Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 21st, 2010

WOW WOW WOW I missed yesterday's post! Monday's are always the most hectic day out of my week.

Let's recap!

The weekend: I did absolutely nothing! I layed around, procrastinated, and didn't do a damn thing. It felt pretty awesome. =) I did visit the mall for a bit, and ended up shopping... which I didn't meant to do (I swear)! Michael and I were shopping for HIM, not I, and I ended up getting two skirts and a shirt. WTH? We also saw Resident Evil 4 in 3D, and it' was quite good. There's obviously gonna be a sequel, but I swear, they didn't explain ANYTHING in this movie. I think it felt a little rushed.

Monday: Work, work, work, then school. Nothing real big happened there. I got to have a little chat with my English teacher (also a reporter for the Star Advertiser) about how the writing industry was, and how I should go about becoming a professional writer. He gave me some good advice, and all in all it was a good day at school (minus Religion class). Although, our fish Dondo died on Monday! =( He was 3 years old! That's a big deal for a beta fish! I got him for Michael's birthday 3 years ago. I also had a yummy dinner that I treated myself to... Diamond Head Market & Grill! I had half a salmon wrap, pea salad, and some corn chowder. And for dessert? I opted for their famous Blueberry scones. MMM.

Today is Tuesday! I actually got paid yesterday, but my silly self doesn't have direct deposit and I didn't have enough time to go to the bank yesterday. I've got kind of a busy day after work is done as well. I'm gonna go to the bank, go home and study for a little bit, take my online religion quiz, and shuck off to history class. I hope nothing is due.

Ahhhh, i'm in love with the Maroon 5 Album. =)

Current Favorites:
Song: Maroon 5 - I Can't Lie
Reading: The Ramayana
Movie: (Most recently seen) Resident Evil 3D
Snack: Dove Dark Chocolate with Almonds (WHA?! DARK?!)
Pastime: Boom Blox for the Wii! =)

Have a nice day!


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