Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Buddha-ful: No.2 SPLENDA-RIFIC

Day No.: 5
Today I'm Feeling: Okay, so far.
The last thing I ate/drank was: A hot grande sugar-free vanilla latte with soy from Starbucks

So i've decided that this is going to be the general layout of these entries. Also, I'm going to switch the posting schedule for TDP, so it WAS MWF, but now is going to be T & TH. Buddha-ful will be MWF, and I hope to get a SEOTS in there at least once a week on the weekends maybe, along with a HGG post. I know this is not gonna make the cut sometimes, but I will try to stick to this.

Today is Tuesday, so I technically shouldn't be posting one of these, but I'm just gonna do both. I've also created two Twitter feeds to the right -------> The one on top is labeled BuddhafulBlog (please subscribe!) so I can continually spam my food pictures on there without disturbing my personal Twitter account. So if you're interested in what i'm eating (I take pictures of almost EVERYTHING), take a peek. I also have my PinkStar26 one that's below that, if you're interested in my personal life. =)

Today I've been a little naughty. The only carb I allow myself to have, and only if i'm in a bind, or am WAAAAY too lazy to cook (like this morning) is plain oats/oatmeal. No sugar added, no fruits. This morning I went to Starbucks (I KNOW, carb heaven) and I got a Perfect Oatmeal, added two packets of Splenda, and a sugar-free Vanilla latte. I've always had the BIGGEST problem with "fake sugar". I can TASTE it. I can TASTE the FAKENESS. And it bothers me. I even hate diet drinks. But I think it's mainly the aspartame that is nasty to me, because the Splenda this morning was not so bad. I can still taste it, but I think I can get used to it. We'll see. I also brought some ready-made bacon from home, so I had that along with my oatmeal. It was pretty darn good if I say so myself. I really enjoy oatmeal, and I wonder if I can incorporate it more a little later on. I've gotta remind myself to prepare breakfasts and lunches after I buy everything on the weekends.

I am supposed to go to the gym tonight, but i've got a ton of reading to do, so I think that's an ex-nay. I did just learn that they now have pumpkin pancakes with cream cheese frosting at Cinnamon's (awesome breakfast restraunt), and boy am I looking forward to Thanksgiving. I'm a sucker for anything pumpkin, even Kabocha (Japanese style boiled pumpkin in sauce). I've decided that I will allow myself carbs during Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I can't take any home as leftovers. Sounds pretty fair to me. MMM STUFFING AND PUMPKIN EVERYTHING NOM.

So that's it for today, I'll be posting on my twitter feed as I go! No idea what lunch is, probably some beef brocolli or something. =)


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