Monday, October 25, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Monday, October 25th, 2010

WOWOWOWOWOW. Halloween is THIS weekend already. It feels like we just celebrated my birthday yesterday, but a whole month has gone by already! Wow.
This weekend was a half and half. Half bad, half good.
Friday/Saturday: Hit up the gym with Michael and Jackie, and then I brought him to his poker game. I didn't feel like sleeping, so I went over to Nicole's house to chit chat. Chit chatting lasted for hours, as it usually does, and I ended up going home around 5:30am. Michael then proceeded me to wake up around 9:45, after less than 4 hours of sleep. I was REALLY grouchy. Sorry, but my sleep schedule has to be at least 6 hours... 4 just doesn't cut it. So after his pleading to bring him to work because he was late, I got my ass up, and therefore couldn't go to sleep. When I got back home, made myself a mushroom/tomato/onion scramble, and some bacon. It was OKAAAY. I need some garlic in there. Anyway, watched the episodes in season 7 of House (which is awesome~), and slept for a little bit, as people tried to call the shit out of my phone. WHY OH WHY. I was also craving a Liliha Bakery Cocoa Puff like NOBODY'S BUSINESS, so I opted for some plain yogurt sweetened with some agave nectar. I ended up eating the whole container because I tried to trick myself it was ice cream. Picked Michael up, picked up some veggies for family dinner, and went over to my brother's house. Had some steak and veggies (which put me in a better mood), and then went to the gym with Michael. We had an AWESOME workout with a lot of free weights this time.
Sunday: I had posted on Saturday that I wasn't having a good day on Facebook. My mom saw it, and decided that we should go out shopping on Sunday. So I picked her up around 11:00am, and we went to Kapolei, which is out of my usual range, but hey, that's fine. A change of pace was needed. But anyway, we hit up Target, spent about 3+ hours in there, and I got some necessities. But we also browsed the clothing section, and my mom bought me some clothes =) But I also got some halloween candy for the kids (i'm gonna make them little goodie bags), some cleaning supplies, and some other miscellaneous crap I couldn't help but buy. =) We also had some Aloha Salad when we were finally done with Target. After much debate, I settled for a salad with grilled chicken, lettuce, jicama, cilantro, corn, beans, avocado, and bbq ranch dressing. MMM. I also got a unsweetened berry tea, which was a little hard to take, but it helped with a sweet craving. We then moved onto Petco and Ross, where we ended up getting more clothes (^___^) and we called it quits after that.
So now it's monday, and an unfortunate end to my weekend provokes another workweek. Blegh. I was irresponsible over the weekend, and didn't prepare my lunch for today. So I have olives as a snack today, but I've gotta saunter off and find lunch on my own. I know I want a iced Tazo passion tea (unsweetened, or possibly sweetened with splenda, ew) and I guess i'll hit up a chinese place for some veggies and meats. Yummy for the tastebuds, bad for the wallet.
Current Favorites:
Song: The Freshman - Boyce Avenue
Reading: I think i'll be reading "The Shack" soon, but I don't know when I'll be able to do so.
Movie: Haven't seen one lately
Snack: Olives. GNAM GNAM.
Pastime: Haven't had time for one recently, but my mom just gave me her Konad set, so I might hop into that over the weekend =)
Have a great day~

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