Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 9th, 2010


I am sleepy today. I stayed up (somewhat) late last night studying for my History quiz today. It's a map quiz. I am part of the statistic that says America doesn't know where the eff other countries are. SADNESS. Last night the things that came out of my mouth were something like this: "Ohhh, Mexico is probably supposed to be shifted over a little, huh?" and "Where's the Philippines?" and "Venice is in Italy right? Or was it Greece?" and "How many continents are there now?" (now?! did it change in my lifetime?! lol). Yeaaaaahhh. Someone needs to kick it back to 5th grade.

Anywho, now that i've got a general fix on the globe and it's land masses and oceans, I feel pretty confident about the test, but I still feel like a shoddy human being for not AT LEAST knowing the countries and where they are. I am promising myself by the end of this year, I am going to know where every country is on a map, and how to pronounce and spell each correctly. That might be a tall order, but hey, knowledge is power. =)

Okay, only 3 hours and 30 minutes left in my work day. I can do this! Then I get to go home, workout (?) or study more, and got to school. Then after school is some yummy dinner, and then... and then... and then you know what's up. I'm gonna rot my brain a little more and watch the Jersey Shore smackdown between JWoww and Sam. Oh snap! I can't learn about countries without learning with the letters c, u, n, and t. XD

Have a great Thursday!


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