Thursday, November 10, 2011


So........ since I don't have anything of real substance to write about right now, here is a list of things I should do today to make myself a productive member of society:

1. Laundry. I tend to wait and wait and WAIT until I have absolutely NOTHING to wear. Flip underwear inside out or go commando. Use sports bras and ugly tops and shorts that no longer fit me. Be uncool for a week. Or simply, just not go out. I do all of this before I actually do laundry. I'd like to think that if I had one of those in-unit washer and dryers, i'd do laundry a lot more often. But the laundry machines are only one flight of stairs below me. When I moved here, I thought i'd be doing laundry ALL the time since I didn't have to drive to a laundromat. I was wrong. :)

2. Dishes. I usually try to pass this job off to Michael, which usually works - it's pretty much the only thing I ask him to do around the house (other than earn income, that is). But my sink is now typically overflowing with dishes and we have no utensils to use anymore. Our sink backs up now (we think our landlord may have forgotten to warn us about maybe emptying the trap? It looks like it used to be a disposal system, but there are no blades or switches), which makes doing dishes FAAAAABULOUS. I love the smell of rotting food and soap. Yum. So i've been diligently avoiding the dishes, too.

3. Pay my phone bill. I could call this in, but I do everything online. This would be seemingly easy, but you don't UNDERSTAND. Once I open the internet, my brain goes into ADD overdrive.
"Okay, I have to go to Verizon's web page to pay my bill. Okay. Oh, I should check if they sent me an e-mail first."
*checks e-mail*
"OMG these shoes are hella cute from DSW. I should checkout their website later. AFTER Verizon. Okay."
*log onto Verizon website, accidentally clicks bookmark to imgur*
"LOL that is sooo funny... I should post this on facebook"
*87324987 pages later...*
"What was I doing again? Hmm."
*Logs onto forums, chat chat chat*
"Ah, i'm tired."
*Play with bunny and nap*

4. Go for a walk. I should do it. Buttttttt there is just so much left that I haven't done at home! The aforementioned few, and also a billion bajillion things on the internet. I have to do ALL the things. Also, i'm lazy. And I don't want to go out. I'll have to - i've gotta bring Michael to work. Maybe i'll go for a drive after that. But for now, I'm really stoked I have internet, cereal, and PJs at the same time, and I shall rejoice in my pantsless, milky wonder. :)

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