Friday, October 29, 2010

Buddha-ful: Failure tastes pretty damn good.

Day No.: 8
The last thing I had to eat/drink was: THE DEVIL

Sooooo, that was quick.

Things I learned today:

1.) I suck.
2.) Potlucks are REALLY not good for me. It's like putting a plethora of drugs on a table for a drug addict.
3.) Baked Manapua and cake/brownies taste REALLY damn good when you haven't had them in a while.
4.) Refer to #1.

So, I am sitting here in self pity, while Michael boils some soybeans for me. I am having chicken and salad tonight, and some wallowing for dessert. NURRR.

During the first round of lunch, I got beef broccoli, and meatballs. Everyone kinda looked at me funny, like, that's all the big girl is eating? Sooooooo I reached for some mandoo.... then a manapua.... then well, of course the desserts got to me.

I felt really bad afterward, but honestly, still basking in the afterglow of sugar. It kinda kills me not to have any. And damn it, even though I feel lower than the scum of the earth right now, I'm all giggly. Because. Of. FOOD. BLUGHHHH.

I am determined to make this weekend right, and workout like, 2515412105415 hours straight.

If I don't blog over the weekend, someone make sure to feed my boyfriend, because I am surely dead of pure exhaustion and starvation.

Your personal CHEATERBEAVER,


1 comment:

  1. don't be so hard on yourself. lesson learned, right? When they looked at you funny don't let that bother you, YOU know what your doing by taking the beef broccoli and meatballs. Just say your on a high protein no carb diet. Remember, its good to have things in moderation, you just need to work on the CONTROL part.
