Monday, November 22, 2010

The Daily Pink!: November 22nd, 2010

Twenty Five Random things you didn't know about me.

1. Sometimes I am much too lazy to even venture out of my pajamas to go and get food. Right down the road. Seriously, 2 minutes away. 
2. There are certain days where I don't feel like a human, and I analyze humans from an objective standpoint.
3. I love picking at scabs, especially on my head.
4. I can make this noise that I use to scratch my throat. I only know one other person that can do this. I sound REALLY sexy doing this.
5. I hate traveling. It's full of germs. And people. I hate germs. And people.
6. I need to have popcorn when I go to the movies. It's never worth it without it. It's like I don't fully comprehend the movie if i'm not munching on some popcorn and mochi crunch.
7. I am addicted to hot water. I try to take the hottest showers/baths. I swear the water is just below scalding. I keep trying, even though it hurts. Was that a profound meaning I just found in the temperature of my bath water?
8. I loved it when my boobs were a C. I hate D's. I really, really do. You have the ability to knock down EVERYTHING with your mammaries, and if you don't know how to harness this power, you WILL knock down everything.
9. I have this large dirt spot on the side of my left athletic shoe that I have yet to wash out. I have no idea where it came from or what it even is. It's been there for months lol.
10. My favorite anime is probably Azumanga Daioh. I need to start a religion worshipping Kiyohiko Azuma.
11. I don't like banana flavored things. That was not a sexual innuendo.
12. I hate that I have short teeth and I have considered cauterizing my gums, or getting braces just to lengthen my teeth (my teeth are already pretty straight).
13. I hate taking showers at night, right before I'm about to go to sleep. It tends to wake me up, and my skin gets really dry and stripped of all it's oils. I hate it when i'm trying to sleep and my feet are dry. I. HATE. IT.
14. I have something called "weekend pants". They're just a pair of grey cotton sweats, but I call them my weekend pants because I often wear them all day on the weekends. Every article of clothing should have a name! :D
15. Sometimes too much sugar makes my throat hurt.
16. I can't sleep on my back. I have to sleep on my stomach. I've been trying to rectify this, but so far, it's been pretty difficult.
17. I hate taking a crap at work. There are so many levels of stress for a woman in the bathroom.
18. There are some words that I like to say wrong in my head so I can remember how to spell them. Phoenix = PHO-EE-NICKS. Economy = ECHO-KNOW-MEE.  Indictment = IN-DIKT-MENT. I am very weird in the head.
19. It feels really weird when i'm in the shower and I mess up the order of washing (shave, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, body wash, rinse body, rinse hair, wash face). Somehow, it feels like I don't get clean enough.
20. I sing really loud  (and dance really loud, too) and pretend i'm some kind of rock star when i'm in my car alone.
21. I wet my toothbrush after I put toothpaste on it, so I always have to be near a sink when brushing my teeth. I also always have to have a tumbler.
22. I usually can't make it through a whole movie at home. I get distracted or fall asleep. I am not sure why, because i'm perfectly capable of doing this in the theater.
23. I get nervous when someone asks me to pass them scissors or a knife. Don't ask me to pass you anything sharp -  something will undoubtedly go wrong and i'll freak out and curl up into a neurotic ball.
24. I think Jolly Rancher sour apple flavor kinda tastes like vomit. It also makes my salivary glands activate by just thinking of it. Why do I like it?
25. I've seriously thought about shaving my hair off. Or getting a mohawk. Or shaving half my head. And then I realize that I have kind of a small head.

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