Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 14th, 2010

I am a slacker!

I didn't do TDP on Friday, OR yesterday. What is the world coming to?

I've been pretty busy. And yesterday I was just lazy. =____=;;

Here's a recap!

Friday: Normal stuff, work, home, clean, sleep.

Saturday: Woke up super early to film another "Artsy @ 4am" episode. We go and get some Mitsuken breakfast, and catch another somewhat disappointing sunrise. More cleaning and moving stuff around. Also, I babysitted my two rascally nephews. We watched a few movies, played with paper airplanes, ate mac and cheese and hot dogs. Yum! My friend Nicole also crashed on Saturday night. We stayed up till about 5am (I finally pulled 24hours of awakeness!) playing Boom Bloks (a game for the Wii made by Steven Speilberg and EA games... weird). Ahhhh i'm hooked. But that thing will really work your arm out.

Sunday: Woke up around 8, had some banana pancakes that Michael made before ultimately crashing out for the rest of the day, and realized that I couldn't go back to sleep. Stayed home all day, did some homework, and relaxed. It was nice. Then family dinner as usual.

Monday: Nothing new here. Work, school, sleep. It was Korean BBQ day though! Yum, Gina's taegu.

Whew! Today is another boring day, and it's been kinda hot lately (I actually had to take a cool shower this morning!). URGH back to mind numbing work. I need a sign that says "Will be your personal zombie for money" or something.

Current Favorites:
Song: I'm between Strong Baby - Big Bang (V.I. and G-Dragon) and Like a G6 - Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracts
Reading: The Ramayana
Movie: Kung Fu Panda (I just saw this and its so cuuuute)
Snack: Kankanen (the male and female ones lol)

I have a headache for some reason @_@.

Have a great day!


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