Friday, September 17, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 17th, 2010


Last night I went to a sports bar/grill locally referred to as "Red Lion" but the actual name on the door is "Rock Bottom". It was supposed to be a "get over your girlfriend that just dumped you" party for one of Michael's co-workers, but unfortunately the SEOTSed boy didn't show up. =/

Initially, I didn't want to go, mainly because everyone was going to get there around 10:30pm, and that's usually my bedtime (I start work at 7am, and usually wake up around 5:30am), so I was not looking forward to missing some well appreciated sleep. However, I realized that I hadn't gone out much and this was my opportunity to 1) go out and drink, and 2) put makeup on. Also, I did know a few people there, so it would be nice to catch up.

It turned out to be pretty fun. I watched the boys play pool (i'm not a good player and neither is Michael), met some new workers, and caught up with old friends. I also had my first beer on tap (I think it was miller lite or budlight), and it was surprisingly good. Like REALLY good. And cheap. And cold. Ohhh yummy. It was even better with the garlic bread/pizza and steak pupus. Om nom nom.

We stayed until about 11:45pm, and then they all decided to go to the Shack in Waikiki, but unfortunately that's where I had to draw the line. I finally got around to sleeping around 12:30am.

Therefore, I am tiiiiiiiiiired. 5 hours of sleep may be awesome for someone who usually gets 4, but for someone who is used to 8... it kinda sucks. I had to make a pot of coffee for myself this morning! I haven't done that in AGES.

Anywho, I don't really have many plans for this weekend, but I am sure looking forward to it. Relaxing, low key weekend. I think Michael and I are going to see Resident Evil in 3D, though. I've got plans to catch up on some of my blogs, and possibly either draw or do some video editing. I know I always say that on Fridays, but sleep always gets in the way! I do have a full-fledged SEOTS blog on the way though. =)

I've also got a test on Monday, so i've gotta do some studying over the weekend. Boo.

Hmm, I hope my co-worker comes back soon. She's going to Nico's at Pier 38 for lunch, and I asked her to get me something (Fried Ahi Belly and Lomi Lomi Salmon Salsa). My tummy is starting to rumble.

Have a GREAT weekend!


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