Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Daily Pink!: Thursday, October 28th, 2010

In retrosepect, I have no idea why I posted a TDP yesterday. LOL WEIIIRD.
Anyway, here's a blog to get my posting schedule back on track for the week.
And apparently, I like lists. I make lots of them. Grocery, To-do, even personal grooming. =P
Here's a list of things that are bothering me right now:
1.) I'm getting kinda hungry. It suxxorz. I'd rather just NOT be hungry, thanks.
2.) I have zits all over my FAAAACE. Like ALL over. Chin, cheeks, forehead. I feel like I am the giant zitzilla that will spread my zitty-ness if you come within 2 feet of my face.
3.) I AM BLUEEE. Not the color, the verb. Meaning somewhat slightly depressed, overly pathetic, and full of pity. Sack-o-pity. Pity-filled-titties. Mluh. Don't expect me to be social for the next i-don't-know-how-long. Ah, halloween is gonna SUUUUCK. <~~~ Wowowowow, that was sooo pessimistic of me. =/
4.) No San Francisco trip for me. The impending doom that is the holidays (also, anniversary and 254684352463 birthdays) is c**k-blocking my fun. Fun eclipse! Boooo.
5.) It's been rainy lately (although a brief moment of sun, and now back to the clouds), and I feel particularly downtrodden today, and just knowing I have nothing loveable, warm and squishy at home to console me suxxorz, too. Michael has decided that he's going to go to school early today, so none of teh snugglez for me. Urgh.
6.) Work. It's not done yet. These 23 minutes are going to be the LONGEST 23 minutes of my life. Make that 22.
7.) I am forbidding myself from not partaking in teh alcoholz until new years, so I can't drown my sorrows that way either. AND the cherry on top would be that I can't drown myself in ice cream either. Unless it's low-carb/sugar-free. Then, is it really even worth it? I got some skinny cow sugar-free ice cream last night, and it was basically splenda, frozen, and wedged between two pieces of cardboard. So now, my only option is to LITERALLY drown myself with some WATER, or maybe my emo tears while singing along with Michael Buble songs at the top of my lungs in my car. Yeah.
8.) I want some frckin brownies/cakes/cookies/puddings/pancakes/pasta/butter rolls/CARBSSSSS
And that, folks, is the list of things that are bothering me right now.
What am I happy about right now? Uhhhh:
1.) Work is over in 18 minutes. That's better than 8 hours.
2.) It will probably be raining by the time I get home, when I will then proceed to boil some edamame, and soak in my tub. Oh! Maybe I can multi-task and boil the edamame in my scalding hot bath! Do bath salts count as seasoning? How many calories are in that?
3.) IT IS ALMOST FRIDAY WHICH MEANS IT IS ALMOST THE WEEKEND. Thursday happens to also be the last school day of the week, so that's good, too.
4.) I ordered a Domo lanyard for myself about a week ago, so it should be arriving next week. I also ordered the Questionable Content book of comics, so that should be arriving shortly too! I love spoiling myself a little. I love Domo, and need a lanyard, because I am ALWAYS losing my keys. Also, I am the most hardcore fan of QC. I may not get some (when I say some, I mean ALL) of their indie music comedy, but damn it if i'm not hooked. I've been reading since 2005! <3 In fact, it's the ONLY web comic I read... I need to find moar.
5.) By the time i'm done with this blog, i'll be out the door, on my way home, hopefully. That is most definitely something short of AWESOME to look forward to.
6.) I am going to revamp the layout of my blog this weekend. I think I might drawwwww ittttt???? maybe. MAYBBBEE. I haven't picked up a pencil or stylus in the LONGEST of times. LONGEST.
Pyuh. My junk outweighs the rest. HURRRRRRR HURRRR "That's what HE said" NYURRRRR

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