Monday, November 22, 2010

The Daily Pink!: November 22nd, 2010

Twenty Five Random things you didn't know about me.

1. Sometimes I am much too lazy to even venture out of my pajamas to go and get food. Right down the road. Seriously, 2 minutes away. 
2. There are certain days where I don't feel like a human, and I analyze humans from an objective standpoint.
3. I love picking at scabs, especially on my head.
4. I can make this noise that I use to scratch my throat. I only know one other person that can do this. I sound REALLY sexy doing this.
5. I hate traveling. It's full of germs. And people. I hate germs. And people.
6. I need to have popcorn when I go to the movies. It's never worth it without it. It's like I don't fully comprehend the movie if i'm not munching on some popcorn and mochi crunch.
7. I am addicted to hot water. I try to take the hottest showers/baths. I swear the water is just below scalding. I keep trying, even though it hurts. Was that a profound meaning I just found in the temperature of my bath water?
8. I loved it when my boobs were a C. I hate D's. I really, really do. You have the ability to knock down EVERYTHING with your mammaries, and if you don't know how to harness this power, you WILL knock down everything.
9. I have this large dirt spot on the side of my left athletic shoe that I have yet to wash out. I have no idea where it came from or what it even is. It's been there for months lol.
10. My favorite anime is probably Azumanga Daioh. I need to start a religion worshipping Kiyohiko Azuma.
11. I don't like banana flavored things. That was not a sexual innuendo.
12. I hate that I have short teeth and I have considered cauterizing my gums, or getting braces just to lengthen my teeth (my teeth are already pretty straight).
13. I hate taking showers at night, right before I'm about to go to sleep. It tends to wake me up, and my skin gets really dry and stripped of all it's oils. I hate it when i'm trying to sleep and my feet are dry. I. HATE. IT.
14. I have something called "weekend pants". They're just a pair of grey cotton sweats, but I call them my weekend pants because I often wear them all day on the weekends. Every article of clothing should have a name! :D
15. Sometimes too much sugar makes my throat hurt.
16. I can't sleep on my back. I have to sleep on my stomach. I've been trying to rectify this, but so far, it's been pretty difficult.
17. I hate taking a crap at work. There are so many levels of stress for a woman in the bathroom.
18. There are some words that I like to say wrong in my head so I can remember how to spell them. Phoenix = PHO-EE-NICKS. Economy = ECHO-KNOW-MEE.  Indictment = IN-DIKT-MENT. I am very weird in the head.
19. It feels really weird when i'm in the shower and I mess up the order of washing (shave, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, body wash, rinse body, rinse hair, wash face). Somehow, it feels like I don't get clean enough.
20. I sing really loud  (and dance really loud, too) and pretend i'm some kind of rock star when i'm in my car alone.
21. I wet my toothbrush after I put toothpaste on it, so I always have to be near a sink when brushing my teeth. I also always have to have a tumbler.
22. I usually can't make it through a whole movie at home. I get distracted or fall asleep. I am not sure why, because i'm perfectly capable of doing this in the theater.
23. I get nervous when someone asks me to pass them scissors or a knife. Don't ask me to pass you anything sharp -  something will undoubtedly go wrong and i'll freak out and curl up into a neurotic ball.
24. I think Jolly Rancher sour apple flavor kinda tastes like vomit. It also makes my salivary glands activate by just thinking of it. Why do I like it?
25. I've seriously thought about shaving my hair off. Or getting a mohawk. Or shaving half my head. And then I realize that I have kind of a small head.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mandatory Sex Parties! This is not an original phrase, I'm a BIG FAT PHONY. D: That's not original either! :<

I feel like my brain is going to implode.
So all day at work, i've been reading random blogs (especially Hyperbole and a Half) and damnit, don't you just hate it when you read the most amazing pieces of work, and you think to yourself "why didn't I come up with that?" and you start swearing loudly and incoherently (so much so that your coworker thinks you have Tourette's syndrome)? And then you start thinking to yourself "...wh-what would happen if I just happen to... uh... model my next few blogs after... uhh... this person's blogsssSSss...?" and then your sensitive guilt radar conscience kicks in and says "Nooooo, no no no no no. That's COPYING. People will HATE you for COPYING. Then you'll just be a phony. A BIG FAT PHOOOONY."
And then you sigh to yourself, wondering if you'll ever be able to come up with anything slightly innovative.
Then you have this GREAT idea, like when you ran with the idea to make a Craigslist/Facebook hybrid for resumes and talent, and then you google random stuff like "craigslist facebook resumes talent" and ask a few friends if they've ever heard of anything like that... And then they say "...linkedin..." ...
And while overusing your ellipses some more, you come to the conclusion that you might not be a genius after all. In fact, you'll probably never be a genius and create something that makes you feel full to the brim with happiness in the manifestations of rainbows and marshmallows and happy gnomes and ponies (did I just describe a Lucky Charms commercial?).
Then you feel like a little dusty black hole of sadness and emo tears.
And your face will look like this:  :<
Or maybe even this:   D:
Those happen to be some of my most favorite faces.
But this was the exact situation that i've plopped myself in today. Allie Brosh takes my two favorite things, really, forcibly makes them have sex (Mandatory Sex Party? It had to have been.), to create this wildly addicting baby of webcomics and blogging. WHAT. YES. It's almost holy, it's so good. It's a fiesta in my eyes. It makes me giggle and sometimes full on laugh at work (reinforcing the Tourette's theory my coworker has, or possibly even adding bi-polarity to the mix).
I've got a storm brewing in my head, like a coffee pot that's been double brewed (you know, when you make coffee, change the grounds for fresh ones, pour the coffee in the water section, and brew all over again... TRY THIS IF YOU WANT TO STAY AWAKE FOREVAR); it's really intense and you know it's gonna give you this amazing high, but has the potential for a serious crash. Perhaps... I could... possibly... integrate... my webcomic-ry into... my... blog? Maybe? I've just gotta disguise it really well. Because I don't wanna be a copy cat. It's not cool.
I'm hoping by announcing the source of my inspiration, I can avoid any copy cat accusations. :D Catch all? Like a disclaimer? :D :D :D Right? RIGHT? RIIIIIIGGGGHHHTTT??? :D
If my brain indeed implodes, and assuming I am still a dusty black hole of sadness and emo tears, does that mean there won't be any mess to clean up?

The Daily Pink!: Friday, November 19th, 2010

You know what they need to make? A usb with an arrow on one side, signifying that that's the side that faces up when in your usb slot. JESUS! I know i'm not the only stupid monkey person that is all "Hurr, I've flipped this thing like 10 times and I still can't get it in hurr". Why does this torture my feeble mind?
Today is Friday! I love Fridays. Do you know why? No? Well i'll tell you in the form of a list!
1. I especially love this Friday because it also happens to be payday.
2. I like staying up on a shit load of coffee so it feels like my weekends stretches out longer.
3. Everything amazing happens on Friday nights.
4. It is a proven fact that most babies are made on Friday nights. =O
( I just made that up, but doesn't that sound plausible?)
5. I finally feel like a 22 year old on Friday nights, playing video games, staying up past 10:30, and hanging out with friends. Sunday - Thursday i'm 40 years old.
These are basically the reasons in which Friday roxxorz.
Also, if you haven't read Questionable Content, you really, really should. BUT you should probably start with the archive because the most recent comics are kinda spoilers. This comic has actually made me quite depressed lately because it feels like i've grown up with these fictional people and right now it's saaaaaaaaaaad. Is it irrational that I am sad because some pixels are sad? Am I becoming a shut-in (just like MARIGOLD, yet another reason why I AM MARIGOLD)? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF MY LIFE?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
... Anyway, It is only yet the start of my day today, so we'll see how the rest of it goes.
I've gotta work late today, and I also have to go to my parents house.
After that, the real fun begins.
With Mabo Tofu.
And Mario Party.
And coffee.
Seriously, who could ask for more?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Whoo, today has been so busy that i've had to post this blog at 10:00pm!

I like writing papers, I really do. I suppose that's a good thing for an English major? It is also a good thing that I finished my paper a whole 7 hours before it's due! This is an amazing feat for me. I should throw a party.
I've been thinking a lot about this upcoming holiday season, and some of the goals that I want to accomplish before 2011 comes around.

First of all, I LOVE the holiday season. November thru February really are my favorite months. Most especially November/December. As time goes on though, Christmas in particular gets more and more expensive over the years. Gift monetary amounts increase with salary/wage increase? Or maybe the more friends you collect, the more you pay? Maybe both. Either way, every year, it seems that I tell myself and my close friends that i'll be doing cheap gifts this year, and somehow I end up spending more and more. I blame awesome marketing. And for the record, "i'm going cheap this year!" to all my friends. =P I'll probably have to curb my spending seriously this year because of adulthood all catching up to me and what not. Hurr hurr bills hurr.
But besides the gifts, I love the cold (Hawaii cold) weather, and general atmosphere of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Super fun! Although I do remember there being quite a lot of grouchy people in the mall when I used to work there. My condolences to all you mall workers! I'll try not to be a grouchy patron. November also brings me and Michael's anniversary, and Thanksgiving. There will be yummy food on both of these days, for sure. Also, I get Thanksgiving off from work and school. Any month where I get a holiday is a good month.

Some things I want to accomplish before the year ends:

1.) I need to get my gym butt back in gear. I've been doing the avoidance dance, and what's worse is i've been as broke as a joke lately, so I haven't been sticking to my diet. I'm going to try to go to the gym as often as possible on winter break!
2.) Successfully plan a baby shower! This is going to be tough, especially because I have to plan something that's probably going to happen during my exam week. Hugablughablugh.
3.) Crank out at least two more SEOTS blogs, do at least two more beauty reviews, and possibly gain one more blogger follower? Or maybe someone subscribing to my RSS feed? Something.
4.) Get all my shopping done at LEAST a week before Christmas! No more last LAST minute shopping for this shopper.
5.) Drink my peppermint moooochaaaaa.
6.) Find a cute red dress (and a nail polish to match) for my first Christmas picture!
7.) Find decorations for my Christmas tree!
8.) Not spending anymore unnecessary money. I know this is obviously HARD to do, seeing as a peppermint mocha is not exactly necessary, and costs money. Also, I suppose I could reuse my black dress, buuuut that's not very Christmas-y of me, is it? It is very important to be one with the holiday spirit. ;o)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, because i'm in the middle of a war zone right now. The war on sleep, that is. My brain... seems to want to blog instead of getting some decent shut eye. My eyes are declaring a mutiny, and i'm about to start snoring with my eyes open soon.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Geekend Adventures: The Weekend of a Geek - November 12-14, 2010

So I'm gonna cut back on the Buddha-ful entries, since I have absolutely no money for healthy food, lol.
Also, notice that I put the 12fth to the 14th. I count Friday nights the start of my weekend.
Here are a list of interesting things that happened to me  (or I realized) over the weekend:
1. I will never be able to clean my room completely.
2. Leaving the cap open on upside down body wash tends to deplete your supply. Quickly.
3. Coincidently, I bought new body wash. =P
4. I finally DLed uTorrent. It took me about 2 years to do this. XD
5. I should just stop sweeping and mopping my floors because they'll just be invaded by drips and drops again. Also, hair.
6. Coffee cubes of doom! (blog to come!).
7. Sadly, we ran out of creamer.
8. Even more sad, we ran out of coffee.
9. I have a baby shower to plan.
10. My parents came back from their travels! They brought me goodies! YAY!
11. Because I was so wired on coffee, I decided to head to the gym around midnight. Strangely enough, it was more populated than 10pm.
12. Grooming myself after a month of not doing this takes a LONG time.
13. Michael burned pancakes. He never does this.
14. I have friends that help organize my room. This has happened at least yearly since I was about 15 probably.
15. I have friends that jack statuses while i'm on the throne!
16. I love Bleach (the anime, not the product).
17. I am Marigold. I cannot stress this enough.
18. I take FOREVER to get ready if I wanna shower, straighten my hair, and apply makeup.
19. I found a nice China Glaze red color for the holidays! (blog to come on HGG)
20. Zap Cafe. It's pretty damn awesome.
21. Getting caught like a deer in headlights in the middle of a Christian service is REEEEAAAALLLLYYY AWKWARD. 
22. I really love the sound of the guitar.
23. I really do wish I was brave enough to hop on a mic and sing my heart out.
24. I have problems hanging up my clothes after they come out of the dryer.
25. I have intense bed hogging qualities.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Thursday, November 11th, 2010 LATELATELATE

LATE LATE LATE! Gomen nasai!
Anyway, things may look a little different around here. True, this is still a blogger template, but it's nice to look at, and I honestly won't have much time to make my own until winter break.
Soooooo today is actually FRIDAY, but I might as well tell you what went on yesterday (and the day before).
I've had a NASTY run of luck lately... well, I've just had a terrible week. It's list time!
Things that happened that made my face look like this: D:<
1.) I've been working on a project at work for the past MONTH and my deadline gets pushed up. To yesterday.
2.) So I rush to get all the work done, and skip lunch.
3.) I find out that my bill goes through early, and subsequently bounces.
4.) I have no money.
5.) The cash I do have on me, I use to buy lunch after work. I go to Wendy's, thinking it'll be cheap and quick (I have to get to class, too). The drive-thru line is 321653235 miles long, so I just park my car, and go inside. There's a line, but it's not too long. I wait about 5-6 minutes in line, then order from this dude at the cash register. Apparently the ladies that make the food don't like this guy, and they ignore him when he tells them my order. I have all but one item in my bag, and the guy proceeds to ask where it is. Everyone ignores him. Granted, it's busy, but c'mon. I proceed to wait for another 15 minutes of yelling and bickering, and I finally get my order. I was soooo tempted to call in the manager, but I was in a rush and I was hungry so whatever.
6.) I missed the Rainbow Inviational this year for my STUPID religion class. (The Rainbow Invitational is a pretty dorky thing. All the marching bands from all the high schools across the state come and do field shows. At the end the UH band does one for all the students that participated. It's actually a lot of good fun... It's like a sport. You've got a favorite team (band), you cheer for them, you eat nasty things like nachos and fries, and you get soaked because it always rains and you ALWAYS forget a poncho. It's great. I've been going since I was young, since my sister was in colorguard in high school. And also, it's got a nostalgic, romantic feeling attached with it. It was the place and time when Michael and I reconnected. If I hadn't gone to the Rainbow Invitational in 2004, I would not be in the relationship I am in now.)
7.) Something else happened that I should probably not talk about on my blog, but let's just say it was a realization and a swift uppercut to the heart.
And that was only Wednesday's mishaps.
8.) Yesterday was veteran's day, and I had work. Biggest fail.
9.) I've gotta call my school for course overrides. =X
But some things that made my face look like this: :D
1.) No school yesterday! Epic win.
2.) I got to watch a shit ton of Bleach episodes. I'm at... 203 now?
3.) Today I should be done with this stupid project for work, and hopefully I get back to typing.
4.) Today is the last day the boss will be in office, till he leaves for a trip. Ahhh~ exhale.
5.) Today is FRIDAY. Tis the start of the weekend!
6.) I have a pizza pocket for lunch ^___^ I forgot how much I like these... (and how terrible they are for you :<)
The plans for this weekend (probably in this order... though I might procrastinate on homework):
1.) Homework: English - editorial, History - Judge Dee paper and assignment.
2.) ORGANIZE MY CRAP. I think I might need to recruit Nicole.
3.) Make new audio CDs for Mazzie.
4.) Workout.
5.) Groom.
6.) Blog.
Awesome sauce.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Buddha-ful: Being broke suxxorz, and late is better than never?

Day No.: 20
Today I'm Feeling: Hungry!
The last thing I had to eat/drink was: Pickled Mango! Yum~

So I originally was going to blog about me forgetting my lunch (hamburger curry w/tofu!) and Michael nomming on it, but unfortunately, I was so busy at work, that I had to wait until I got home to post anything. So I am sitting here at home with my lovely pickled mango, which is taking me FOREVAR to eat through. I swear I've had this same bottle for over a year (or two). It migrated from my parent's house to my apartment. Still, I love it so.

I've had a bad day, and I don't really wanna talk about it, and I kinda wanna just bury my face in my pillow and blanket and sleep it off, but alas, I've got school. BLERGH.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

SEOTS No. 6: "I'm on the pursuit of happiness, and I know, everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold."

So I quoted Kid Cudi, sue me.
I like money. I like having money. I like spending money. I like saving money. I like money in my bank account.
I want good food. I want a tablet notebook. I want a Toyota Tacoma one day. I want a puppy and a kitty. I want a 2 bedroom apartment near the ocean. All of these things are pretty materialistic, and they all cost money.
However, in order to get money, I've gotta get to work. Right now, a job is a job is a job is a job. Having a job equals having money. I am a young, twenty something student, and I have a job. I go to work every morning for 8 hours, then I go to school, and then I go home. I don't necessarily like my job, nor do I see myself doing this for a long time. As long as it pays my rent, car payments, car insurance, electricity, phone, and internet bills, i'm okay (food and gas would be nice too). A job is a job is a job is a job.
But recently, I've been hustling. I've been hustling to track down whatever kind of career paths I can find. I want to write. I want to write so bad. I finally found something I could probably do for the rest of my life. I can see myself as a writer, and it's something obtainable. Being a writer is generally not a lucrative field, but I feel it can give me the sort of happiness I seek. The happiness I want includes time to spend with family, a small family of my own someday, and an opportunistic educational future for my children. And even though these things are not necessarily materialistic, they do indirectly require money. If I want to start a family, I need money to raise a child. Diapers, formula, toys, babysitter charges and other miscellaneous items all cost money. Free time to spend with my family also costs money. I need to make ENOUGH money during work hours to compensate for time off. Sending my children to private schools also costs a lot of money.
I believe that it is so important not to let money decide what you dream about. Just because you don't have enough money doesn't mean you can never attain your dreams. The hustle and the connections we make to reach our goals is more important than any amount of money. So many people are concerned with everyone around them - what they SHOULD be doing instead of what they COULD be doing. Have you ever asked yourself what other people your age are doing? Have you ever doubted what you ARE doing? I have. I know many people that have mimicked their peers because they believe it's what they should be doing, when in reality, they could be doing so much more for themselves and for others around them. Why limit yourself? Why limit your happiness? Why should you blindly follow everyone else's standards, instead of setting your own?
Happiness doesn't exist in following anyone else's path but your own. Happiness doesn't come from an iPhone, a truck, or a size 00 waist. Happiness comes from the freedom of thought and action. Keep going until you can't go anymore, and don't let anyone stop your happiness. If you're worried that happiness is not the only thing you need, you shouldn't. When you are happy, positivity will come through you, and everything will seem to take care of itself.
I got a friendly reminder of happiness last Saturday. I went to grab an acai bowl and was enjoying it, when I saw the happiest couple. Two women were sitting outside enjoying their breakfast, and chatting. One woman leaned over and planted a kiss on the cheek of the other, and grabbed her hand and smiled warmly. There was a small moment of silence, and a lingering look that spoke volumes. It seemed to say that she could see no other, and no one else mattered. The whole scene probably lasted 5 seconds, but it still was a beautiful reminder that you don't have to fit in the perfect mold to find true happiness. On my drive home after enjoying that delicious bowl of yumminess and witnessing that little peek of sun through the clouds, I then saw an old man (he looked like a bum to be honest) riding his bicycle on the other side of the road. He had some leaves or produce on the back of his bike, and he was grinning a somewhat toothless smile ear to ear. On the front of his bike was a sign made out of cardboard. From a distance, I thought it was a "please help" sign, or a "Homeless, donations please" sign, but I was surprised when it only said "God Bless". Even though my thoughts on god or "God" or any religious community is still up in the air (hah), it warmed my heart to see this old man so happy. Happiness is for everyone, no matter race, gender, sexual preference, social status, or beyond.
The moral of the story is that I encourage everyone to seek their happiness. Keep chasing that dream, no matter what people say or do, and work hard at it. Break boundaries, break molds, feel uncomfortable. That's the only way any of us will ever grow.
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got." - Anthony Robbins

Monday, November 8, 2010

Buddha-ful: I don't like the name Russel, but Russel Stover got the GOODS.

Day No.: 18
Today I'm Feeling: Like I wanna cheat cheat cheat
The last thing I had to eat or drink was: A sugar-free dark chocolate Russel Stover's Coconut candy! They're SUPER tasty! mmm =)
It seems that I go backward each time I do this. Sigh.
Anyway, this weekend was pretty much a total bust. I had an acai bowl on Saturday morning, and lets just say that was the last time my weekend saw something remotely healthy. Well, no suppose that's not true... I had a mock chicken burger with a shit ton of veggies, but with some bread. It was whole wheat though!
Also, I have no idea how this next month of November is going to be, really. I've got barely any money for food this month, so I might have to resort to a fast food week soon. Yeah, i'm not proud of it, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Live and learn. Hopefully the end of this month will produce better food for me.
One upside though - one of my coworkers is diabetic, and I guess he had some sugar-free candy for Halloween, so he dropped some by my office. I never thought Russel Stover's candies were any good, but now that i've seen the sugar-free life, this is a heaven sent treasure! Holy smokes. I had a milk chocolate coconut candy (like mounds), and a dark chocolate one. They were both super awesome! They aren't as sickly sweet as normal candy, but i'll be damned if I didn't love it. MMM. I may have found my life saver! I can pop one of these babies after a salty meal and my sweet tooth will be soothed.
I had a whole wheat 6 inch club sub for lunch! MMM =) I'm thinking curry and tofu for dinner! Double yum.
Have a great day!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Buddha-ful: Rice may be gone, but my love for deep fried things are not.

Day No.: 15
Today I'm Feeling: Tired, and i've got a small headache
The last thing I had to eat/drink was: Lumpia =O and some water
Damnit. So I started this morning off pretty good with 1/2 cup of oatmeal, some blueberry preserves, and almond milk with a little bit of agave. I'm trying to use less and less agave, so we'll see how that goes. BUT today I was rather busy, and one of my co-workers got some lumpia for me (eggrolls, Filipino style), from one of my favorite places - Alyssandra's lumpia express. So of course, I had some! Blargh. I did enjoy it thoroughly, though.
I've got a small headache today mainly from lack of water I think. I'm working on hydrating.
This weekend, I'm going to reset all the bad things i've eaten this week, and hopefully plan out food for next week. Sometimes (and more often than not) things don't go as we plan, but i've gotta remember that it shouldn't hinder me planning anyway. I'm going to start integrating fresh fruits next week, in the mornings.
So breakfasts should be: oatmeal + fresh fruit (i'm gonna try and cut out the preserves... they're pretty sugary), or eggs + bacon, fresh acai bowls (with coconut, not apple juice), or fruit + cottage cheese. 
I've been SOOO addicted to Yook Gae Jang lately. I got it three times this week already! I already know that i'm going to get it again over the weekend. I love the rain, and the food it brings. YUM.
Although, every year I do a little self-tradition at the evil Starbucks. Every holiday/rainy season, I get myself a peppermint mocha. I just LOVE it when it's cold, and you've got some warm coffee (and besides, peppermint just TASTES like christmas). I don't know if i'll be able to do that this year, since i'm trying to stay away from the whole sugar thing. Maybe they'll come out with a sugarless peppermint syrup, just for little old me. =)
I dunno what we're having for dinner tonight, but I better behave. Today's lunch was a failure. Maybe i'll make some turkey chili with olives. MMM.
Have a successful weekend! =)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Daily Pink!: November 3rd, 2010

I think i'm going to make TDP! officially a listed entry!
1. My new office is closer to the bathroom and lunch room. Also, I have more people to talk to down here! That's kind of a double edged sword though.
2. My lovely boyfriend Michael cleaned up the house for me! I am indeed a lucky girl.
3. I am giving up Starbucks. This is a good thing because it's gonna save me a jillion dollars and a jillion sugar calories. Starubucks price is proportionally equal to sugar calories. It's a well known fact.
4. I don't think I have ANYTHING planned for this weekend, so I can finally RELAX and get some of my priorities straightened out. It feels like I didn't have a weekend last week! But I did manage to get my field research out of the way, so that's good.
 5. I get paid tomorrow! WOOT
1. I got moved! I liked my own little personal office up there.
2. I'm hungry, and have no idea what I want for lunch.
3. It's THUUURRRRSDAY. This means I have homework due, and also, I was supposed to read my novel by today. I've got about 150 pages to go, and only two hours to do it. FML.
4. I've gotta go grocery shopping soon with close to no money. Damn rent.
That's pretty much all that happened to me today. I am not an interesting being, apparently. =o

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Buddha-ful: Starbucks is the downfall of us all.

Day No.: 13
Today I'm feeling: Decent, but I think that's the caffiene/sugar talking
The last thing I had to eat/drink was: A stick of sugar-free gum
Okay, i'll admit it: I knew that the Chai latte had sugar in it. BUT HOT DAMN I didn't know a TALL had 35 grams in it!
Soooooo I suppose my venti didn't bode well with me this morning. JEEZ.
Not to mention, I had a SCONE this morning. It wasn't worth it. Serves me right.
I've pretty much fallen almost all the way off the bandwagon, but i'm still hanging on by a sinuous thread. I'm going to take some time to get back up, but I've not given up yet.
I'll post this up on twitter in a bit, but last night I had some super awesome Yook Gae Jang. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the term, it's a Korean soup dish that I am smitten with. It does include a little carb - cellophane noodles - but they're really minimal. Cellophane noodles (or glass noodles as they're sometimes called here) are made from mung bean. Beans are generally classified as legumes, but can get a bit heavier in calories, so many people stay away from it. Personally, I think they're fine.
Anyway, Yook Gae Jang is a sometimes spicy soup that includes shredded beef, egg, green onion and noodles. It's been AMAZING in this cold weather (by cold, I mean RAINY. It's probably averaging about 75 degrees with all this rain). In most Korean BBQ spots around here, it comes with 3-5 choices of vegetables. I like choi sum, bean sprouts, tofu. egg omlettes, kim chee, and the occasional potato (not as of late). I'm actually probably going to get some today for lunch ^__^, and possibly more for dinner. It's soooo addicting, and not that bad for you at all.
It looks like my schedule is going to change drastically next semester, and i'll probably become a day student, or maybe even go completely online. The thought of staying in my jammies almost all day is pretty awesome... but I hear procrastination ringing, and sometimes the spent gasoline is worth getting an A instead of a C. This also means that I may have an awesome workout schedule! I've been trying to fit working out into my daily schedule, but sleep trumps working out, anyday. Monday through Thursday is completely blocked out, so I only have the weekend as of now. But I can possibly fit an early morning workout before class starting January, so i'm looking forward to getting my classes set up.
Well, that's it for today. I learned my lesson while reading that scary nutritional value information online. No more Chai lattes for me, and most definitely no more scones. I'm thinking of getting the full-leaf Chai tea and adding some soy in it instead. Also, eating oatmeal at home will be much cheaper and much more healthy. I have fallen a long way, and good god, this horse is tall. I've got a ladder here somewhere...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Daily Pink!: November 2nd, 2010

Damnit, why does every entry in my head start off in list format? Screw it, I'm making a list whether you like it or not, because I WANT TO.
1.) It's election day, and I pay absolutely no attention to politics because I hate politics. I am also a lazy bum. Blah blah blah.
2.) So because it's voting day, all the public schools are closed, which means I have no class tonight! Go go public education~ w00t! Therefore, I got to sleep in this morning, which led me to doing my hair. As I said earlier, I ALWAYS try to re-create the magic that stylists use in my hair to style it the same way the day after. No such luck today, kiddies. All the stylist did yesterday was blowdry my hair straight, with a little curl in at the end. it's pretty basic. I managed to get it somewhat straight with a little curl, but damn if it's not frizz-tacular. My stupid hair doesn't naturally go into locks at the end, so when I brush/blowdry it, each strand kinks up and does it's own thing. MAN, WTF. And I KNOW that the back of my head is still wavy probably. At least my bangs still look cute though. =)
3.) This morning the Starbucks I went to had no perfect oatmeal, so somehow while my eyes were set on the oatcake, my mouth went and ordered the croissant instead. That is definitely NOT part of the diet. Yeesh. No more carbs for me today. I'm gonna work out at the gym tonight, although I have a feeling that it's gonna be CROOOWWWDED. Oh boy.
1.) I have hamburger curry leftovers for lunch today. Michael made AWESOME hamburger curry last night, with mixed veggies and tofu. We used the angus ground hamburger instead of the regular kind, and it really makes a difference! We are getting angus from now on... mmm. What's even better is the fact that I don't miss rice at all. It's pretty amazing. I loved rice, especially white rice, and now I don't think about it at all. If anything good came out of that first week of total carb solitude, it was that. I do still crave pasta, bread, and potatoes though. And brownies. ;-)
2.) In approximately 6 days, my lease is up. I can't believe it's already been 6 months at my new place! It's been soooo amazing to live on our own... I'm finally at a place I want to be in my life/relationship, and I definitely feel like an adult. I mean, it's a scary thing... you've got bills up the yin yang, and if you don't pay those bills, they will come after you. But just going through the motions of being an adult and taking responsibility for your actions is exciting and nervewracking, especially for someone that's got anxiety issues. I can't tell you how many dreams i've had with bill collectors chasing me! Hah! We will be renewing our lease for another 6 months if it's offered because we love it so much there. =)
3.) It's almost the end of my shift THANK GAWD. I need to git outta here and I was going to go get another chai... although that is probably a very bad idea. I'm so addicted to soy chai lattes right now.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Buddha-ful: Le Sigh

Day No.: 11
Today I'm Feeling: Sugar Happy D:
The last thing I had to eat/drink was: Reduced fat turkey bacon with egg whites atop a whole wheat ENGLISH MUFFIN =/ And also a 'no water' chai tea latte with soy

So, this weekend was shot to hell.
After Friday's mishap, I kind of abandoned ship and ate like it was my last days on earth. Well, no, not that bad, but it kinda felt like I was let out of the invisible cage and went all bazonkers.

Friday night I had grilled chicken and salad, but also a dessert =/ Does it count if I only ate half one day and half the next? =O

Saturday... I think I had steak, eggs and salad for breakfast, which is pretty good. Then my family and I went to the Laie Mormon Temple's re-dedication opening (or something like that... it only happens once or twice in a lifetime, so it was pretty special for my brother and sister-in-law, who are mormon, and got married in that temple). For the first time, we got to see the rooms they were baptised and married in, so it was a very nice trip. Anyway, we stopped by a local taco shop that my brother's friend owned, so I got a taco salad. Yeah, yeah, it had some rice in it, and I may have had a few nachos here and there. Ah, the slippery slope gets slipperier (izzat a word?). For dinner, since I was still quite full from the salad, I had a Jamba Juice and one of their small pizza things. That was possibly the best-tasting and worst-for-me combinations, I know. Bread + a buttload of sugar = AHHHH.

Sunday... I had an Acai bowl for breakfast (MOAR FRUUTZ WHY OH WHY) BUT I replaced the sugary apple juice for coconut milk. If anyone is an acai bowl fanatic, they should really try this combination. Simply AMAAAAZING. But then I didn't eat for the rest of the day because I went to see my nephew sing in his church choir. Yes, technically I went to church, and it was a Mormon service. This weekend has been very weird for me. Anyway, it was also my dad's birthday yesterday, so we went to dinner in celebration. After church, my mom and I got our hair done, and then headed over to the EVIL PASTA HAVEN A.K.A. Buca Di Beppo. Michael and I arrived late because I had to pick him up, so the food had been preordered by the time we got there. We had fettuccini alfredo, spaghetti and meatballs, meditteranean salad, calamari, seafood pasta, and eggplant parmigiana. Sooo, I hadn't had anything besides the acai bowl all day, so I was RAVENOUS and ATE IT ALL. EVERYTHING. I EVEN ATE THE SILVERWARE. Hah, the silverware would have been low carb at least. But I did have some of everything. Not to mention I had a few bites of the brownie/ice cream combination... but not a lot! =O

I am happy to say though, that I didn't have ANY candy yesterday. I mean, it's a given, of course, but that's one thing I can actually say I didn't eat. Well, I didn't eat a llama either, but that's beside the point.

So, I've given it some thought, and I might have to make some revisions to this plan. I guess going on a double diet was a bit much at first, and as much as I hate to do so, i've gotta back pedal a little bit. I know i have given rice up for sure. I don't really miss it at all, so that's something simple I can do. I miss bread and pasta the most, but bread isn't so great for me. I'm prone to yeast complications, so I think I should leave bread out (whoops, english muffin for breakfaaaast). I'm gonna keep oatmeal in, but in small amounts. Pasta... is tough. I'm going to limit myself. Whole wheat pasta maybe once every two weeks or whenever I can't avoid it (like at potlucks, and/or italian restraunts). Now sugar is a whole 'nother beast. I think, for right now, sugar is something I need to moderate more than carbs. Granted, they're kind of linked because carbs = sugar, so i've gotta moderate both. But anyway, I think i'll stick to splenda and/or other non-sugar sweeteners for things like oatmeal, coffee, and possibly even ice cream (though the ice creams made with splenda are crappity). So, it's the same diet, just taken back a notch. Going totally carbless/sugarless is not an easy task, and I didn't even really do it the whole time. I had oatmeal twice last week, and also agave syrup. We'll see if going carbless/sugarless is really in my future, or if I can get my health in a good place while taking it a little slower.

I feel kind of sad that I won't be going all out, but at the same time, I think taking it down a little will help improve my stamina overall.

Now if I could just get santa to get me some Pana-C for Christmas... =)
