Monday, August 16, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 16th, 2010


ZOMG I'm so tired. I was busy editing and uploading this weekend's pics to Facebook, and stayed up till about 11:30 last night. I got 7 hours of sleep, but it feels more like 2. JEEZ.

BUT this weekend was SO MUCH FUN. Recap!

Friday: After work, a few friends came over, and we had a little mini party. We had sopme dinner, and then went out for some coffee and cake. We also watched some really bad Bleach live action, while doing our nails. Wewt. My friend Becky also crashed on our couch, because she had a 22 mile trail run the next morning.

Saturday: Woke up somewhat early, and didn't do a damn thing =) I really needed a nice relaxing moment to myself and that's exactly what I did. I should have worked out or cleaned up, but I was just WAAAAAAY too lazy. Becky came over after her race, and I finally took the plunge and did makeup on her. It turned out pretty good! A little too natural for photography, but we got some decent pics.

Sunday: A short visit from Becky in the morning (WOW i've seen Becky all three days!), and then Michael and I went shopping for some new clothes for him. He also bought me a Fedora! =) we had some lunch, said hi to a few people in the mall, then hit the beach! Yesterday was one of those absolutely BEAUTIFUL days where the water was crystal clear and cold, the sun was shining and perfect, and even though there were a lot of people with irrirating kids, it was just fun to be at the beach. Ended sunday with the normal family dinner, and my Aunty Barbara (my mom's friend) visited from Las Vegas. I hadn't seen her in about 9 years! I am still very tired. I'm not sure how i'm going to get through this day!

Current Favorites:

Song: Superstar - Taeyang
Book: None
Movie: Remember the Titans (Can't get sick of this movie lol)
Snack: Member's Mark Sea Salt Kettle Chips
Pastime: Playing with makeup... I'm slowly getting back into it after my little hiatus =)

I. Need. Some. Caffeine. 5161621656263521651 mg's of it. RAWR.


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