Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 16th, 2010

My milk is going bad today! That is probably the most out-of-the-ordinary news I have so far.

Today is Thursday (yay), which means three things:

1) I have History class today, which is usually somewhat pleasant. Especially if nothing is due today, which it isn't. Also, we're learning about South East Asia today, which is interesting to me.

2) Thursday is the pre-cursor to Friday, which is the beginning of the weekend for me. It seems like I blink on Friday afternoon, and all of a sudden it's Monday morning again. WTF.

3) Ahem, Jersey Shore is on tonight, ahem.

Aaaaand I just realized that another bill goes through my account today. Great. Yes, please, add more stress. Like I don't have enough of that already, THX. Why do all the bills go through BEFORE paychecks?! UGH.

C'mon week, hurry up and GTFO!


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