Thursday, November 17, 2011


So, in about 64 hours, i'll be on a plane (hopefully in first class) headed to California to spend some time with my aunty. This is kind of a last-vacation-i'll-get-where-i-can-dick-around-and-do-whatever trip before I start my アルバイト (job). Since i've started up watching strange anime again, i've been brushing up on my にほんご(Japanese). すみません、おれがへんです (Don't mind me, i'm weird).

Anyway, next week is also thanksgiving, and my anniversary. I am taking almost two weeks off starting Saturday to really think about the things I cherish most in my life. I have to re-align myself internally to fix things externally. I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking on this trip regardless of what I actually do (stay up late chitter chattering, playing with dogs, ripping my muscles YEAH FISTPUMP).

Also, i'm excited because this time of the year means the mainland gets cold! I can't wait to feel what "cold" is. さむいーくん (Cold-kun)!どうぞよろしくおねがいします(It's nice to meet you, please take care of me)!

What I should be doing:

What I probably will be doing:

In the off chance that you don't read hiragana, the first picture says "OHHHHHM" and the second one says "Zumba! Shall we go? Um... it's cold, isn't it?... It's warm right here... I can't get up" :) The thing next to the dog says "Echo-chan" and the thing next to my hand says "Glove". :3

I probably won't be around for thanksgiving, so... Happy Thanksgiving! :)

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