Friday, July 15, 2011

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

The end of an era has come, and it's so bittersweet.

I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 last night, and it was awesome. Not only was the movie awesome, but the people were too. It was sort of like Halloween for dorks like me, minus the candy, plus the popcorn. I was lucky enough to get invited by Michael's college friends with access to reserved seating. They are the sweetest bunch of Harry Potter dorks that I could nerdrage with. :)

We started the night off with butterbeer jello shots which were awesome, might I add. Making our way through the crowd and making the journey to Starbucks let me get to know some of these people. Reika was older than she looked (older in age + cosplay = hella cool! I hope i'm still nerdy like this when I hit that age too), Amanda is the awesomest for making her Auror jacket herself, and Tash can apparate (lolololol). Also, I met Sam tonight and recognized her from elementary school! It's a small island.

We made our way back, took some pictures, and got everyone situated to go inside. There was a ginormous line, snaking up the stairs and lined up all the way around the block. I've never been so happy to have reserved seating. Michael and I stood in line for our obligatory enslavement to theater popcorn (and mochi crunch!), and found ourselves behind a guy that had "I DID NOT READ THE BOOKS" on his hat. Ah, that guy was sure missing out on life.

The movie itself was awesome, as all Harry Potter movies go. I won't spoil anything, but I did get a little misty-eyed during Snape's part. Oh, poor Snape. The underdog. Anyway, I thought the movie was great, but the ending was a little of a let down. They did change a few things, but they were understandable. My butt was numb from sitting there for just 2.5 hours. After the movie, we stuck around a little bit and said our goodbyes.

A decade has gone by, and I can't believe the journey is over. Harry Potter was my age when I started reading the books, and I sort of feel like I grew with him. Granted, i'm not a witch, but it's a true testament to how books can really take you anywhere. It's sad that we'll never see another Harry Potter film again, or read another book, but I hope that the future generations have something to become enthralled with beyond Twilight (i'm such a hater, lol). Something beyond romantic love stories - something substantial about good and evil, right and wrong, friends and enemies.

And in tribute -

... Mischief managed.

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