Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Daily Pink!: November 2nd, 2010

Damnit, why does every entry in my head start off in list format? Screw it, I'm making a list whether you like it or not, because I WANT TO.
1.) It's election day, and I pay absolutely no attention to politics because I hate politics. I am also a lazy bum. Blah blah blah.
2.) So because it's voting day, all the public schools are closed, which means I have no class tonight! Go go public education~ w00t! Therefore, I got to sleep in this morning, which led me to doing my hair. As I said earlier, I ALWAYS try to re-create the magic that stylists use in my hair to style it the same way the day after. No such luck today, kiddies. All the stylist did yesterday was blowdry my hair straight, with a little curl in at the end. it's pretty basic. I managed to get it somewhat straight with a little curl, but damn if it's not frizz-tacular. My stupid hair doesn't naturally go into locks at the end, so when I brush/blowdry it, each strand kinks up and does it's own thing. MAN, WTF. And I KNOW that the back of my head is still wavy probably. At least my bangs still look cute though. =)
3.) This morning the Starbucks I went to had no perfect oatmeal, so somehow while my eyes were set on the oatcake, my mouth went and ordered the croissant instead. That is definitely NOT part of the diet. Yeesh. No more carbs for me today. I'm gonna work out at the gym tonight, although I have a feeling that it's gonna be CROOOWWWDED. Oh boy.
1.) I have hamburger curry leftovers for lunch today. Michael made AWESOME hamburger curry last night, with mixed veggies and tofu. We used the angus ground hamburger instead of the regular kind, and it really makes a difference! We are getting angus from now on... mmm. What's even better is the fact that I don't miss rice at all. It's pretty amazing. I loved rice, especially white rice, and now I don't think about it at all. If anything good came out of that first week of total carb solitude, it was that. I do still crave pasta, bread, and potatoes though. And brownies. ;-)
2.) In approximately 6 days, my lease is up. I can't believe it's already been 6 months at my new place! It's been soooo amazing to live on our own... I'm finally at a place I want to be in my life/relationship, and I definitely feel like an adult. I mean, it's a scary thing... you've got bills up the yin yang, and if you don't pay those bills, they will come after you. But just going through the motions of being an adult and taking responsibility for your actions is exciting and nervewracking, especially for someone that's got anxiety issues. I can't tell you how many dreams i've had with bill collectors chasing me! Hah! We will be renewing our lease for another 6 months if it's offered because we love it so much there. =)
3.) It's almost the end of my shift THANK GAWD. I need to git outta here and I was going to go get another chai... although that is probably a very bad idea. I'm so addicted to soy chai lattes right now.

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