Friday, September 3, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 3rd, 2010


"Thank Whatever Higher Power Is Out There That It's Friday."


Ahhhh Friday, I've waited for your arrival for four long days. Now Friday, at long last you are here.

Now c'mon last 20 minutes of work, please go by faster. I do not want to be here, and would rather be collecting my paycheck and heading out for the day!

I have some great plans for this weekend, including getting some quality time with my friends bed and pillow, and getting drunk off of sleep. lol. In all actuality though, i've got a lot to do this weekend.

- Wake up early tomorrow, grab some coffee, and watch the sunrise/take pictures of planes taking off :-)
- Blog, blog, blog. I've been slacking.
- Work on homework.
- Find my Corel cd, install it, and really work on establishing a comic style and draw, draw, draw. - Clean, clean, clean. Deep clean the house, and get rid of a bunch of stuff.
- After cleaning I can go shopping ^____^ I need sweaters/jackets for school.

Hopefully I have time to veg out on Monday. I heart three day weekends! I don't get another holiday until November T______T But I might take a day off for my birthday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and a safe holiday!


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