Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Thursday, October 14th, 2010

I am a slacker, I know. I have not kept up with my blogging... even though I cut back! It's midterm time 'round these here parts, and my brain is flipped out.
So I just want to say a little prayer in this blog.
Now, I'm not usually one to pray... i'm kind of agnostic, but this is definitely a god I can put my trust in... it's always there when I cry out for help, and even when I think it has forsaken me, I realize it was right there all along.
Oh holy caffienated one, I want to bask in your glory.
In these dark, dark, sleepy times,
When I fear that the evils of studying, a captivating season of House, or even late-night partying with friends,
Are stealing my pure, unadultered sleep,
I can feel your warm presence.
I know that when I am cold and grumpy from having to leave the comfort of my warm bed,
You will be there.
You are always there, to soothe the irritations of life,
To smooth out the rough edges,
And to turn my frown upside down.
It is because of you, that I don't bitchslap coworkers.
It is because of you, that I go to work and make money.
It is because of you, that I can go to school and understand what I am reading.
Great messiah in my liquid,
You are great.
Let us take a moment of warm, yummy, aromatic silence and enjoy our drinks of choice... that keep us students/workers/parents alive and sane.

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