Monday, October 18, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Monday, October 18th, 2010

The weekends go by so damn quickly these days. Hell, time goes by really quickly. Pretty soon i'll be 30, which is close to 40, which is practically 50, so I should really be having a midlife crisis soon by that logic. JEEZ.
This past weekend was interesting though. Friday night I went to the gym around 9:30pm with my friend Jackie. I like it late at night... no one is there! =) If I can ever really rectify my sleep/school schedule, I might start going to the gym every night. Right now it's only Friday and Saturday nights, and possibly Tuesday and Thursday afternoons MAYBE. Shitty schedule, I know.
Anywhozits, I also got my desk this week, and I put it together by myself! Woot woot feminist pride! XD
I also procrastinated and spent most of the weekend catching up on House, Season 6. I've gotta catch up on Season 7 now, so that I can watch it every Monday at 8 (though my monday class usually lets out at 7:45, so I either have to 1. Hightail it home, or 2. Watch the new episode on the weekends like I do with Jersey Shore).
I am stiff-muscled today... around my hips and in my shoulder muscle. I notice that when I start doing some light freeweights, a spot between my shoulder blade and spine seems to start hurting, and it's completely inconsolable. It's not a sharp pain, but it's more like a slow, irritating ache. Not throbbing, just pestering. No position helps it unless i'm lying down. ANNOYING. I was doing bicep curls and some tricep exercises with two 8.5 pounders... is that REALLY too heavy?
So this week is the week I start going really low-carb. I don't start till Thursday, probably, since I get paid on Wednesday. I hope this all works out as planned.
Phew, I just finished a paper that is due today, that we've had 2 weeks to do, heh. Procrastination does get the best of me sometimes. I hope I get a B on this paper at least. There may be some fallacies in there, but screw it, it meets the requirements, and i'm pretty sure is grammatically correct now that it's been proofread by Keely. =)
I'm also gonna skip Religion class tonight so I can study for my midterm. I'm tempted to go to Starbucks tonight to study just so i'm not tempted to go online and have homework/internet ADD. Click this, check that, send this, read that. The internetz are not good for me when I need to study.
Current Favorites:
Song: Anything from Boyce Avenue. Seriously. He's got an awesome voice.
Reading: Not reading anything right now, and that's how I want to keep it for a while...
Movie: Haven't seen any new ones lately... too busy and too broke, Seriously, it's like $10+ for a movie ticket... $20 for popcorn and soda.
Your day. I hope it's good.

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