Friday, November 12, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Thursday, November 11th, 2010 LATELATELATE

LATE LATE LATE! Gomen nasai!
Anyway, things may look a little different around here. True, this is still a blogger template, but it's nice to look at, and I honestly won't have much time to make my own until winter break.
Soooooo today is actually FRIDAY, but I might as well tell you what went on yesterday (and the day before).
I've had a NASTY run of luck lately... well, I've just had a terrible week. It's list time!
Things that happened that made my face look like this: D:<
1.) I've been working on a project at work for the past MONTH and my deadline gets pushed up. To yesterday.
2.) So I rush to get all the work done, and skip lunch.
3.) I find out that my bill goes through early, and subsequently bounces.
4.) I have no money.
5.) The cash I do have on me, I use to buy lunch after work. I go to Wendy's, thinking it'll be cheap and quick (I have to get to class, too). The drive-thru line is 321653235 miles long, so I just park my car, and go inside. There's a line, but it's not too long. I wait about 5-6 minutes in line, then order from this dude at the cash register. Apparently the ladies that make the food don't like this guy, and they ignore him when he tells them my order. I have all but one item in my bag, and the guy proceeds to ask where it is. Everyone ignores him. Granted, it's busy, but c'mon. I proceed to wait for another 15 minutes of yelling and bickering, and I finally get my order. I was soooo tempted to call in the manager, but I was in a rush and I was hungry so whatever.
6.) I missed the Rainbow Inviational this year for my STUPID religion class. (The Rainbow Invitational is a pretty dorky thing. All the marching bands from all the high schools across the state come and do field shows. At the end the UH band does one for all the students that participated. It's actually a lot of good fun... It's like a sport. You've got a favorite team (band), you cheer for them, you eat nasty things like nachos and fries, and you get soaked because it always rains and you ALWAYS forget a poncho. It's great. I've been going since I was young, since my sister was in colorguard in high school. And also, it's got a nostalgic, romantic feeling attached with it. It was the place and time when Michael and I reconnected. If I hadn't gone to the Rainbow Invitational in 2004, I would not be in the relationship I am in now.)
7.) Something else happened that I should probably not talk about on my blog, but let's just say it was a realization and a swift uppercut to the heart.
And that was only Wednesday's mishaps.
8.) Yesterday was veteran's day, and I had work. Biggest fail.
9.) I've gotta call my school for course overrides. =X
But some things that made my face look like this: :D
1.) No school yesterday! Epic win.
2.) I got to watch a shit ton of Bleach episodes. I'm at... 203 now?
3.) Today I should be done with this stupid project for work, and hopefully I get back to typing.
4.) Today is the last day the boss will be in office, till he leaves for a trip. Ahhh~ exhale.
5.) Today is FRIDAY. Tis the start of the weekend!
6.) I have a pizza pocket for lunch ^___^ I forgot how much I like these... (and how terrible they are for you :<)
The plans for this weekend (probably in this order... though I might procrastinate on homework):
1.) Homework: English - editorial, History - Judge Dee paper and assignment.
2.) ORGANIZE MY CRAP. I think I might need to recruit Nicole.
3.) Make new audio CDs for Mazzie.
4.) Workout.
5.) Groom.
6.) Blog.
Awesome sauce.

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