Friday, November 19, 2010

Mandatory Sex Parties! This is not an original phrase, I'm a BIG FAT PHONY. D: That's not original either! :<

I feel like my brain is going to implode.
So all day at work, i've been reading random blogs (especially Hyperbole and a Half) and damnit, don't you just hate it when you read the most amazing pieces of work, and you think to yourself "why didn't I come up with that?" and you start swearing loudly and incoherently (so much so that your coworker thinks you have Tourette's syndrome)? And then you start thinking to yourself "...wh-what would happen if I just happen to... uh... model my next few blogs after... uhh... this person's blogsssSSss...?" and then your sensitive guilt radar conscience kicks in and says "Nooooo, no no no no no. That's COPYING. People will HATE you for COPYING. Then you'll just be a phony. A BIG FAT PHOOOONY."
And then you sigh to yourself, wondering if you'll ever be able to come up with anything slightly innovative.
Then you have this GREAT idea, like when you ran with the idea to make a Craigslist/Facebook hybrid for resumes and talent, and then you google random stuff like "craigslist facebook resumes talent" and ask a few friends if they've ever heard of anything like that... And then they say "...linkedin..." ...
And while overusing your ellipses some more, you come to the conclusion that you might not be a genius after all. In fact, you'll probably never be a genius and create something that makes you feel full to the brim with happiness in the manifestations of rainbows and marshmallows and happy gnomes and ponies (did I just describe a Lucky Charms commercial?).
Then you feel like a little dusty black hole of sadness and emo tears.
And your face will look like this:  :<
Or maybe even this:   D:
Those happen to be some of my most favorite faces.
But this was the exact situation that i've plopped myself in today. Allie Brosh takes my two favorite things, really, forcibly makes them have sex (Mandatory Sex Party? It had to have been.), to create this wildly addicting baby of webcomics and blogging. WHAT. YES. It's almost holy, it's so good. It's a fiesta in my eyes. It makes me giggle and sometimes full on laugh at work (reinforcing the Tourette's theory my coworker has, or possibly even adding bi-polarity to the mix).
I've got a storm brewing in my head, like a coffee pot that's been double brewed (you know, when you make coffee, change the grounds for fresh ones, pour the coffee in the water section, and brew all over again... TRY THIS IF YOU WANT TO STAY AWAKE FOREVAR); it's really intense and you know it's gonna give you this amazing high, but has the potential for a serious crash. Perhaps... I could... possibly... integrate... my webcomic-ry into... my... blog? Maybe? I've just gotta disguise it really well. Because I don't wanna be a copy cat. It's not cool.
I'm hoping by announcing the source of my inspiration, I can avoid any copy cat accusations. :D Catch all? Like a disclaimer? :D :D :D Right? RIGHT? RIIIIIIGGGGHHHTTT??? :D
If my brain indeed implodes, and assuming I am still a dusty black hole of sadness and emo tears, does that mean there won't be any mess to clean up?

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