
x. Done drugs: no [^_~]
x. Run away from home: almost attempted to... [hahaha, Why would I run away from home when I pay the rent?]
x. Hit a girl: yah [lol XD]
x. Hit by anyone: yah [Yup]
x. Stolen anything: yah [Not since then lol]
x. Broken a bone: not yet... [I did! My middle finger during basketball practice! Probably soon after this original post]
x. Cheated on a test: sad to say, but yes [Yeah >_<]

x. Gotten drunk: kai has [XD Well, now, IDK! Michael’s bday I’m pretty sure I came close!]
x. Been with two guys/girls at once: nope [No, ew]
x. Been in a hospital: yes [YES <_<]>x. Panic: ??? [At the disco?]
x. Anxiety: yah [Not as bad as before, but still there]
x. Depressed: most of the time [Jeez, no.]
x. Suicidal: sometimes [<_<>
x. Obsessed with hate: too much work [No]
x. If you could be anywhere, where would you be: in an empty jungle fun [Hahaha! That WOULD be fun. Um, I’d be home, cleaning lol… wow, that sounds pretty sad hah.]
x. What are you listening to: me type [Jack Johnson – Constellations]
x. Can you do anything freakish with your body: yah... the hand thing [HAHAHA I forgot about that!]
x. Do you have a favorite animal: panda's [lol, I guess?]
x. Current Clothes: bathing suit top, bball shorts, knee brace, shoes. [lol I don't wear any of those things anymore! I'm wearing white jeans shorts, my "White text on a black shirt" shirt, and a gray vest. And my slippahs!]
x. Current Mood: ok, happy, tired, a little depressed [Isn’t that a little oxymoronic? Lol. I’m pretty good.]
x. Current Music: none [Now it’s Maroon 5 – Through With You]
x. Current Taste: chicken katsu curry [Spry Spearmint Gum]
x. Current Smell: chicken katsu curry [Nothing… office? Lol]
x. Current thing I ought to be doing: cleaning my room [Cleaning my room! Hahahahaha!]
x. Current Desktop Picture: a sunset [Tulips at the office, at home… I think it’s a picture of me, Nicole, Jackie, and Becky at Christina’s wedding]
x. Current Favorite Group: nope [BIG BANG!!!!!!]
x. Current Book: outbreak [Twentysomething Essays by Twentysomethings]
x. Current DVD In Player: rayearth [lololol It’s probably House]
x. Current Refreshment: eh? [Passion Orange juice]
x. Current Worry: that im never gonna move from the spot im in [Finances]
x. Current Crush?: eh? [None]
x. Current Favorite Celebrity: nope [Tom Wellington, you’ll always be in my heart <3]

x. Food and drink: food: korean spicyness drink: root beer or cream soda... [YES KOREAN FTW!... drink? Alo]
x. Song: waaaaayyyy too many[Currently anything from Big Bang! Wewt~]
x. Junk food: hmmm... all of them [Pretty much lol]
x. Sappy love song: geeesh. your talking to ME here... all i DO is sit in my room listening to sappy love songs!!! [XD (it’s still true)]
x. Drink: root beer or cream soda [Alo]
x. Color: either pink, or red and yellow [Pink or Purple]
x. Shoes: vans and my and ones[Converses/Nike Free’s]
x. Candy: payday, or bottle caps [Butterscotch candies or Kit Kats <_<;;]

x. TV Show: inuyasha? [LOLOLOL. House]
x. Movie: too many... well, it depends on my mood... i say outbreak right now... [Hahaha! Outbreak is still one of my faves, but Inception takes the cake right now]
x. Book: too many [Hmmm my indecisiveness hasn’t changed at all]
x. Type of music: alternative rock/ hip hop and r&b... mebbe some rap... [lol, sure]
x. Type of car: the ones that work [Hahaha! Well, I do love trucks <3,>
x. Saying: WAAAAAAAYYYY TOO MANY. [Hah, same.]
x. Fast food: the ones that make you the fattest, always tend to taste the best... [-___-;; Taco Bell/Jack In The Box/Wendys… all of which I try really hard to avoid!]
x. Ice cream: white chocolate mousse from tcby [^_^ I had that recently! It wasn’t as good as I remember lol. I like vanilla bean <3]

x. Emotionally Stable: ummm... no [Hmmmm much more than before…]
x. Shy: sometimes painstakingly... [Not so much, but I have my days]
x. Difficult?: yes, i can be [Yeah, I am, though I try not to be]
x. Attractive: once again... hahahahahahahahaha... i laugh in your face... [<_<;;>
x. Bored Easily: nah, not really... [Nope]
x. Thirsty: not right now [Not atm]
x. Responsible: i can be [Yes!]
x. Sad: yes [No]
x. Happy: yes [Yes]
x. Trusting: yes [Yes]
x. Talkative: i can be [I can be]
x. Unique: nah, i dont think so [Hmmm? I don’t know.]
x. Needy: yah, kind of. [Not so much anymore]

x. Kill: me [Heh, the people that know, know.]
x. Slap: me [Same person]
x. Be like: hopefully i'll live up to half as much as my mom is... [My mom <3]>
x. Friend(s) you've dreamt about: uck. lets not go there... [haha]
x. Friend(s) your tell secrets to: ... uh, jade, nicole, and mike... but only jade, and nicole seem to tell me theirs :-p... j.j. mike [hahaha. Jackie, Becky, Nicole, Michael, Kelli, Hieu. For life!]

x. Number: 26 [Same]
x. Holiday: christmas or thanksgiving... i cant decide [Christmas]
x. Radio station: and it goes a little something like this... 101.9, 102.7, 104.3, 97.5, 96.3, 94.7, 93.1, and 92.3 [97.5?!? oh gawd! Now it’s 93.1, 102.7, 104.3, 101.9, 100.3]
x. Place: theres a little chapel on the nimitz highway... it has a swing for two, outlooking the sunset on the beach... its so pretty there... nobody better take it. i think im gonna get married there if i ever do. [I still kind of want to get married there…]
x. Flower: i dont quite know... [Still not sure, I haven’t gotten enough flowers to know.]
x. Scent: refreshing water and thermasilk... ask Nicole [hahaha whaaat? I like gardenia smells, I like Karma from Lush, and I like Dream from Gap]
x. Relieved? yup. but i bet the people reading this are really ticked off by now... ;-P [I’m not sure how to answer that]

x. School: UH. if not, hcc, kcc, or MAYBE lcc... that's a little too far, though... [KCC for now, Chaminade later]
x. Where you want to live: in my house... in manoa. [Yup, sounds right]
x. How many kids do you want: AHHHH!!! KIDS!!! NEVER!!! nah, i want 3 at the least, and 5 at the most. but never 4... (IF i get married) [Actually yeah, 3-5 is still the same, but 1 would still be a blessing.]
x. What do you want to do when you grow up: i really have no clue... [HAHAHAHA, not much has changed here.]
x. Wedding song: who says im gonna get married? [Who says I’m gonna get married?]
x. Song in your head: feelin it -blink 182- [How Gee – Big Bang]

x. Coke or pepsi: coke [Ew, neither]
x. Cats or dogs: DOGS [I like both now <3]

x. Dvd's or vhs: dvd's [LOL Blue Ray]
x. Deaf or blind: deaf... i know sign language [Same!]
x. Pools or hot tubs: pools [I like both]
x. Tv or radio: radio, but i need to watch tv when im eating dinner... ?_? [Ummmm TV]
x. Cd's or mp3's: mp3's but i dont have a player... [Hahaha, pua ting. I have an MP3 player now.]
x. Apples or oranges: apples [Ew, oranges]
x. Gap or old navy: old navy [Banana Republic XD nah, I still love Old Navy]

x. Cacaed: what? [What?!]
x. Cried: last night. [Um, …. Actually I don’t recall. Probably sometime this month.]
x. Watched a disney movie: i think a couple days ago... [Urrrhhh I don’t remember]
x. Given/gotten a hug: i think it was jackie... we did our little half hug ritual... [LOL What was that again? Jackie do you remember? I got a hug this morning! =)]
x. Been to the movies:last weekend... gothika [Holy crap lol that was a long time ago. Inception!]

Wow, some things have really changed, and some things havent. I was 15 when I did this the first time, and I am now 21. It's a really interesting comparison to make, especially reading through old posts where ! +aLk lYk DiS. <____<;;

How much have you changed in 7 years?

See you tomorrow!


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