Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 1st, 2010

Happy Sunday all!

Last night was fun. Michael's family came over to celebrate his belated birthday. It's great to have company, even if it it was a little crowded. And the food, oh my. <3

Today is Sunday, my only day off this weekend. My house is clean, I have little laundry to do, so I plan to be a lazy bum for a few hours. Earlier this morning I dropped off Mazzie at Best Buy to get a alarm installed. I hope they don't screw it up this time!

Sundays also bring my family's dinners. Every Sunday we get together at my brother and uncle's house (they live in the same house). It's nice, (we mainly do it for my brother) but sometimes a hassle. I should be thankful that I have a family that cares that much, though. This Sunday, we are also having a little celebratory get together in honor of my boyfriend's birthday.

I love days off! I may not get much time to myself once school starts though (but i'm still really excited!).

I'll update my favorites once a week =)


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