Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Wednesday, September 29, 2010

YAAAAAAAAAAWN. This full time work and part time school schedule has got me struggling to get myself up in the morning. And i'm thinking about becoming a full time student next semester? Dang.
Man, SEOTSED! The A/C at work is malfunctioning, and i'm bearing the brunt of it. My office seems to be the one with the sensor in it for the other two offices next to me, and their offices are hot, so i've gotta set the thermostat lower here. So now it's permanently fixed to 70 degrees. Brrrrrrr. Even my jacket is not warm enough... I might bring a small blanket tomorrow! Anyone got a parka I can borrow?
It's been a BEAUTIFUL day outside today, until about an hour ago when I looked out the window again and it's now cloudy... I hope it rains tonight! =)
Blugh blugh blugh I've got Religion class tonight. One of my classmates is keeping an "I don't know" tally, because whenever a student asks the professor a question, he ALWAYS says "Oh... I don't know" or "Yeah... I'm not too sure about that". Seriously? I don't know the count, but I know it's at least once or twice a class so far.
However, I'm hoping to hear from my good friend Jonnelle tonight... she's supposed to come to the island! I'm so excited, I miss her dearly.
I also can't wait till Friday after work! Michael is taking me out on a shopping spree as my belated birthday present (since I was so terribly hungover on my actual birthday). I have no idea what I should buy yet... Should I take this opportunity to buy some high end makeup? Or some cute new clothes? Decisions, decisions.
Today I also realized that i'm running out of my favorite mineral foundation - Everyday Minerals makeup in Buttered Tan, so I re-ordered some today, but instead of the pesky loose powder that gets EVERYWHERE (mainly because i'm always on the run and clumsy as feck), I ordered their new pressed powder formula! So far the reviews have been mixed, but everyone says that the coverage is good, and honestly that's the biggest issue with me. I usually get the Intensive formula from them, so hopefully it will be comparable. I'll do a review on it after I get it and use it.
Well, that's pretty much it for today... work is almost done, and i'll probably go home and read the Ramayana (the deadline was pushed back, YAAAAAAAAY!!!) and get ready for skewl. HURRRRRRRR HURR SKOOL HURRRRRRR
Have a great day!

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Monday, September 27, 2010

I think I forgot last week Thursday AND Friday's posts. I'm probably going to cut it down to every other day, and possibly a every other weekend SEOTS post.
Not much happened on Thursday... But I got to take off on Friday, because birthday's are considered a paid holiday at my company! =)
Friday: I just did a whole bunch of nothing, which felt great. I did some laundry, and my Becky came over for a "study" session, which co-incidentally turned into a catch up session, and we decided to go to Kahala Mall to get some grub and possibly watch a documentary (which we ended up not seeing). We hit up CPK with their awesome spinach artichoke dip (more like artery-choke), and some salads. We also got our sugar on at Carousel Candyland (I got chocolate covered gummy bears and grapefruit gummies... my fave!), and Becky got various flavored jelly beans and some gummies and belts.
Saturday: I got to go to Cinnamon's Restraunt in Kailua with Kelli! I've been wanting to go to this place for a while, and finally as a pre-birthday celebration, we got to go. I ordered one Red Velvet Pancake, and a half order of the Crabcake Eggs Benedict. SOOOOO GOOD. I love their Hollandaise sauce! MMM. Then we went to grab a pedicure at Nailery, (I hadn't had one in YEARS and it felt so good to get one) and then got take out lunch at Soon's (their meat jun is the BEST). I ate my lunch and was SOOOOO full that I didn't have much of an appetite saved for dinner. Michael took me out to Hula Grill in Waikiki for a nice romantic dinner. We had some beer, Michael had the Lobster Bisque soup and Shrimp Scampi, and I had Nalo Greens with sesame sauce and a side of Wild Mushroom Risotto. Everything was good except for my salad. It was the most bitter thing in the WORLD. I have not had anything more bitter! And it wasn't the dressing, it was the GREENS. EW EW EW. We then took a stroll down Kalakaua, and took a look in Alter Ego, and a few other stores. A little after we got home, my friend Hieu came over, and we went to Don Quijote, and got a WHOLE bunch of drinks. We bought Three Olives Vodka in Rangtang (I think), Disaronno, and Hieu bought me a big bottle of Patron. I also had beers at home, and some Sake. We got back, and Michael's co-worker Bev came over, and then we got the party started! We played shot Jenga (basically whoever knocks the thing down gets 2 shots, and we also had more complicated rules as time went on), some poker was played, and we also played Boom Blox for a little bit. I took random shots here and there, and before I knew it, time had passed and it was almost 2 am! Hieu and Bev left, and Michael knocked out on the floor, and I knocked out on my laundry.
Sunday: I woke up around 7am, felt disgusting, and basically puked all the alcohol out of my stomach from 7-11am. My mom came over to help nurse my hangover, especially because it was my first one. I was definitely bowing to the porcelain god, well actually, it was more like steel god. We only have one bathroom, and Michael was sufficiently hungover as well, so I decided to make camp in the kitchen sink. BLUGH. So I drank some water, took a small nap, and after that I felt much better. More water, and an ibuprofen later, I was tired but back to normal. I took a short stroll through the park with my mom (because she decided that I couldn't stay indoors for my birthday lol) and then she left to go prepare the food for later. Then it was usual Sunday dinner, but all the foods I like. Gina's taegu, meat jun, chap chae, choi sum, bean sprouts, my mom's baked beans, and some chicken noodle soup on the side. Good stuff! I got some Guava cake and my mom thought it was funny to get me a Jersey Shore Sticker Activity book! Haha! I also got some miscellaneous stuff, and some perfume from Michael (Daisy by Marc Jacobs). Then my parents rolled out a wireless printer for me! I need one for printing papers for school, and that was a perfect gift! It was a good way to end the night.
I'll post up pictures a little later.
And ahhh, Monday. I hate Mondays. There is SO much to do. Apparently I overlooked some homework that I need to do, so i've gotta read a chapter for English class on my lunch break, and somehow come up with some ideas. Not to mention, I've gotta read the Ramayana by THURSDAY! Ack. No more TV for me this week!
Overall, it was a pretty good birthday. I wish I wasn't so hungover though. Michael was supposed to take me on a little shopping spree, which we're rescheduling to Friday after work =) What should I buy? I think i'm gonna hit up Sephora ;-)
AND I'm going out tonight to Yogurtland after school with my friend Jackie! I can't wait... I'm craving some original tart yogurt! mmm :-9
Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Yay, one day closer to the weekend. And trust me, it is going to be a GREAT weekend.
Anywho, I'm looking forward to tonight! One of me and Michael's friends is coming over to help restring my guitar (yes, I have a guitar, and no, I don't know how to play it. It needs to strings because our guest tried playing with it last time and it snapped :O). He's mostly vegetarian, so we decided to make our very own shabu shabu night!
For those of you that don't know (and this is assuming people read my blog, and also assuming that they reside in mainland America), the term "shabu shabu" means "swish swish" in Japanese, and it refers to a Japanese style of a hot pot meal. Almost like sukiyaki, but not as sweet.
The only thing missing of course, is the actual hot POT. I don't have one. But I do plan to get one (I might as well add a kotatsu to that list, then we can all re-enact scenes from Nodame Cantabile or Azumanga Diaoh... was that really nerdy of me to say?). For now, we'll use use a regular pot, and everyone can help themselves to boiled goodies.
Last night I bought:
- Dashi specifically made for shabu shabu
- Ponzu dipping sauce
- Sesame dipping sauce
- Chinese cabbage
- Bean Sprouts
- Sweet Potato
- Gyoza
- Edamame
- Tofu
- Udon
- Wagyu Beef (I think it's Wagyu... we might have gone for the cheaper one)
I guess it would be better with white rice, but we've got jasmine brown. Healthy style!
Shabu shabu is actually quite healthy, because you're boiling everything instead of frying and using oil and butter. It may get a little high in sodium, but that's better than high in fat and sugar.
I am soooo~ excited!!!
...and I WAS having a good day until my boss told me I need to be friendlier and say hi to everyone. =/ (wth.)
Hope everyone has a great day (better than mine)!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 21st, 2010

WOW WOW WOW I missed yesterday's post! Monday's are always the most hectic day out of my week.

Let's recap!

The weekend: I did absolutely nothing! I layed around, procrastinated, and didn't do a damn thing. It felt pretty awesome. =) I did visit the mall for a bit, and ended up shopping... which I didn't meant to do (I swear)! Michael and I were shopping for HIM, not I, and I ended up getting two skirts and a shirt. WTH? We also saw Resident Evil 4 in 3D, and it' was quite good. There's obviously gonna be a sequel, but I swear, they didn't explain ANYTHING in this movie. I think it felt a little rushed.

Monday: Work, work, work, then school. Nothing real big happened there. I got to have a little chat with my English teacher (also a reporter for the Star Advertiser) about how the writing industry was, and how I should go about becoming a professional writer. He gave me some good advice, and all in all it was a good day at school (minus Religion class). Although, our fish Dondo died on Monday! =( He was 3 years old! That's a big deal for a beta fish! I got him for Michael's birthday 3 years ago. I also had a yummy dinner that I treated myself to... Diamond Head Market & Grill! I had half a salmon wrap, pea salad, and some corn chowder. And for dessert? I opted for their famous Blueberry scones. MMM.

Today is Tuesday! I actually got paid yesterday, but my silly self doesn't have direct deposit and I didn't have enough time to go to the bank yesterday. I've got kind of a busy day after work is done as well. I'm gonna go to the bank, go home and study for a little bit, take my online religion quiz, and shuck off to history class. I hope nothing is due.

Ahhhh, i'm in love with the Maroon 5 Album. =)

Current Favorites:
Song: Maroon 5 - I Can't Lie
Reading: The Ramayana
Movie: (Most recently seen) Resident Evil 3D
Snack: Dove Dark Chocolate with Almonds (WHA?! DARK?!)
Pastime: Boom Blox for the Wii! =)

Have a nice day!


Friday, September 17, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 17th, 2010


Last night I went to a sports bar/grill locally referred to as "Red Lion" but the actual name on the door is "Rock Bottom". It was supposed to be a "get over your girlfriend that just dumped you" party for one of Michael's co-workers, but unfortunately the SEOTSed boy didn't show up. =/

Initially, I didn't want to go, mainly because everyone was going to get there around 10:30pm, and that's usually my bedtime (I start work at 7am, and usually wake up around 5:30am), so I was not looking forward to missing some well appreciated sleep. However, I realized that I hadn't gone out much and this was my opportunity to 1) go out and drink, and 2) put makeup on. Also, I did know a few people there, so it would be nice to catch up.

It turned out to be pretty fun. I watched the boys play pool (i'm not a good player and neither is Michael), met some new workers, and caught up with old friends. I also had my first beer on tap (I think it was miller lite or budlight), and it was surprisingly good. Like REALLY good. And cheap. And cold. Ohhh yummy. It was even better with the garlic bread/pizza and steak pupus. Om nom nom.

We stayed until about 11:45pm, and then they all decided to go to the Shack in Waikiki, but unfortunately that's where I had to draw the line. I finally got around to sleeping around 12:30am.

Therefore, I am tiiiiiiiiiired. 5 hours of sleep may be awesome for someone who usually gets 4, but for someone who is used to 8... it kinda sucks. I had to make a pot of coffee for myself this morning! I haven't done that in AGES.

Anywho, I don't really have many plans for this weekend, but I am sure looking forward to it. Relaxing, low key weekend. I think Michael and I are going to see Resident Evil in 3D, though. I've got plans to catch up on some of my blogs, and possibly either draw or do some video editing. I know I always say that on Fridays, but sleep always gets in the way! I do have a full-fledged SEOTS blog on the way though. =)

I've also got a test on Monday, so i've gotta do some studying over the weekend. Boo.

Hmm, I hope my co-worker comes back soon. She's going to Nico's at Pier 38 for lunch, and I asked her to get me something (Fried Ahi Belly and Lomi Lomi Salmon Salsa). My tummy is starting to rumble.

Have a GREAT weekend!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 16th, 2010

My milk is going bad today! That is probably the most out-of-the-ordinary news I have so far.

Today is Thursday (yay), which means three things:

1) I have History class today, which is usually somewhat pleasant. Especially if nothing is due today, which it isn't. Also, we're learning about South East Asia today, which is interesting to me.

2) Thursday is the pre-cursor to Friday, which is the beginning of the weekend for me. It seems like I blink on Friday afternoon, and all of a sudden it's Monday morning again. WTF.

3) Ahem, Jersey Shore is on tonight, ahem.

Aaaaand I just realized that another bill goes through my account today. Great. Yes, please, add more stress. Like I don't have enough of that already, THX. Why do all the bills go through BEFORE paychecks?! UGH.

C'mon week, hurry up and GTFO!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 14th, 2010

I am a slacker!

I didn't do TDP on Friday, OR yesterday. What is the world coming to?

I've been pretty busy. And yesterday I was just lazy. =____=;;

Here's a recap!

Friday: Normal stuff, work, home, clean, sleep.

Saturday: Woke up super early to film another "Artsy @ 4am" episode. We go and get some Mitsuken breakfast, and catch another somewhat disappointing sunrise. More cleaning and moving stuff around. Also, I babysitted my two rascally nephews. We watched a few movies, played with paper airplanes, ate mac and cheese and hot dogs. Yum! My friend Nicole also crashed on Saturday night. We stayed up till about 5am (I finally pulled 24hours of awakeness!) playing Boom Bloks (a game for the Wii made by Steven Speilberg and EA games... weird). Ahhhh i'm hooked. But that thing will really work your arm out.

Sunday: Woke up around 8, had some banana pancakes that Michael made before ultimately crashing out for the rest of the day, and realized that I couldn't go back to sleep. Stayed home all day, did some homework, and relaxed. It was nice. Then family dinner as usual.

Monday: Nothing new here. Work, school, sleep. It was Korean BBQ day though! Yum, Gina's taegu.

Whew! Today is another boring day, and it's been kinda hot lately (I actually had to take a cool shower this morning!). URGH back to mind numbing work. I need a sign that says "Will be your personal zombie for money" or something.

Current Favorites:
Song: I'm between Strong Baby - Big Bang (V.I. and G-Dragon) and Like a G6 - Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracts
Reading: The Ramayana
Movie: Kung Fu Panda (I just saw this and its so cuuuute)
Snack: Kankanen (the male and female ones lol)

I have a headache for some reason @_@.

Have a great day!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 9th, 2010


I am sleepy today. I stayed up (somewhat) late last night studying for my History quiz today. It's a map quiz. I am part of the statistic that says America doesn't know where the eff other countries are. SADNESS. Last night the things that came out of my mouth were something like this: "Ohhh, Mexico is probably supposed to be shifted over a little, huh?" and "Where's the Philippines?" and "Venice is in Italy right? Or was it Greece?" and "How many continents are there now?" (now?! did it change in my lifetime?! lol). Yeaaaaahhh. Someone needs to kick it back to 5th grade.

Anywho, now that i've got a general fix on the globe and it's land masses and oceans, I feel pretty confident about the test, but I still feel like a shoddy human being for not AT LEAST knowing the countries and where they are. I am promising myself by the end of this year, I am going to know where every country is on a map, and how to pronounce and spell each correctly. That might be a tall order, but hey, knowledge is power. =)

Okay, only 3 hours and 30 minutes left in my work day. I can do this! Then I get to go home, workout (?) or study more, and got to school. Then after school is some yummy dinner, and then... and then... and then you know what's up. I'm gonna rot my brain a little more and watch the Jersey Shore smackdown between JWoww and Sam. Oh snap! I can't learn about countries without learning with the letters c, u, n, and t. XD

Have a great Thursday!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 8th, 2010

Not too much news today. It's Wednesday, the middle of the work week and i'm tiiiiired. This day is going by soooooo sloooooooow. I just wanna go home and curl up into a little ball and sleep.

But no, no no no. I have Religion tonight. Greeeeeaaaaat. More painful snoozefest to endure.

Also, right now I am having the most unholy obsession with throwback songs to the 80's and 90's. There was a radio station takeover on one of my local stations, and now they play old school music for "my" generation (i think it's actually a generation or two older than I, but whatever). My radio is permanently set there while I contemplate these awesome memories and exactly WHY I loved these songs so much, heh.

Bleh. I've got homework to do.

Hope y'all have a better day than I am.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 7th, 2010

How was everyone's weekend? The long weekend felt soooo great! That extra day really makes a difference.

Here's a short recap!

Saturday - Cleaned up around the house a little, and then spoiled myself with shopping! I got some clothes from Victoria Secret's Pink store, and Old Navy (I cannot escape that place). I also got my favorite scent from Gap (Dream) along with a new one I am trying (Dream More). My friend came over and we chatted for a while, hit up Walmart, and then got some ice cream from Bubbies.

Sunday - Michael and I got up early to watch the sunrise at Ke'ehi Lagoon. My original plan was to watch the planes take off from a runway at the end of Lagoon Drive, but there were no planes taking off. So we ended up watching the sunrise at the park, and filmed most of our journey. I'm planning on making it at least a bi-monthly thing, called "Artsy @ 4am" and "Artsy @ 4pm" respectively, depending on what time of day the filming is done. It's going to be from both mine and Michael's points of view, because we'll be recording with both of our phones. I think it's gonna be a cool cross vlog kind of thing, where you can see the same situation from two different perspectives.

Monday - Had some Banana Pancakes and coffee, and chilled at the house for a bit with Becky. We went to Sam's Club to shop for food, and grabbed some lunch and went back to the house. Then we picked up Nicole on the way, and all decided to help Becky with her art project. She needed to find 30 indexical things that related to "chains", and Michael and I filmed another episode of "Artsy @ 4pm". I'll edit it this weekend. It was a lot of fun.

And now, here's tuesday. I woke up late thanks to an alarm mishap. So I was an hour late to work, and now i've gotta make that time this afternoon. Grrr. I also didn't do much studying this weekend, and I have an assignment due today, so I've gotta do that during my lunch break. GREAT.

Well, c'est la vie (I know that's not spelled right). Work must be done, unfortunately.

Current Favorites:
Song: Connection - Taeyang
Reading: The Ramayana
Movie: Same
Snack: One Ton Chips! They are terrible for you! lol
Pastime: Editing videos! I'm gonna start learning Sony Vegas I think.

Have a great day!


Friday, September 3, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 3rd, 2010


"Thank Whatever Higher Power Is Out There That It's Friday."


Ahhhh Friday, I've waited for your arrival for four long days. Now Friday, at long last you are here.

Now c'mon last 20 minutes of work, please go by faster. I do not want to be here, and would rather be collecting my paycheck and heading out for the day!

I have some great plans for this weekend, including getting some quality time with my friends bed and pillow, and getting drunk off of sleep. lol. In all actuality though, i've got a lot to do this weekend.

- Wake up early tomorrow, grab some coffee, and watch the sunrise/take pictures of planes taking off :-)
- Blog, blog, blog. I've been slacking.
- Work on homework.
- Find my Corel cd, install it, and really work on establishing a comic style and draw, draw, draw. - Clean, clean, clean. Deep clean the house, and get rid of a bunch of stuff.
- After cleaning I can go shopping ^____^ I need sweaters/jackets for school.

Hopefully I have time to veg out on Monday. I heart three day weekends! I don't get another holiday until November T______T But I might take a day off for my birthday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and a safe holiday!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 2nd, 2010

LOL, the clocker-inner/outer machine at work says "THU SEPT 2TH 2010" lol. Tooth.

Good Morning! I am writing TDP early today, because... well I'm not sure, but I wanted to type something. This is probably not the best idea, because nothing has happened yet, but whatever.

MAN I can't wait till the long weekend (Yay Labor Day)! I don't have a lot of things planned, but I just love weekends. Besides the cleaning. And the grocery shopping. And the laundry. I like the lazy. The TV. The sleep. Yes.

Yesterday Michael surprised me with buying us the 3M Filtrete water station i've been eyeing out! I saw the commercial one day and I knew I had to get it. It's basically a water filter, but it filters directly into 4 waterbottles instead of a pitcher. The bottles are kinda weird, but cool. They're plastic, but they're BPA free, and hold 500ml's each. So now all I have to do to get adequately hydrated is pop two of these bad boys in my lunch bag and drink them throughout the day. The water tastes pretty good too (yes, I can taste the difference).

This weekend I am also looking forward to homemade banana pancakes and Coconut Creme coffee. MMM. And also breakfast with Becky, whom I haven't seen or talked to in 651951381985654 years (well that's what it feels like). She will be joining us for our vegetarian breakfast. Maybe i'll cook up some turkey bacon too.

Well, that's about all I have so far. I've gotta get to work on SO MANY THINGS. Check out my to-do list:

- Work on another SEOTS blog
- Aveeno Reviews for: Shampoo & Conditioner, Daily Moisturizing Body Wash, Facial & Body Sunscreen, and Daily Facial Moisurizer.
- Homework: History Q&A, Study for History quiz, Read History Ch.1, Work on Religion Dualism Paper, Read Ramayana
- Find CD and install Corel
- Sketch rough draft comic into Corel and eventually color and shade
- Post Fresh Cafe food blog on Om Nom Nomies and HI Stream
- Post Aveeno Cleansing Pad review on HI Stream

z0mg. I. Have. So. Much. To. Do. I think i'm gonna do a mass projectile blog on every site over the weekend. Ganbarimasu ne~!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 1st, 2010

Why do I always forget Tuesday TDP's? Weird.

Well nothing much happened yesterday anyway. So far it's been a pretty boring week. I suppose that's better than a bad one, right?

Anywho, today has been boring as well. I did have some AWESOME Korean BBQ for dinner last night, which then means that I had awesome leftovers for breakfast. :D

That's pretty much the highlight of my day so far! How sad! I also read that Michael Douglas announced that he had stage 4 throat cancer last night on Letterman's show. THAT's sad. He's optimistic about it at the very least, although stage 4 is pretty intense.

I also learned that September is organic month! I'm not sure if that's legit, and I am waaaay too lazy to look it up right now, so whatever. I'm just gonna assume it's organic month, and I will probably make an effort to eat organic foods for a few days before conceeding to Kraft Mac and Cheese (the original, and I will claw your eyes out if you say any other version is better) and brownies. Nom. I be rockin' the defeatist attitude today.

But then again, today is Wednesday, which means Religion class for me, so I'll probably be rockin' my defeatist attitude all damn day today and tonight. That class is the pits. I am bored to death in that class, and the teacher obviously could care less, and he's pulling out crap straight from the book. When pressed for further insight, he backs away, hands up, shaking his head and quoting the book. Not to mention he makes this noise between sentances that sounds like a chicken's cluck. "And Judaism was a western religion. KEH. And they were politically oppressed for a long span of time. KEH." KEH KEH KEH. It kind of sounds like a chair leg against the floor. It's really weird. Hate that class.

That class and entire campus is also very fridgid after about 6:00 at night. I am literally frozen trying to get to my car which is only 5 minutes away. I guess i'll be investing in some sweaters (parkas) this upcoming paycheck, because the weather is only gonna get colder.

Well, that's all i've got today, hopefully tomorrow is better.

Have a great Wednesday (we're almost through the week!).
