Monday, August 9, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 9th, 2010

Whoops! So I may not have had time this weekend to post TDP. But I think that's a good schedule for me, Monday thru Friday.

This past weekend was absolutely great! I wish every weekend was like this past one! Well, hopefully cheaper! =)

Friday night: I went to First Fridays, which is basically a block party in downtown Honolulu, near Chinatown. There are art exhibits and special bar/club deals on the First Friday of every month. I went with one of my best friends, Becky, and we went to check out a firedancing exhibit and some slam poetry at Ong King. The firedancing was less than inspiring, but the slam poetry was amazing. That inspired me to continue different styles of writing, and to attend more slam poetry events in the future. I got some pics, videos, and voice recordings that i'll have to upload later. We also went to an exhibit that was called "Space and Sound" by Teebs. The art was very urban and inspiring, but the "sound" portion... well, maybe it just wasn't MY thing. It sounded like a bunch of noise to me, thrown over a bass line, and some strange nature noises...? Maybe another $5 cup of warm wine and I would have understood it better.
After walking around and popping into a few other places, we had a couple drinks and some bombastic broccolli soup (yes, I used 'bombastic') from Brasserie Du Vin, a wine bar. I had a 'Big Island Iced Tea' and my friend had the house wine (Bubbly something... I don't remember... but I think it was actually champagne...). We met up with Becky's boyfriend, and I drove them to their car.

Saturday: I actually got up rather early on Saturday, even after the night before. I had to run a few errands, and picked up one of my friends, Nicole, to help celebrate Becky's belated birthday. We met up to go stand up paddleboarding. We rented some boards and just chilled in the lagoon (behind the Ilikai) for a couple hours. It was fun! It only strengthened my urge to buy a board. If only they were cheaper! I hadn't been to the beach or in the sun in so long, I was so excited to go, and sort of skimped on the sunblock. MISTAKE! I got sunburned! Shortly after, we headed over to Waiola Shaved Ice to grab some yummy goodness! I got the azuki bean bowl; I hadn't had it in soooo long! After finishing our treats, we wanted to get some real food at Helena's, but they were closed, so we settled for Boston's pizza. I bought a pizza for everyone to share (Spinach, Garlic, Mushroom FTW!) and we brought it back to my place and chilled out for a little bit. It's so nice to relax and have some good food after the beach! We then headed over to Ross's to scope out some conveniently priced items. ;-)

Sunday: Sunday was the perfect veg out day for me. I needed a day to myself. I dropped Michael off at work, and basically stayed home all day and REEEEELLLAAAAXXXXEEEDD. Did some light chores around the house, and watched some mind-numbing TV. Went to Sunday family dinner. Perfect way to end my weekend. <3>PinkStar26

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