Monday, October 4, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Monday, October 4th, 2010

MONDAY. Why do you pester me?
I have mixed feelings today. The weekend was pretty superb... let's recap.
Friday night: Some friends came over and we decided to hit up Fresh Cafe (yum) and Satura Cakes. We also ordered a pizza later on in the evening after some time went on, and Michael hosted a small poker game. Nicole and I ended up staying up until 3am, chit chatting away, rifling through my old art. I love staying up late on Friday nights. I feel like I get more weekend time.
Saturday: I was a lazy bum! Took an epic nap and read some Fever Dream. It was Nicole's birthday, and we went to her house for dinner (Gina's Korean BBQ takeout!) and layed around for a bit and chilled out and talked. I have many pictures on facebook fron that night... it was intensely funny which included messing with Michael when he fell asleep, discussing and creating a prototype for halloween costumes, and scarfing some cake. Om nom nom.
Sunday: The normal chores and whatnot. Read Fever Dream some more.
Today is nothing special, but it's crazy monday. Work then school back to back. Life is so very tiring sometimes.
BUT~ Tomorrow my Sunbutter (my friend Jonnelle) is coming over to stay and chat with me! I'm so excited! =)
So, good and bad. I'm trying to focus on the positive! ++++++++
Current Favorites:
Song: September - Daughtry
Reading: Fever Dream! I just finished it a few hours ago... AUGH WHAT AM I GOING TO READ NOW?!
Movie: I just saw Hercules (the disney version) again... I haven't seen it in YEARS! lol
Snack: Those weird sweet cheese O's from Don Quijote. WHACKED.
Pastime: Online shopping =________= or rather, BROWSING, not spending.
Have a fantabulous day~!

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