Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Geekend Adventures: The Weekend of a Geek - December 24, 25 & 27, 2010

I haven't blogged in a long, long time. It kills me somewhere inside. I promise i'll be better!

Things that happened to me/I realized over the weekend:

1. I should not let my house get to the point where there is an overwhelming mess in every room.
2. Messes eat my soul. I don't know how to properly ward off their black magic.
3. I should de-fur my fan more often.
4. Vaccums shall now be called "Pushie Suckie"s.
5. I love my new pushie suckie!
6. I didn't expect christmas flowers! :D
7. Making corn chowder has proven to be pretty easy, though moderately expensive.
8. If you make enough corn chowder, it can last several days, or possibly even a week! Corn! Chowder! Woo!
9. If you eat corn chowder for several days in a row, you poop corn several days in a row. Just sayin'. ;o)
10. Corn chowder will put you into a food coma that prevent you from going to see the christmas lights.
11. What the hell, vog? Hate you for ruining christmas! I don't care if you're making new land, could you spew your hot smokiness ELSEWHERE? like, EAST?!
12. Vog makes everyone and everything miserable.
13. Wrapping presents, baking cookies, and stealing bells on christmas morning is not exactly the best idea when you have parties to go to.
14. Oh my god, I missed you Animal Crossing.
15. So, I had a dream that I was browsing the web, when I came across something I wanted. I woke up thinking I could totally buy it, and thinking of other things to blow my money on... when I realized I was thinking of my bell balance in Animal Crossing. SIIIIIIIIGH.
16. Wrapping and rushing in vog is pretty miserable.
17. Christmas is full of yummy food, especially arrozcaldo.
18. Slowing down and driving by the city christmas lights is no where near as fun as actually walking through them. :'(
19. Every gamer should have a gamer day with gamer friends. Multiple times a year. Multiple.
20. Gamer friends will give you their potions and antidotes to help make you feel better if your HP gets drained by outside forces. <3
21. I love my friends. I love all of my friends, near and far. I don't remember the last time I laughed so much in one sitting.
22. Surrounding yourself with loved ones is really the beauty of the holidays I think. I feel so lucky.
24. Boston's Pizza + Crab Wontons + Weird Asian drink Shots + Shrimp Tempura + Blueberry Cheesecake = EPIC WIN. TEH MOST EPIC, EPIC WIN. Also, the fact that I get to keep the leftovers is also an EPIC WIN. Kinako mochi FAIL! lol
26. Dehydration leads to headaches that last through sleep. Self medicating with a lot of caffiene is definitely the WAY TO GO. WOO.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's a love/hate relationship. - Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Love/hate never felt so good/bad.
1. Sugar. Ooooh, do I love you. But you're bad for me. So bad in so many ways. My teeth! You poke holes in my teeth. I need those teeth. And you raise my blood sugar content too much. And you make my throat hurt sometimes. Why? WHYYYYYYY
2. Velcro. You are like god's gift to the world. You make things stick to other things by using your ingenious hairy and hook-like textures. But sometimes you are not so cool. Like on grandpa's shoes. Or when you leave that SUPER STICKY FILM on whatever surface you're sticking to. Or when you need the jaws of life to pry you apart from your velcro-soulmate. NOT COOL.
3. Contact lenses. You give me great joy and awe when I can see clearly without my glasses on! It's like I am a perfect human being again, made with eyes that are perfectly functional. So why do you torment me so? I understand that you are in love with my eyeballs, but do you have to stick SO WELL to them when I need to sleep? And then you completely change your mind, like a bi-polar lover, when I want to put you back into my eye! Where did that suction of love go? Can't you see that I need your help? No, you can't see. You're just lenses. And that means I can't see either.
4. My blanket. I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU. Why do you run away from me, in the middle of the night when I need you the most? It's chilly now, don't make me cheat on you with one of your friends - soft guest blanket. Show me your love and wrap me up in your warm goodness! Don't you love me? Why do you sneak out silently when it's the coldest part of the night and have secret rendezvous with the floor?
5. Bean sprouts. You are a very salty and tasty veggie. I like the way you crunch in my various asian soups. But - why must you make me so gaseous? Not even cabbage does this to me like you do. You make my insides swell and force me remain in uncomfortable silence until I get home. Do you know what it's like to feel like a human balloon? No, no you don't. You're just happily crunchy and slim as always.
6. Korean songs. You're so upbeat and fun. Sometimes you're sad and sweet. Most times you have a GREAT melody, that I can sing along to. But NOOOO. I can't speak Korean. I can't pronounce the words. You taunt me with your catchy and fun songs but when I try to follow along I sound like a retarded wookie.
7. Reality TV. What's not to love? Drunken fights, girl drama, hilarious catch phrases - could you ask for a better reality show? But you give me a bad rep, everytime I mention you. I waste an hour per show per week of my life watching you. You are my guilty pleasure.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Geekend Adventures: The Weekend of a Geek - December 3-5, 2010

Things that happened to me / I realized over the weekend:

1. I am running out of shampoo.
2. I have no money after rent. UGGHHH.
3. Woot, my contacts came in! Another appointment on Tuesday!
4. I sleep rather early on Friday nights.
5. I have these bouts of "I HAVE TO CLEAN AND ORGANIZE EVERYTHING" right before I get my period.
6. Why DO they have 2 handicap parking spots next to a hiking trail? (Not being insensitive, but why not just ONE?)
7. 2 miles uphill was not quite as "fun" as I thought it was going to be.
8. 2 miles uphill was easier if thought of as a "mind f-ck". Looking out at the beautiful scenery made it much easier.
9. 2 miles uphill is MUUUUCH easier when paved. ;D
10. When you touch chalk on the ground with sweaty skin, it STAYS there until you use water.
11. WIND is SCARY on a CLIFF.
12. Going 2 miles downhill is hard on my toesies.
13. I like saying toesies.
14. We like Makapu'u.
15. My christmas tree is drying up a little. D:
16. My christmas tree is also called "Tree Spirit". XD
17. Nicole and I have ADD. Most especially together, with a lot of crafty items.
18. Paper makes some awesome makeup alternative; Especially if you're going for that avant-garde, Lady Gaga look.
19. Elmer's glue - safe on eyelids and lips! Not so good on nails.
20. Baby bottle nipples - a lot harder to draw than expected.
21. Baby fetuses with diapers - a lot easier to draw than expected! XD
22. Spilled water on car mat = not good. Moldy smell. Need to dry outside of car.
23. Febreeze (even the air kind) does upholstery good.
24. I forget how much I love Big Bang / Taeyang in the car.
25. I forgot to make new CD's for the 9834983409th time.
27. Michael's piano playing skills are GREAT and even more magical sounding on a grand piano. It is a HAXXORZ.
28. It's nice to nap in the middle of the day for an hour. It's even nicer to get teh snugglez after the nap.
29. It's hard, expensive, and unthrilling to just shop healthy. I need to have a little give and take. YEY CHIMICHANGAS
30. Sam's Club FTMFW.
32. Putting giant snacks into little ziploc bags is fun. Organizing is also fun.
33. I just realized I said "giant snacks" instead of snacks in giant proportions. I'm leaving that because that is a great mental image of myself trying to fit a giant pretzel into a tiny plastic bag. XD
34. Finishing crafts feels accomplishing.
35. Organizing my fridge and cupboard is much more fun than doing homework.
36. Although my bathroom, cupboard, and desk are organized, my clean laundry remains in my laundry basket. XD
37. These next two weeks are gonna be HELLA crazy! =)


Friday, December 3, 2010


I want to be a writer. I've never been able to say something like that with such confidence, but I know that i've always loved writing, reading, and language. It comes naturally to me. I love writing funny things in my free time, and if I could, i'd make it a full-time job (if it paid). I've also been interested in medicine for as long as I can remember, and I don't just want to curb my writing with comedic, creative writing. I want to be a medical writer, and write about health news, and the different pathologies of the human body because it's beyond fascinating. My goal is to work for a company full-time, writing whatever they want me to write, giving me data to transform into eloquent passages, or even just my own section in a newsletter or something.

However - and here's the kicker - what do I go to school for? There's no "medical writing" degree. Well, at least not here. There are a whole bunch of online workshops and whatnot on the AMWA (American Medical Writer's Association) website that I could attend, but I still would have no official credentials from a school.

So, I am pursuing my English degree right now. That's going to take me 4 years in itself. What I CAN do is ALSO major in Health Science, or Anatomy (if offered). That would require me to become a double major, and I honestly don't know if I have the tenacity (or money) for that.

I am soooooo nervous about all of this. I've gotta do extensive research on what credits transfer to which school, which school can offer me the best curriculum, and how I could possibly fit all of this into my life, when I work full-time (and HAVE to work full-time to help support myself and Michael). Could I possibly afford to rack up about $50,000 - $60,000 worth in student loans, and is it even PHYSICALLY possible for me to take on 6-7 classes at a time? Would it be worth it? Would I run myself crazy into the ground if I tried to tackle this? Also, will there be job opportunities for telecommunication (I don't plan to leave Hawaii, ever) when I graduate? I have no idea. And that's what makes me completely bonkers.

In about a week and a half I will end my first semester back at college, taking less than 12 credits. I only had 3 classes this semester, and I'm already stressing about my time schedule. Could I really make time for twice the workload? Twice the academic workload and still take on 40 hours at work? Plus i'm sure i'll need to take opportunities like internships and programs along the way. Is this possible for someone like me? Can this really be done? I don't know. I guess I won't know until I try. Do I have the courage to try?

I'd have to be diligent and dedicated. If I do decide to go down this route - one thing is certain - i'll have to see it through. I won't be able to skate by with half a degree here, and half a degree there. I won't be able to let "real life" get in the way of my studies - which means a slew of future outings and getogethers declined. I'll probably lose friends - the life of a professional student is nowhere near as glamorous as it sounds.

Another option is to continue pursuing my degree in English, but minor in Health Science. I'd have to contact several admissions counselors at different schools, to see if that's even possible. I'm actually leaning toward this route, and have a school in mind, but that would still be an enormous toll taken on me. Why is life so difficult?

(This was the first picture that popped up in google images when I typed in "argh" LOL)

Sorry for the somewhat depressing and stressful topic. Your regularly scheduled verbal diarrhea will shortly ensue!
