Friday, October 1, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Friday, October 1st, 2010

It's FRIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAAY!!! One of the best days in the whole week! I love weekends.
z0mg I just have to share about my garlic bagel. I went to Lox of Bagels this morning and I got a bagel sandwich for breakfast, and one for lunch. For breakfast, I got the standard ham, eggs and cheese bagel on GARLIC bagel. GARLIC. Z-0-M-G. It's SOOOOO good. I am a garlic fiend though, so maybe it's just me, but I could eat them everyday. I also got my roast beef sandwich on garlic. ^__^ If you are a savory bagel fan, I really recommend this one. Garlic, onion, or cheese, you really can't go wrong. GNOM.
It's also the first day in October! With the holiday season fast approaching, all I can do is think about money and the lack there of it. I don't really have the funds to blow it all on my friends and family like I would want to. BUT I am looking forward to having our very first Christmas tree on our own. Now we can begin to collect ornaments and such, and even make our own very first ornament. Hah, call me a hopeless romantic, but I hope this year is romantically wonderful (as Christmas always tends to be).
Yesterday I joined my local 24 hour fitness! Michael signed me up because his friend got us a special deal. I'm ecstatic! I don't know if this will go unused, but I've comitted at least once a week. Michael's even paying for my monthly due! Ah, i'm so lucky~! I'm hoping to go today after work, and after I check out a desk I found on craigslist. It seems that I've got lots to do today after work. Work - Check desk out - Workout - Maybe Fresh Cafe - Satura Cakes (does that nullify my workout? lol). Fridays are always fun!
I'm thinking of vlogging my fitness and health goals, but i'm not sure yet. If I do, I might just keep them to myself like a diary. XD
Well I hope everyone has a great Friday, and an even greater weekend! WEWT~

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