Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

I should probably be reading my Religion chapters, but meh, blogging is just SOOOO much more important. =P
I've gotta get my blogging schedule on track, hence the blog yesterday. Today, not much is happening in my life. I did post a SEOTS entry (finally!) so check that out below if you like 1) Cauliflower, 2) Mashed Potatoes (although no potatoes were harmed in the blogging of that adventure) or 3) Giant, ridiculously oversized, orange bowls. You might just be interested. ;-)
I am quite pleased with Blogger Stats though! It's like a mommy getting her child's first report card. Except that I have 3 blog-children. And only ONE got A's. SEOTS and OM NOM NOMIES get time outs, and HGG gets a cookie. Perhaps it's like that because i've been shamelessly promoting my HGG blog on Yahoo! Answers everytime I answer a question. XD Well, in all due respect, they ask me what my source is, so there! Justification.
I'm not sure how to promote SEOTS, seeing as it's kind of a mash up of my entire life. I might just blend ONN into this blog too, seeing as i'm all food centered and what not. HURR FOOD NOM NOM HURR. I've also been reading a lot of Questionable Content lately, can you tell? (I'm a smarmosaur and i'm secretly in love with Yelling Bird...)
Anywhozits, it seems that i've got this second wind to blogging although my school schedule is about to take a turn for the hectic. I am 1) Coming up on final exams in December, 2) Going to be a full-time student next semester and the following 3 years, and 3) HOLIDAYS/BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARY RAWR. The end of the year is SOOOOO crazy.
Alrighty, so just to be clear, here's my official blogging schedule:
Monday: Buddha-ful
Tuesday: The Daily Pink!
Wednesday: Buddha-ful
Thursday: The Daily Pink!
Friday: Buddha-ful
Saturday: SEOTS (every other Saturday)
I might switch Saturdays and Sundays, but either day, you get 2 SEOTS entries per month. We'll see how it goes next year.
I do feel bad about leaving Happy Go Girl out to dry, just because that's the blog that gets the most traffic, and I haven't made any movement on it recently. To be honest, I haven't worn makeup recently! I will do my MAC haul soon though... possibly even today/tomorrow. Don't take my word on that.
Have a donut for me! And also a wonderful day. =)

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