Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Daily Pink!: September 2nd, 2010

LOL, the clocker-inner/outer machine at work says "THU SEPT 2TH 2010" lol. Tooth.

Good Morning! I am writing TDP early today, because... well I'm not sure, but I wanted to type something. This is probably not the best idea, because nothing has happened yet, but whatever.

MAN I can't wait till the long weekend (Yay Labor Day)! I don't have a lot of things planned, but I just love weekends. Besides the cleaning. And the grocery shopping. And the laundry. I like the lazy. The TV. The sleep. Yes.

Yesterday Michael surprised me with buying us the 3M Filtrete water station i've been eyeing out! I saw the commercial one day and I knew I had to get it. It's basically a water filter, but it filters directly into 4 waterbottles instead of a pitcher. The bottles are kinda weird, but cool. They're plastic, but they're BPA free, and hold 500ml's each. So now all I have to do to get adequately hydrated is pop two of these bad boys in my lunch bag and drink them throughout the day. The water tastes pretty good too (yes, I can taste the difference).

This weekend I am also looking forward to homemade banana pancakes and Coconut Creme coffee. MMM. And also breakfast with Becky, whom I haven't seen or talked to in 651951381985654 years (well that's what it feels like). She will be joining us for our vegetarian breakfast. Maybe i'll cook up some turkey bacon too.

Well, that's about all I have so far. I've gotta get to work on SO MANY THINGS. Check out my to-do list:

- Work on another SEOTS blog
- Aveeno Reviews for: Shampoo & Conditioner, Daily Moisturizing Body Wash, Facial & Body Sunscreen, and Daily Facial Moisurizer.
- Homework: History Q&A, Study for History quiz, Read History Ch.1, Work on Religion Dualism Paper, Read Ramayana
- Find CD and install Corel
- Sketch rough draft comic into Corel and eventually color and shade
- Post Fresh Cafe food blog on Om Nom Nomies and HI Stream
- Post Aveeno Cleansing Pad review on HI Stream

z0mg. I. Have. So. Much. To. Do. I think i'm gonna do a mass projectile blog on every site over the weekend. Ganbarimasu ne~!


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