Monday, August 30, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 30th, 2010

What the eff?! Where has the time gone? It's the end of August already, and I could have sworn I was just looking forward to summer. Well darn.

So today is monday, and what a BLAH monday it has been so far. This morning was nothing special, however, I did have a bad dream last night. I don't really want to delve, but the dream was pretty self explanitory regarding my attachment issues. Blah, blah, blah.

Anywho, it looks like a beautiful day outside today. Another summer day gone as we hurl closer to rainy season here. Oh well.

This past weekend was not too eventful, but that's what I wanted. I wanted a relaxing weekend to sleep! I did get a new computer though! I finally got my first desktop computer, and it's absolutely wonderful. I know that seems a little counterproductive, seeing as I am a college student, a laptop or a netbook would be the smart choice. BUT I've had laptops my whole life, and yeah, as awesome as portability is, it's not everything. It's uncomfortable to type on a laptop, and it's usually somewhat heavy. Also, I never bring my laptop anywhere anyway, so a desktop is perfect for me. I just have to remember to turn it off at night because it will make my electricity bill skyrocket! I badly needed a new computer because my laptop can't hold a charge, so it has to remain plugged into the wall, the wireless hardware is unreliable (I think something broke in there) and I think there is damage to the sound card, because I can't even watch youtube or listen to iTunes without the sound being laggy. I've already transferred all my stuff off of it and onto my new computer, but I'm gonna clean up my laptop and wipe the hard drive, and then give it to my pc-deficient cousin. =)

Tonight my english class was cancelled, but Michael still needs to be there early. I guess i'm hitting up the library, to ... study? Study what? There's nothing to study yet. The backs of my eyelids I guess.

But mondays bring my current favorites list!

Song: Taeyang - I'll Be There (English version) (Off his newly released International album!)
Book: Currently READING (not favorite) The Ramayana
Movie: Scott Pilgrim VS. The World
Snack: Vegan cupcakes! AUGH so good.
Pastime: Fiddling with my new computer! Yeah baby!

Have a fricken GREAT day!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 27th, 2010

Woohoo it is 11:53pm, and I can post TDP for another 7 minutes and still be on time, so i've gotta make this short and sweet.

Had some of my friends come over tonight. That was fun. Made the mistake of drinking 2 cups of coffee about an hour prior to their departure. 6 minutes left.

So now I am awake, up, and about, and no one to talk to, and nothing to do. Darn. I tried calling my other friend, but it seems that she is sleeping. Boo Nicole, you suck for either 1) falling asleep because you worked tonight or have work tomorrow or 2) are completely oblivious to the sound of your phone. 4 minutes left.

This has been the week from hell, but hey, I got through it all in one piece. Started school, battled through an infection, got my period, and this weekend i've got some reading to tackle. Can do, can do. But for now, it's the weekend, and I am planning on taking it easy, and SLEEPING. 3 minutes left.

I am currently Solar-izing myself with Taeyang's I Need a Girl. I am also getting my desktop PC this weekend! Yeah, yeah, go ahead and hate on me. The fact that I have a desktop versus a laptop, or a pc versus a Mac. Blah Blah Blah. 2 minutes left.

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend, and sleep/splurge/be active/drink insane amounts of caffeine and fck yourself over or whatever you're gonna do. With one minute left I bid you adieu!

PinkStar26 (it's midnight!)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SEOTS Entry No. 4: Sometimes, Having That Extra X Chromosome Sucks

I know everyone's heard this at least once. Women constantly complaining about their monthly whatevers, being bitchy, wah wah-wah wah wah wah wah. That's what men hear anyway. Well that's what I THINK men hear, because I am a woman, and do not have male ears. Anywho, I CAN, however, accurately submit testimony to the daily womanly battles.

1) The Period.
Yeah, this is the focal point of every woman's demise. We BLEED. WE bleed. WE BLEED. From our VAGINA. When men bleed from their urethra, they go see a doctor because something is seriously wrong. When we bleed, (copiously, might I add) we just have to suck it up (not literally, ew) and plaster on that smile and pretend like we are not BLEEDING HEAVILY from concealed areas. But no, no, no, no, no, GOD FORBID if we get a little short tempered or emotional, because we have 958451283764 things to do, and on top of that we are dealing with bloating, menstrual cramps, and bleeding. Being a woman really sucks sometimes.

2) Money.
Okay, these things cost some serious CASH. We've got to buy bras and underwear first of all, and they are quite expensive. Also consider makeup, pantyhose, heels, different kinds of clothes and accesories, lingerie... etc. Tampons are about $6 a box and on average, I'd say a woman goes through about 3/4ths to a whole box in one menstrual cycle. Now this is actually rare, because many women go back and forth between pads and tampons. A package of pads are around teh same price, so you're up to $12. BUT WAIT! You can't just use regular tampons and pads the whole time. You've gotta get heavy and light ones too. So not it's $24, AND then add the cost of pantiliners too. We're up to $29, but no, no, no, it doesn't stop there. Got cramps? Need medicine! A box of Midol is around $8, not to mention a diuretic if you've got some serious bloating. We're now up to $40! Not to mention all the ruined underwear and chocolate consumed. The list goes on forever. Now the tampons and pads should last a while, so the prices may vary from month to month. BUT compared to the men's total of... $0 for this topic, it's way more expensive to be a girl.

So, because our anatomy just happens to be inside and partially outside, women are more prone to get infections and such. STDs, UTIs, and other bacterial or fungal infections are common with women, especially if sexually active. Not to mention the Human Papilloma Virus, that can be transmitted through semen. Thanks guys, rub salt in our wounds, why don't you? It's pretty common to get at least one type of infection in your life in that area, especially if you wear tight, non-breathable undies, or keep your bathing suit on after swimming (who doesn't do that once in a while?). On top of that, most of the medications to treat these infections cost a lot of money (ESPECIALLY if you don't have medical insurance). We also have more serious things like ovarian and uterine cancers and other syndromes and diseases that may screw up your lady bits (granted, we don't have prostates, which mean no prostate cancer, so that's the male equivalent I guess). Also, once you turn 18 or become sexually active, you have to start seing a Gynecologist yearly. Don't WORRY it will be SO FUN that you'll want to go again and again. Believe me? You'll get to experience the cold room, the paper thin gown, the self-conscious doubt, the COLD duck lips contraption, the strange, slippery fingers poking and prodding, the unwanted, UNCOMFORTABLE pressure, and the feeling that you've been professionally violated while they give you a tissue to wipe up afterward. Oh yes, this will be SO much fun. And on top of that, when you get a little older, they stick your breasts into a contraption that flattens them to pancake proportions and you question whether or not it will hurt more to have small boobs or big boobs in this machine. YAAAAY.

4) Another obvious one: Unwanted pregnancy.
Yep, that's right kiddos. If you are sexually active, it's not the man who gets pregnant, has to deal with 9 months of alien-esque body control, morning sickness, or aversions to smells. It's WOMEN. Now, this is a back and forth thing, many women enjoy their pregnancies, but it does take a toll on the body. Once you get pregnant, you're body chemistry will never be the same. Sure you could get in shape, and be healthier than ever before, but your body will not go back to pre-pregnancy make up. Not to mention your boobs stretch and deflate, which can be a real problem amongst women that want to be a post-pregnancy MILF, or at least have better self esteem about their fun bags. Not to mention there are some serious risks with labor, like oh um, DEATH, or profuse bleeding, and internal trauma, etc. Also, pregnancy from rape is a sad, but true issue. That's like physical and emotional rape that lasts for 9+ months, and then you have these uncomfortable options on what you want to do with the life form that you unwillingly created.

5) Society's "Rules".
Here's where the feminism kicks in. So, women are still expected to clean, cook, watch after children, not be more successful than men, not make more money than men, not be as cutthroat in the business industry than men, and basically bow down to men. Well, not in the 21st century, let me tell you that. I am not disuputing the fact of our historical past; That the woman's basic and natural programming is to be the caregiver in the home. Understandable. The men are naturally programmed to hunt and protect. Okay. However, you are telling me that with all the technological advances and evolution of the human race, that genders are not allowed to switch roles? Give me a break. Men don't HUNT anymore (unless it's for fun... or sex), they drive through McDonalds to eat their prey. The most that men will ever protect us from in normal circumstances are bugs and rodents maybe (and damnit, I think it is programmed in women to hate bugs, scream and run away). So what are women still held up to this stigma of being the homemaker? This is the biggest double standard between genders. Women are = (or >) to Men (and before the SUPER feminist man hater steps in, remember that it works both ways. Men are also = (or SOMETIMES >) Women). We need to remember this equation, and make this world an equal place for all genders.

So, go ahead and dispute it; I'm sure men have the answers to counter every one of these facts. I am just merely stating that women generally have a lot of stuff going on, and much of it has to do with the fact that we are women. Oh, genetics, when will you stop torturing us? Never? Never.

However, there are good things from being a woman. A lot of women enjoy the fact that they have uteruses, because I hear birth is a very natural feeling (don't expect me to lick my newborn baby though), and many women enjoy it (that Duggar lady!). I'm sure I won't fully understand until I give birth to a child (if I ever have children). We also get to wear really cute outfits, AND we can wear guys clothes and have it still be socially acceptable, compared to vice versa (although the LBGT community is very welcoming, i'm sure). We also have a reason once a month to be lazy and bitchy (girls, you know you may have fibbed once or twice about the severity of your period... "Oh, honey, i'm so tired, i've got cramps, can you do the dishes?" or have used the line "I'm sorry for snapping, I have my period."). Some of us also have boobs that are very fun to play with (in a non-sexual way), because they can be used as bongoes, or even a place to stick your phone, wallet, keys, umbrella, etc.

Just like the rest of life, it's a give and take system. If only it could be less bloody.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 24th, 2010

I did not do TDP yesterday because I didn't have much time to do it! Soooo busy.

Anywho, my weekend was pretty terrible, so i'll just skip over that. I got up an hour late yesterday which was like one final kick in the crotch from the weekend, so I wasn't so happy about that either. But besides that, yesterday was fun. Work starts one hour earlier for me from now on, because I started school yesterday! I had two classes last night, and i'll have one class every night until Thursday.

And then last night, I also went to dinner right after school with some of my old coworkers. One was visiting from the Big Island. We went to Shokudo, a Japanese-fusion restaurant. I ordered my favorite, Sukiyaki Bibimbap fried rice, and shared a Shrimp Tempura appetizer. I had a Grape Calpico Vodka Soda as well. We also had some Honey Cinnamon toast and ice cream for dessert. Yum!

I had a strange dream last night. I was pregnant, checking into a hotel, and I had the top floor. It gradually became aware that the hotel was like one of those traveling hotels, with just a bed to sleep in. So my room was at the top, and it was basically a 10X15 foot box. I sat in the middle of the room, and I remember the floor being covered with astro turf. There were glass windows all around, so it gave a panoramic view, but I was very high up off the ground. All of a sudden I went into labor! Then the floor started to crumble, and I started to fall through, while in active labor. Then I woke up.

According to the Dream Moods dictionary website, pregnancy means a new stage of life, like some kind of new era. Being on a top floor means being successful at something, as if climbing a tier. Breaking ground means uncertainty, or unstable feelings toward something, and fear of failing.

The new era in my life is school, and I am very nervous about it. My brain was just flipping through the events of the day, and the feelings I had about them. It was kind of jarring to feel the same feelings I felt when I attended the same school and classes 4 years ago. I remember while in class, thinking "Am I actually here? In the same school? In the same class? Is it going to be the same as last time? Am I going to drop my classes again?". But I will try my best not to, because it's not really an option anymore. Ganbarimasu, ne?!

My neck hurts. I must have slept on it wrong. Crap.

Have a great day!


Friday, August 20, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 20th, 2010

TGIFTGIFTGIFTGIFTGIFTGIF!!!!!!! (lol, that looks like gift gift gift)

Happy Aloha Friday Everyone! It's my favorite day of the week! So much to look forward to!

This is the last weekend before the school semester starts for me. I can't believe i'm going back to school... it's a love-hate relationship I suppose.

Anywho, this morning a roach decided it wanted to celebrate my friday with me. EW. So this morning I had to declare war on the unwanted intruder, so I sent Michael after it. ^_^ I'm a girl afterall, and I am decidely powerless against nasty insects. Guh. After a few failed attempts, he finally nabbed the sucker behind the couch. Roach-san, you've been PWNED. I also sprayed some windex on it's wiggling feet just to make sure it was double PWNED.

But, then my coworker brought me some yummies from Lox-Of-Bagels. OM NOM NOM. AND she's getting me Kaka'ako kitchen for breakfast! Oishi~desu ne~~

I am determined to make it a GREAT weekend. I'm kicking it off with going back to school shopping with a friend tonight!

Weekend Plans:
Friday night - Back to School Shopping
Saturday - BEACH/whatevers
Sunday - Grocery Shopping?/Clean/Relax/Pamper

Sweeet. Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 19th, 2010

Thursday! I made it! Thursday is the tease to Friday, which is the tease to Saturday. =)

So this fine Thursday has been absolutely gor-juice (who get's the Yotsuba english manga reference?! >_<)! I am looking out my windows in my office and feeling pretty sad that I can't go to the beach right now! There are barely any clouds in the sky! AUGH. But, alas, I am stuck, stuck, stuck at work like a clogged drain. But that's okay. Gotta make the money somehow. I went to Subway for lunch today, and oh my, it was so much better than I remembered. I think it's because I haven't had in a long time. See, I had this Subway ban in my head, because I generally don't like sandwiches. But I guess it's good every once in a while. I got a turkey 6'' on honey oat, with bacon. OM NOM NOM. I'm not going to share my vegetables because that's intimate. That's like sharing my lip chapstick. Only with the closest friends. The. CLOSEST. Friends. Without coldsores. Anywho, not much going on this thursday. I've got a SEOTSed blog coming up, i'll probably work on that tonight. If I don't forget. And if i'm not too busy watching AHEM jersey shore AHEM HACK COUGH. Gawd.

I'm still determined to get a KC waffle dog this weekend. Who's down?!? Yeaaaaah.

Have a great day! =)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 18th, 2010

Wednesday! Smack dab in the middle of the work week. Blargh.

Nothing new has happened today, but I did have a very interesting conversation with a friend about faith. ^__^

I did find little mold specks on my sponge cake though! T_____T I tried to pluck them out but then I found a few inside too. SEOTSED! I had to throw it away.

I can't wait till the weekend, and Monday! For once (I hope) it will not be a dreaded monday.

I hope to hit up the beach this weekend (and every weekend!), relax and have some fun with friends. Then Monday is my first day of school, and I get to go to dinner at Shokudo with some old co-workers! I am excited!

Damn, it's still Wednesday. I got ahead of myself there. I still gotta get through Thursday and Friday. Booooo.

Random thought of the day: "If 'nyaa' = 'meow', 'RAWR' = 'NYAAR'?" hahaha. Good times.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 17th, 2010

Is it seriously only tuesday? Damn.

I wish I could dance well. Or rather, be in shape to dance. Watching Big Bang, and more specifically Taeyang's music videos... makes me want to move like that! Too bad i'm 1) too shame to do that in front of people and 2) no one wants the jiggly. All bad. Maybe someday.

*Sigh* Today is cleaning house day when I get home. I've been avoiding it for the last week and a half... clothes strewn about, small rubbish not taken out, makeup all over the place, floor unswept, tub unscrubbed, dishes dirty, and laundry not hung, and not washed. Soujioshimasu!

I have been having a most unholy urge to play DDR. But I want to get back into it physically, not just with the remote. I think I would love it as a workout. How nostalgic! Is that dorky of me? An almost 22 year old playing DDR? Would it look weird if I went to the arcade to play? Yeah, that'd be weird. I wonder if they still do the coin thing, and I wonder if newbs still steal coins. Oh shit, they don't even use coins anymore. Hah XD


Monday, August 16, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 16th, 2010


ZOMG I'm so tired. I was busy editing and uploading this weekend's pics to Facebook, and stayed up till about 11:30 last night. I got 7 hours of sleep, but it feels more like 2. JEEZ.

BUT this weekend was SO MUCH FUN. Recap!

Friday: After work, a few friends came over, and we had a little mini party. We had sopme dinner, and then went out for some coffee and cake. We also watched some really bad Bleach live action, while doing our nails. Wewt. My friend Becky also crashed on our couch, because she had a 22 mile trail run the next morning.

Saturday: Woke up somewhat early, and didn't do a damn thing =) I really needed a nice relaxing moment to myself and that's exactly what I did. I should have worked out or cleaned up, but I was just WAAAAAAY too lazy. Becky came over after her race, and I finally took the plunge and did makeup on her. It turned out pretty good! A little too natural for photography, but we got some decent pics.

Sunday: A short visit from Becky in the morning (WOW i've seen Becky all three days!), and then Michael and I went shopping for some new clothes for him. He also bought me a Fedora! =) we had some lunch, said hi to a few people in the mall, then hit the beach! Yesterday was one of those absolutely BEAUTIFUL days where the water was crystal clear and cold, the sun was shining and perfect, and even though there were a lot of people with irrirating kids, it was just fun to be at the beach. Ended sunday with the normal family dinner, and my Aunty Barbara (my mom's friend) visited from Las Vegas. I hadn't seen her in about 9 years! I am still very tired. I'm not sure how i'm going to get through this day!

Current Favorites:

Song: Superstar - Taeyang
Book: None
Movie: Remember the Titans (Can't get sick of this movie lol)
Snack: Member's Mark Sea Salt Kettle Chips
Pastime: Playing with makeup... I'm slowly getting back into it after my little hiatus =)

I. Need. Some. Caffeine. 5161621656263521651 mg's of it. RAWR.


Friday, August 13, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 13th, 2010

First and foremost,

I love birthdays! I love getting my close friends gifts because it's an opportunity to be thoughtful and nice without it being weird. LOL.

I am feeling very, very strange today. I don't really believe in superstition, and today is Friday the 13th. But I suddenly got this strange, sad feeling. Kind of like self-pity, but I wasn't thinking of anything in particular.

I'm not really feeling great today; I couldn't sleep last night, I was tossing and turning because of the heat I think. Also my elbow was hurting (I contribute that to my budding carpal tunnel), and I woke up really late this morning. Look like crap, feel like crap. Oh well. I just gotta make the best of what I have today.

I am not sure why I am feeling the way I am feeling today. It almost feels like the pre-cursor to an anxiety attack, but my brain has not spiraled to that point. It feels very uncomfortable. I can usually throw on some awesome Big Bang music and drown out my worries, but it's not quite working today. I think I just need some time to myself to unwrap these feelings and figure out what's bothering me.

To be honest, I think i've been kind of depressed on some unknown level. I've found that I have cycles of being proactive, and being listless and sloth-like. I'm in one of those stagnant periods, where i'm not being active, not being helpful, being lazy and generally scattered. I really wonder how school is going to affect this cycle. I have a feeling I'm gonna need to get myself together this next week before school starts. I think i'm going to take this weekend to unwind, and next weekend to gear up.

Breathe in, breathe out. Big Bang. Type, type, type. Chai. Type, type, type. Water. Breathe in, breathe out. Get a grip. Smile at the computer screen. GRIIIN. Inhale, exhale.

I'm looking forward to some hopeful relaxing pauhana tonight.
Have a great weekend!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 12th, 2010


I am indeed asleep sitting up with my eyes open, and interacting with my computer.

Besides that fact, I am having a pretty decent morning. Becky came over last night (I swear, she just KNOWS when we are having a vegetarian dinner lol), and we stayed up talking till around 11. As a person that usually sleeps around 9:30pm, 11pm is pretty late for a work night. But it was fun.

I'm looking forward to lunch today (vegetarian lasagna leftovers with some garlic french bread, and i have pistachios, almonds, and cashews for a snack, along with kettle corn yum). I am also looking forward to ending work, so I can pick up Kelli and deliver her present to her! I worked really hard on decorating her card, which I shall post up tomorrow probably.

It looks like a gorgeous day today though! I wish I was at the beach. I have plans for a special rendezvous with my beach spot this weekend. ^_~ I wish the weekdays would go by faster, and the weekends would SLLLOOOOOWWWW down. I'm sure once school starts, I will feel like I never have enough time.

Well that's pretty much all for me today, see you tomorrow~


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 11th, 2010

WHOA WHOA WHOA I forgot about TDP yesterday! What's up with that?!?!

I have no excuse for that, other than it just completely slipped my mind. Nothing much happened, though, so no big loss.

Today is Wednesday, smack dab in the middle of my work week. SNORE. I really didn't want to come into work today, and procrastinated hard this morning. Blegh. I had a half a slice of left over pizza, and now I'm feeling pretty terrible about it. Blargh.

It is now 1:49pm, and I am slowly easing into Kanak Attack mode. ZZZZZZZZZZZ

I did download Fort Minor's "The Rising Tied" album that came out in 2005. I honestly don't know what took me so long... it's amazing! I'll be sure to review. I also downloaded Jay Z / Linkin Park "Collision Course", and Nuttin But Stringz "From the Subway to the Charts". I heart Pandora.

Tomorrow I'm going to give my friend Kelli a ride home, and give her an early bday present! And on the weekend I get to play makeup artist and possibly photographer with Becky's face! =)

Ja mata, ne~

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 9th, 2010

Whoops! So I may not have had time this weekend to post TDP. But I think that's a good schedule for me, Monday thru Friday.

This past weekend was absolutely great! I wish every weekend was like this past one! Well, hopefully cheaper! =)

Friday night: I went to First Fridays, which is basically a block party in downtown Honolulu, near Chinatown. There are art exhibits and special bar/club deals on the First Friday of every month. I went with one of my best friends, Becky, and we went to check out a firedancing exhibit and some slam poetry at Ong King. The firedancing was less than inspiring, but the slam poetry was amazing. That inspired me to continue different styles of writing, and to attend more slam poetry events in the future. I got some pics, videos, and voice recordings that i'll have to upload later. We also went to an exhibit that was called "Space and Sound" by Teebs. The art was very urban and inspiring, but the "sound" portion... well, maybe it just wasn't MY thing. It sounded like a bunch of noise to me, thrown over a bass line, and some strange nature noises...? Maybe another $5 cup of warm wine and I would have understood it better.
After walking around and popping into a few other places, we had a couple drinks and some bombastic broccolli soup (yes, I used 'bombastic') from Brasserie Du Vin, a wine bar. I had a 'Big Island Iced Tea' and my friend had the house wine (Bubbly something... I don't remember... but I think it was actually champagne...). We met up with Becky's boyfriend, and I drove them to their car.

Saturday: I actually got up rather early on Saturday, even after the night before. I had to run a few errands, and picked up one of my friends, Nicole, to help celebrate Becky's belated birthday. We met up to go stand up paddleboarding. We rented some boards and just chilled in the lagoon (behind the Ilikai) for a couple hours. It was fun! It only strengthened my urge to buy a board. If only they were cheaper! I hadn't been to the beach or in the sun in so long, I was so excited to go, and sort of skimped on the sunblock. MISTAKE! I got sunburned! Shortly after, we headed over to Waiola Shaved Ice to grab some yummy goodness! I got the azuki bean bowl; I hadn't had it in soooo long! After finishing our treats, we wanted to get some real food at Helena's, but they were closed, so we settled for Boston's pizza. I bought a pizza for everyone to share (Spinach, Garlic, Mushroom FTW!) and we brought it back to my place and chilled out for a little bit. It's so nice to relax and have some good food after the beach! We then headed over to Ross's to scope out some conveniently priced items. ;-)

Sunday: Sunday was the perfect veg out day for me. I needed a day to myself. I dropped Michael off at work, and basically stayed home all day and REEEEELLLAAAAXXXXEEEDD. Did some light chores around the house, and watched some mind-numbing TV. Went to Sunday family dinner. Perfect way to end my weekend. <3>PinkStar26

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 6th, 2010


Happy Aloha friday everyone!

It's nearing lunch time and i'm getting kind of hungry. I think i'll snack on some li hing mui watermelon candies. ;D

Anyway, I'm looking forward to my weekend! This week seemed like it was dragging a bit, and this is the first full weekend off in a while for me.

Tonight's plans include a get together tonight at our place with a bunch of Michael's friends, and they're gonna play a little poker. I'm no poker player, but it's nice to have friends over. AND there's a chance i'm going to get a little First Friday action in downtown! SWEET~

Then tomorrow we're celebrating my friend's birthday, by grabbing some SUP boards and going around! Woohoo! I haven't been boarding in a long time! And after the beach, comes a BBQ! Yum~

I hope the weather cooperates with us!

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 5th, 2010

First, and foremost...
I hope you have a great day! :)
Other than that, not much is happening on this cold Thursday (although I am seeing a little sun now).
Today is also payday for me, and that's always nice. Naturally with payday, I get major urges to SHOP, SHOP, SHOP. I really want this Motorola T505 Bluetooth handsfree speaker set (mainly to use it as an FM transmitter to play my MP3's through Mazzie's audio system). I miiiiiight get it. But i've gotta get a few gifts for other people too.
Augh, I've been insanely addicted to Typing of the Dead. We actually have the real game at home on the Wii, which is fun in itself, but i'm just no good at aiming I guess. But I do type fast! Wewt for game spin offs! :D
Last night I found out some great news that I will eventually share, but not just yet. I've gotta prepare for it ;D
August To Do:
1. Buy Schoolbooks
2. Work on website
3. Buy popsicle sticks
4. Go shopping for a computer
5. Buy some school supplies
6. Buy Becky and Kelli's Birthday gifts
7. Read through at least one peice of classic literary fiction before school starts
8. Revert necessary blog entries to private on older blog
9. Transfer all files off of laptop and onto hard drive
10. Go through all videos and delete/edit/upload
11. Donate items
12. Fix up lanai
13. Buy comfy lawn chairs for lanai
Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 4th, 2010

Good Afternoon!

This blog is a little later in the day than my norm, but it's been a really busy morning.

I am addicted to craigslist! I love bargain hunting. Which is probably why I love doing low-end cosmetic reviews. I live for the chase!

Nothing much has happened today. A normal hump day. You know, camels probably resent that term. Although I guess not a lot of camels can read. If they could, do you think they'd take over the world?! <_<;;>PinkStar26

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 3rd, 2010

Good Morning! I am pumped this morning!

I don't know why, but this morning my brain is working on overdrive. I have all this inspiration to write, and I don't know why. I think it may have been because I was reading a lot of essays before I went to sleep last night. I love the "Twentysomething essays by Twentysomethings" book. I hope to be in it someday (if they decide to gather a new bunch).

Anyway, it got me to thinking... am I special? Harharhar, insert cheesy "Special Ed" joke here. But really? Am I MORE special than the person next to me? Do I have more potential, or strife than the person down the block? I suppose not. But there are only a few people that can fit in those spots; not everyone can be a true leader, or revolutionary. Is that where I fit? Can that be learned? Can that be helped?

I want to know if I was meant to change people. Do I have the potential to change people outside of my circle of family and close friends? I know that I have played a role in their lives, as they have mine. But is it possible that I can someday walk into a room, and tweak the perception of a certain topic in those people's minds? Can I be that person you want to know more about?

I am thinking of trying an experiment. I am going to take a month off from TV (other than the news!), Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. I am going to see how productive I am, if any at all. I can read books, watch the news, read articles/blogs online, check email, chat, and blog. I'm hoping this will help me to getThat's it! This will be a good prep for school, anyway.

I'm not sure when i'm going to start this. Maybe soon, maybe next week. I don't know. It's a huge thing for me, because I am connected 24/7! We'll see, we'll see.

Hope everyone has a great day =)

Whoops! Edit:

August To-Do
1. Buy schoolbooks
2. Work on website
3. Buy popsicle sticks
4. Go shopping for a computer
5. Buy some school supplies
6. Buy Becky and Kelli's Birthday gifts
7. Read through at least one peice of classic literary fiction before school starts
8. Revert necessary blog entries to private on older blog
9. Transfer all files off of laptop and onto hard drive
10. Go through all videos and delete/edit/upload
11. Donate items
12. Fix up lanai
13. Buy comfy lawn chairs for lanai


Monday, August 2, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August, 2nd, 2010


Okay, so my original post was deleted. BOOOOOO, blogger!

Anywho, it is Monday! Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to work I am. Blargh. Just like the rest of students/workers in this great nation, I hate Mondays (or whichever is the first day back to work from the weekend for you).

But the weekend's gotta end somewhere. Poor Mondays, taking one for the team. Taking the heat for all the other days in the week. Mondays are misunderstood, and should be considered the martyr out of all the days in the week. Show your Monday some love. :-P

I am heading into a kanak attack right now, which is definitely not good for work productivity and efficency. Darn you, yummy, filling lunch. I'd better stick to lighter things. Green tea, help me out.

How was everyone's weekend? Unfortunately, I didn't have much of a weekend; I worked this past Saturday. I am looking forward to this weekend though, we've got a birthday to celebrate! I'm excited! =)

Gonna wash, wax and vacuum Mazzie, but other than that, not too much happening today. I do have a list of things to do for August, though!

August To-Do
1. Buy schoolbooks
2. Work on website
3. Buy popsicle sticks
4. Go shopping for a computer
5. Buy some school supplies
6. Buy Becky and Kelli's Birthday gifts
7. Read through at least one peice of classic literary fiction before school starts
8. Revert necessary blog entries to private on older blog
9. Transfer all files off of laptop and onto hard drive
10. Go through all videos and delete/edit/upload
11. Donate items
12. Fix up lanai
13. Buy comfy lawn chairs for lanai

Wow what a list. I've got a lot to do this month, especially before school starts. Ganbarimasuyo!

Mondays also usher in a new week, so here's my Current Favorites!:

Song: "Somewhere In Brooklyn" - Bruno Mars
Book: Same
Movie: Same
Snack: Ritter Sport Chocolate with Cornflakes
Pastime: Cleaning up Mazzie ;o)

Have a great day!


SEOTS Entry No.3: In the words of Tim Gunn, "Make It Work"

This SEOTS entry topic is one near and dear to my heart. I've always admired people for eliminating "can't" out of their vocabulary. More recently I've wanted to be someone to look up to as reaching their goals, setting higher ones, and attaining their dreams, all the while saying "I can". Nothing can get you farther than a smile and a positive attitude (don't ask me if i want wine with THAT cheese), and I have seen it work it's magic first hand.

I am a whiner (oh, there's that wine). From the time I could speak, I could whine. No doubt about it. Drove my parents insane. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM...!" "...but WHHHHYYYYY?" "I don't WAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAA!". Whine about this, whine about that, nag about this, nag about that. Can't, can't, can't.

Now, I can't recall when exactly I tried to eliminate the word "can't" out of my vocabulary, (did you realize that was a hypocrital sentence?) but I remember making a conscious effort after I got my head bitten off from a classmate of mine.

"You're such a little bitch! Stop being a little bitch and just come with us!" she said. No one had ever called me a bitch to my face before. I was taken aback, and really wanted to cry. I was 19 at the time, and was at my other friend's house. It was the three of us, and they wanted to go out boogie boarding and surfing at a local spot, Kaimana's, near Waikiki beach. Anyone that knows me personally, knows that I hate reef, rough waters, and seaweed. Kaimana's was FULL of all three.

As my other friend kind of just stood by (she wanted me to come with them, so at no point was she going to step in and say that i didn't have to) as the antagonist friend of this story was egging me to come, I just thought of more and more excuses I couldn't go. I didn't have my bathing suit. I didn't shave my legs. I don't like the reef. I don't boogie board or surf. I gotta clean my room. I have homework. (I'm scared!).

After some time as the argument got more and more heated, I gave them a generic response, like "I'll think about it", and left abruptly. I got in my car and cried, because I felt attacked, and I figured that I would get to that point on my own, not by someone's force. I went home with no intention of returning.

About an hour or so later, I got a phone call from my antagonistic classmate, saying she was sorry she was so harsh, and that she just wanted me to come with them and have a good time. For some reason the movie "Yes Man" popped into my head, and for a moment, I pretended to be Jim Carey, and decided to say yes, even if I didn't really want to. So because i'm a softie for apologies (apparently), I decided to come with, and maybe I could just relax on the sand. To make a long story short, I ended up on a boogie board farther out at sea than i've ever been in my entire life. It was nothing short of thrilling.

I had a great time until it started get dark, and we were still far from shore. We worked really hard to paddle in, and by the time we did, the moon was out, and the sun had gone. The beach at night was gorgeous, but I nearly had a mental breakdown trying not to completely lose it over some sharp looking reef and seaweed constantly brushing my legs (I don't know why it scares me so much, but it just does).

I've had many experiences like this with this friend (the non-antagonistic one). It's the reason I look up to her; she is a risk taker, like I could never be. And sometimes when she's around, I feel like I can take a risk or two, and still make it out alive and in once peice. But that's not the moral of the story.

If you don't get over your fears, who do you expect to do it for you? You have to step out of your comfort zone every now and then to open up your mind, your feelings, your body to the universe. And if you don't actually START on the path you want to be on, how will you ever finish?

The point is, if you believe that you CAN'T make something happen, then it CAN'T. Stop making excuses, and just do it! Make it work! Pull through. The first airplane had a lot of disappointments, but eventually they got it right, even though many people told them it was impossible.

I can't afford that, it costs too much money.
I can't do that, I don't have time.
I can't think that way, it's not normal.

Work hard, make money.
MAKE time.
Stop making social rules the law.

This week I want everyone to say "yes" to something they want to say "no" to (this does not include illegal activity!). Take "Can't" out for one day, and reflect on all the experiences you gain.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 1st, 2010

Happy Sunday all!

Last night was fun. Michael's family came over to celebrate his belated birthday. It's great to have company, even if it it was a little crowded. And the food, oh my. <3

Today is Sunday, my only day off this weekend. My house is clean, I have little laundry to do, so I plan to be a lazy bum for a few hours. Earlier this morning I dropped off Mazzie at Best Buy to get a alarm installed. I hope they don't screw it up this time!

Sundays also bring my family's dinners. Every Sunday we get together at my brother and uncle's house (they live in the same house). It's nice, (we mainly do it for my brother) but sometimes a hassle. I should be thankful that I have a family that cares that much, though. This Sunday, we are also having a little celebratory get together in honor of my boyfriend's birthday.

I love days off! I may not get much time to myself once school starts though (but i'm still really excited!).

I'll update my favorites once a week =)
