Monday, November 1, 2010

Buddha-ful: Le Sigh

Day No.: 11
Today I'm Feeling: Sugar Happy D:
The last thing I had to eat/drink was: Reduced fat turkey bacon with egg whites atop a whole wheat ENGLISH MUFFIN =/ And also a 'no water' chai tea latte with soy

So, this weekend was shot to hell.
After Friday's mishap, I kind of abandoned ship and ate like it was my last days on earth. Well, no, not that bad, but it kinda felt like I was let out of the invisible cage and went all bazonkers.

Friday night I had grilled chicken and salad, but also a dessert =/ Does it count if I only ate half one day and half the next? =O

Saturday... I think I had steak, eggs and salad for breakfast, which is pretty good. Then my family and I went to the Laie Mormon Temple's re-dedication opening (or something like that... it only happens once or twice in a lifetime, so it was pretty special for my brother and sister-in-law, who are mormon, and got married in that temple). For the first time, we got to see the rooms they were baptised and married in, so it was a very nice trip. Anyway, we stopped by a local taco shop that my brother's friend owned, so I got a taco salad. Yeah, yeah, it had some rice in it, and I may have had a few nachos here and there. Ah, the slippery slope gets slipperier (izzat a word?). For dinner, since I was still quite full from the salad, I had a Jamba Juice and one of their small pizza things. That was possibly the best-tasting and worst-for-me combinations, I know. Bread + a buttload of sugar = AHHHH.

Sunday... I had an Acai bowl for breakfast (MOAR FRUUTZ WHY OH WHY) BUT I replaced the sugary apple juice for coconut milk. If anyone is an acai bowl fanatic, they should really try this combination. Simply AMAAAAZING. But then I didn't eat for the rest of the day because I went to see my nephew sing in his church choir. Yes, technically I went to church, and it was a Mormon service. This weekend has been very weird for me. Anyway, it was also my dad's birthday yesterday, so we went to dinner in celebration. After church, my mom and I got our hair done, and then headed over to the EVIL PASTA HAVEN A.K.A. Buca Di Beppo. Michael and I arrived late because I had to pick him up, so the food had been preordered by the time we got there. We had fettuccini alfredo, spaghetti and meatballs, meditteranean salad, calamari, seafood pasta, and eggplant parmigiana. Sooo, I hadn't had anything besides the acai bowl all day, so I was RAVENOUS and ATE IT ALL. EVERYTHING. I EVEN ATE THE SILVERWARE. Hah, the silverware would have been low carb at least. But I did have some of everything. Not to mention I had a few bites of the brownie/ice cream combination... but not a lot! =O

I am happy to say though, that I didn't have ANY candy yesterday. I mean, it's a given, of course, but that's one thing I can actually say I didn't eat. Well, I didn't eat a llama either, but that's beside the point.

So, I've given it some thought, and I might have to make some revisions to this plan. I guess going on a double diet was a bit much at first, and as much as I hate to do so, i've gotta back pedal a little bit. I know i have given rice up for sure. I don't really miss it at all, so that's something simple I can do. I miss bread and pasta the most, but bread isn't so great for me. I'm prone to yeast complications, so I think I should leave bread out (whoops, english muffin for breakfaaaast). I'm gonna keep oatmeal in, but in small amounts. Pasta... is tough. I'm going to limit myself. Whole wheat pasta maybe once every two weeks or whenever I can't avoid it (like at potlucks, and/or italian restraunts). Now sugar is a whole 'nother beast. I think, for right now, sugar is something I need to moderate more than carbs. Granted, they're kind of linked because carbs = sugar, so i've gotta moderate both. But anyway, I think i'll stick to splenda and/or other non-sugar sweeteners for things like oatmeal, coffee, and possibly even ice cream (though the ice creams made with splenda are crappity). So, it's the same diet, just taken back a notch. Going totally carbless/sugarless is not an easy task, and I didn't even really do it the whole time. I had oatmeal twice last week, and also agave syrup. We'll see if going carbless/sugarless is really in my future, or if I can get my health in a good place while taking it a little slower.

I feel kind of sad that I won't be going all out, but at the same time, I think taking it down a little will help improve my stamina overall.

Now if I could just get santa to get me some Pana-C for Christmas... =)


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