Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 7th, 2010

How was everyone's weekend? The long weekend felt soooo great! That extra day really makes a difference.

Here's a short recap!

Saturday - Cleaned up around the house a little, and then spoiled myself with shopping! I got some clothes from Victoria Secret's Pink store, and Old Navy (I cannot escape that place). I also got my favorite scent from Gap (Dream) along with a new one I am trying (Dream More). My friend came over and we chatted for a while, hit up Walmart, and then got some ice cream from Bubbies.

Sunday - Michael and I got up early to watch the sunrise at Ke'ehi Lagoon. My original plan was to watch the planes take off from a runway at the end of Lagoon Drive, but there were no planes taking off. So we ended up watching the sunrise at the park, and filmed most of our journey. I'm planning on making it at least a bi-monthly thing, called "Artsy @ 4am" and "Artsy @ 4pm" respectively, depending on what time of day the filming is done. It's going to be from both mine and Michael's points of view, because we'll be recording with both of our phones. I think it's gonna be a cool cross vlog kind of thing, where you can see the same situation from two different perspectives.

Monday - Had some Banana Pancakes and coffee, and chilled at the house for a bit with Becky. We went to Sam's Club to shop for food, and grabbed some lunch and went back to the house. Then we picked up Nicole on the way, and all decided to help Becky with her art project. She needed to find 30 indexical things that related to "chains", and Michael and I filmed another episode of "Artsy @ 4pm". I'll edit it this weekend. It was a lot of fun.

And now, here's tuesday. I woke up late thanks to an alarm mishap. So I was an hour late to work, and now i've gotta make that time this afternoon. Grrr. I also didn't do much studying this weekend, and I have an assignment due today, so I've gotta do that during my lunch break. GREAT.

Well, c'est la vie (I know that's not spelled right). Work must be done, unfortunately.

Current Favorites:
Song: Connection - Taeyang
Reading: The Ramayana
Movie: Same
Snack: One Ton Chips! They are terrible for you! lol
Pastime: Editing videos! I'm gonna start learning Sony Vegas I think.

Have a great day!


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