Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Whoo, today has been so busy that i've had to post this blog at 10:00pm!

I like writing papers, I really do. I suppose that's a good thing for an English major? It is also a good thing that I finished my paper a whole 7 hours before it's due! This is an amazing feat for me. I should throw a party.
I've been thinking a lot about this upcoming holiday season, and some of the goals that I want to accomplish before 2011 comes around.

First of all, I LOVE the holiday season. November thru February really are my favorite months. Most especially November/December. As time goes on though, Christmas in particular gets more and more expensive over the years. Gift monetary amounts increase with salary/wage increase? Or maybe the more friends you collect, the more you pay? Maybe both. Either way, every year, it seems that I tell myself and my close friends that i'll be doing cheap gifts this year, and somehow I end up spending more and more. I blame awesome marketing. And for the record, "i'm going cheap this year!" to all my friends. =P I'll probably have to curb my spending seriously this year because of adulthood all catching up to me and what not. Hurr hurr bills hurr.
But besides the gifts, I love the cold (Hawaii cold) weather, and general atmosphere of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Super fun! Although I do remember there being quite a lot of grouchy people in the mall when I used to work there. My condolences to all you mall workers! I'll try not to be a grouchy patron. November also brings me and Michael's anniversary, and Thanksgiving. There will be yummy food on both of these days, for sure. Also, I get Thanksgiving off from work and school. Any month where I get a holiday is a good month.

Some things I want to accomplish before the year ends:

1.) I need to get my gym butt back in gear. I've been doing the avoidance dance, and what's worse is i've been as broke as a joke lately, so I haven't been sticking to my diet. I'm going to try to go to the gym as often as possible on winter break!
2.) Successfully plan a baby shower! This is going to be tough, especially because I have to plan something that's probably going to happen during my exam week. Hugablughablugh.
3.) Crank out at least two more SEOTS blogs, do at least two more beauty reviews, and possibly gain one more blogger follower? Or maybe someone subscribing to my RSS feed? Something.
4.) Get all my shopping done at LEAST a week before Christmas! No more last LAST minute shopping for this shopper.
5.) Drink my peppermint moooochaaaaa.
6.) Find a cute red dress (and a nail polish to match) for my first Christmas picture!
7.) Find decorations for my Christmas tree!
8.) Not spending anymore unnecessary money. I know this is obviously HARD to do, seeing as a peppermint mocha is not exactly necessary, and costs money. Also, I suppose I could reuse my black dress, buuuut that's not very Christmas-y of me, is it? It is very important to be one with the holiday spirit. ;o)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, because i'm in the middle of a war zone right now. The war on sleep, that is. My brain... seems to want to blog instead of getting some decent shut eye. My eyes are declaring a mutiny, and i'm about to start snoring with my eyes open soon.



  1. It's mildly difficult to view your blog on the netbook for some reason. It's super slow.

    We should go to the gym every Thursday, Friday, and Sunday at the very least. Thursday is good because we don't have school the next day, Friday is good because you don't have work the next day, and Sunday is good because we could do it potentially late afternoon.

    You can also do Saturday/Sunday morning workouts after dropping me off at work.

  2. Oh hey you subscribed! ... Amazing! <_____<

    This is a blogger template, I believe, so i've gotta make one of my own someday. I'll try to simplify it.

    Starting next semester, I plan to go at least 5 days out of the week. Just to let you know.

    Thursday doesn't make sense because I still have work the next morning. Friday, Saturday, and early Sundays are best for me, which was our original schedule, but... somehow... it got lost... lol.

    I try not to do it in the peak times, so I might just stick to REALLY early mornings or late nights. Idk, idk.
