Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 1st, 2010

Why do I always forget Tuesday TDP's? Weird.

Well nothing much happened yesterday anyway. So far it's been a pretty boring week. I suppose that's better than a bad one, right?

Anywho, today has been boring as well. I did have some AWESOME Korean BBQ for dinner last night, which then means that I had awesome leftovers for breakfast. :D

That's pretty much the highlight of my day so far! How sad! I also read that Michael Douglas announced that he had stage 4 throat cancer last night on Letterman's show. THAT's sad. He's optimistic about it at the very least, although stage 4 is pretty intense.

I also learned that September is organic month! I'm not sure if that's legit, and I am waaaay too lazy to look it up right now, so whatever. I'm just gonna assume it's organic month, and I will probably make an effort to eat organic foods for a few days before conceeding to Kraft Mac and Cheese (the original, and I will claw your eyes out if you say any other version is better) and brownies. Nom. I be rockin' the defeatist attitude today.

But then again, today is Wednesday, which means Religion class for me, so I'll probably be rockin' my defeatist attitude all damn day today and tonight. That class is the pits. I am bored to death in that class, and the teacher obviously could care less, and he's pulling out crap straight from the book. When pressed for further insight, he backs away, hands up, shaking his head and quoting the book. Not to mention he makes this noise between sentances that sounds like a chicken's cluck. "And Judaism was a western religion. KEH. And they were politically oppressed for a long span of time. KEH." KEH KEH KEH. It kind of sounds like a chair leg against the floor. It's really weird. Hate that class.

That class and entire campus is also very fridgid after about 6:00 at night. I am literally frozen trying to get to my car which is only 5 minutes away. I guess i'll be investing in some sweaters (parkas) this upcoming paycheck, because the weather is only gonna get colder.

Well, that's all i've got today, hopefully tomorrow is better.

Have a great Wednesday (we're almost through the week!).


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