Friday, November 5, 2010

Buddha-ful: Rice may be gone, but my love for deep fried things are not.

Day No.: 15
Today I'm Feeling: Tired, and i've got a small headache
The last thing I had to eat/drink was: Lumpia =O and some water
Damnit. So I started this morning off pretty good with 1/2 cup of oatmeal, some blueberry preserves, and almond milk with a little bit of agave. I'm trying to use less and less agave, so we'll see how that goes. BUT today I was rather busy, and one of my co-workers got some lumpia for me (eggrolls, Filipino style), from one of my favorite places - Alyssandra's lumpia express. So of course, I had some! Blargh. I did enjoy it thoroughly, though.
I've got a small headache today mainly from lack of water I think. I'm working on hydrating.
This weekend, I'm going to reset all the bad things i've eaten this week, and hopefully plan out food for next week. Sometimes (and more often than not) things don't go as we plan, but i've gotta remember that it shouldn't hinder me planning anyway. I'm going to start integrating fresh fruits next week, in the mornings.
So breakfasts should be: oatmeal + fresh fruit (i'm gonna try and cut out the preserves... they're pretty sugary), or eggs + bacon, fresh acai bowls (with coconut, not apple juice), or fruit + cottage cheese. 
I've been SOOO addicted to Yook Gae Jang lately. I got it three times this week already! I already know that i'm going to get it again over the weekend. I love the rain, and the food it brings. YUM.
Although, every year I do a little self-tradition at the evil Starbucks. Every holiday/rainy season, I get myself a peppermint mocha. I just LOVE it when it's cold, and you've got some warm coffee (and besides, peppermint just TASTES like christmas). I don't know if i'll be able to do that this year, since i'm trying to stay away from the whole sugar thing. Maybe they'll come out with a sugarless peppermint syrup, just for little old me. =)
I dunno what we're having for dinner tonight, but I better behave. Today's lunch was a failure. Maybe i'll make some turkey chili with olives. MMM.
Have a successful weekend! =)

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