Monday, September 27, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Monday, September 27, 2010

I think I forgot last week Thursday AND Friday's posts. I'm probably going to cut it down to every other day, and possibly a every other weekend SEOTS post.
Not much happened on Thursday... But I got to take off on Friday, because birthday's are considered a paid holiday at my company! =)
Friday: I just did a whole bunch of nothing, which felt great. I did some laundry, and my Becky came over for a "study" session, which co-incidentally turned into a catch up session, and we decided to go to Kahala Mall to get some grub and possibly watch a documentary (which we ended up not seeing). We hit up CPK with their awesome spinach artichoke dip (more like artery-choke), and some salads. We also got our sugar on at Carousel Candyland (I got chocolate covered gummy bears and grapefruit gummies... my fave!), and Becky got various flavored jelly beans and some gummies and belts.
Saturday: I got to go to Cinnamon's Restraunt in Kailua with Kelli! I've been wanting to go to this place for a while, and finally as a pre-birthday celebration, we got to go. I ordered one Red Velvet Pancake, and a half order of the Crabcake Eggs Benedict. SOOOOO GOOD. I love their Hollandaise sauce! MMM. Then we went to grab a pedicure at Nailery, (I hadn't had one in YEARS and it felt so good to get one) and then got take out lunch at Soon's (their meat jun is the BEST). I ate my lunch and was SOOOOO full that I didn't have much of an appetite saved for dinner. Michael took me out to Hula Grill in Waikiki for a nice romantic dinner. We had some beer, Michael had the Lobster Bisque soup and Shrimp Scampi, and I had Nalo Greens with sesame sauce and a side of Wild Mushroom Risotto. Everything was good except for my salad. It was the most bitter thing in the WORLD. I have not had anything more bitter! And it wasn't the dressing, it was the GREENS. EW EW EW. We then took a stroll down Kalakaua, and took a look in Alter Ego, and a few other stores. A little after we got home, my friend Hieu came over, and we went to Don Quijote, and got a WHOLE bunch of drinks. We bought Three Olives Vodka in Rangtang (I think), Disaronno, and Hieu bought me a big bottle of Patron. I also had beers at home, and some Sake. We got back, and Michael's co-worker Bev came over, and then we got the party started! We played shot Jenga (basically whoever knocks the thing down gets 2 shots, and we also had more complicated rules as time went on), some poker was played, and we also played Boom Blox for a little bit. I took random shots here and there, and before I knew it, time had passed and it was almost 2 am! Hieu and Bev left, and Michael knocked out on the floor, and I knocked out on my laundry.
Sunday: I woke up around 7am, felt disgusting, and basically puked all the alcohol out of my stomach from 7-11am. My mom came over to help nurse my hangover, especially because it was my first one. I was definitely bowing to the porcelain god, well actually, it was more like steel god. We only have one bathroom, and Michael was sufficiently hungover as well, so I decided to make camp in the kitchen sink. BLUGH. So I drank some water, took a small nap, and after that I felt much better. More water, and an ibuprofen later, I was tired but back to normal. I took a short stroll through the park with my mom (because she decided that I couldn't stay indoors for my birthday lol) and then she left to go prepare the food for later. Then it was usual Sunday dinner, but all the foods I like. Gina's taegu, meat jun, chap chae, choi sum, bean sprouts, my mom's baked beans, and some chicken noodle soup on the side. Good stuff! I got some Guava cake and my mom thought it was funny to get me a Jersey Shore Sticker Activity book! Haha! I also got some miscellaneous stuff, and some perfume from Michael (Daisy by Marc Jacobs). Then my parents rolled out a wireless printer for me! I need one for printing papers for school, and that was a perfect gift! It was a good way to end the night.
I'll post up pictures a little later.
And ahhh, Monday. I hate Mondays. There is SO much to do. Apparently I overlooked some homework that I need to do, so i've gotta read a chapter for English class on my lunch break, and somehow come up with some ideas. Not to mention, I've gotta read the Ramayana by THURSDAY! Ack. No more TV for me this week!
Overall, it was a pretty good birthday. I wish I wasn't so hungover though. Michael was supposed to take me on a little shopping spree, which we're rescheduling to Friday after work =) What should I buy? I think i'm gonna hit up Sephora ;-)
AND I'm going out tonight to Yogurtland after school with my friend Jackie! I can't wait... I'm craving some original tart yogurt! mmm :-9
Have a great day everyone!

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