Monday, November 8, 2010

Buddha-ful: I don't like the name Russel, but Russel Stover got the GOODS.

Day No.: 18
Today I'm Feeling: Like I wanna cheat cheat cheat
The last thing I had to eat or drink was: A sugar-free dark chocolate Russel Stover's Coconut candy! They're SUPER tasty! mmm =)
It seems that I go backward each time I do this. Sigh.
Anyway, this weekend was pretty much a total bust. I had an acai bowl on Saturday morning, and lets just say that was the last time my weekend saw something remotely healthy. Well, no suppose that's not true... I had a mock chicken burger with a shit ton of veggies, but with some bread. It was whole wheat though!
Also, I have no idea how this next month of November is going to be, really. I've got barely any money for food this month, so I might have to resort to a fast food week soon. Yeah, i'm not proud of it, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Live and learn. Hopefully the end of this month will produce better food for me.
One upside though - one of my coworkers is diabetic, and I guess he had some sugar-free candy for Halloween, so he dropped some by my office. I never thought Russel Stover's candies were any good, but now that i've seen the sugar-free life, this is a heaven sent treasure! Holy smokes. I had a milk chocolate coconut candy (like mounds), and a dark chocolate one. They were both super awesome! They aren't as sickly sweet as normal candy, but i'll be damned if I didn't love it. MMM. I may have found my life saver! I can pop one of these babies after a salty meal and my sweet tooth will be soothed.
I had a whole wheat 6 inch club sub for lunch! MMM =) I'm thinking curry and tofu for dinner! Double yum.
Have a great day!

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