Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Thursday, October 21st, 2010

I love lists, so here's another one:
OMG, GROSS. Last night, arond 10:30pm, I was getting ready to go to sleep, which usually involves teh snugglez, and possibly some random groping here and there. ;-) HOWEVER, the aforementioned groping was cut sadly short because of a PEEPING TOM across the way. My bedroom has a lanai with glass doors and some blinds. We always close and lock the glass doors and close the blinds at night, mainly because we don't want the bugs to come in, and sometimes I like sleeping in the buff (Just joking. Or am I?!). So last night, Michael realizes that there's someone outside looking at us. The building across from ours is rather close... maybe like, 25 feet away or so. So this guy wasn't just passing by and looking in, he was on the floor above us, on the balcony walkway, just STARING in. He wasn't smoking a cigarette, he wasn't on his phone (YET), he was literally just STARING in our room. So I mentioned that the blinds were closed, however, with the long swivel blinds, there's a space between the part where the blinds end and the glass door. So there's about 4 inches of uncovered glass that you can look through diagonally to our bed. BUT you'd have to position yourself just so, to get the correct angle. So naturally I sit up and stare back, because i'm threatened, and I wanna get this guy's face. However, I don't have my glasses on, so I can only tell his body shape and not his face. I basically glared back for a few minutes, and he busted out his phone to make like he was doing something (other than being a creepo). Then he walked away. Then as I was getting ready to sleep, I saw him creep into vision on the floor below the one he was on previously, which was almost paralell to our floor (a little lower). I sat upright again, stared more. He got on his phone again and "talked" to someone then left for good. W.T.F.!!! I'm creeped out, and he interrupted my snuggles. PISSED. If I catch him doing that again, i'm gonna turn my camera on, and press charges. It's invasion of privacy to stare into someone's home, especially with sexy intentions. <___<
2. Halloween
If all goes well (and if Michael obliges) All that's going to be necessary for our halloween costumes is makeup/ face paint! w00t! I'll unveil this later, but i'm excited. If Michael doesn't agree to do this with me, I'll have to resort to finger moustaches. =/
3. New segment?
So, my carbless plan is taking a while, because my schedule is so busy in the middle of the week that I can't go to multiple stores in one night. Last night I hit up Whole Foods for some specialty items, so tonight we're going to Sam's club, and tomorrow is Don Quijote I think. But Sam's Club has the bulk of my needs, so hopefully we won't even need to go to DQ. However, I plan to buy a scale, and document my weight loss/ health improvements. I'll probably vlog/blog about it, but just like I have seperate lables for SEOTS (which I haven't done in gawd knows how long), and TDP, I'm gonna have a new tag. I dunno what i'll call it yet, but I should be posting my first whatever sometime this weekend. =)
4. Why can't it be the end of Friday, already? =(
You know, i've considered stacking 10 hour shifts Monday - Thursday so I can have Friday off. Damn you school, for c---blocking my plans.
I'm hungry, what's for lunch?

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