Monday, August 2, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August, 2nd, 2010


Okay, so my original post was deleted. BOOOOOO, blogger!

Anywho, it is Monday! Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to work I am. Blargh. Just like the rest of students/workers in this great nation, I hate Mondays (or whichever is the first day back to work from the weekend for you).

But the weekend's gotta end somewhere. Poor Mondays, taking one for the team. Taking the heat for all the other days in the week. Mondays are misunderstood, and should be considered the martyr out of all the days in the week. Show your Monday some love. :-P

I am heading into a kanak attack right now, which is definitely not good for work productivity and efficency. Darn you, yummy, filling lunch. I'd better stick to lighter things. Green tea, help me out.

How was everyone's weekend? Unfortunately, I didn't have much of a weekend; I worked this past Saturday. I am looking forward to this weekend though, we've got a birthday to celebrate! I'm excited! =)

Gonna wash, wax and vacuum Mazzie, but other than that, not too much happening today. I do have a list of things to do for August, though!

August To-Do
1. Buy schoolbooks
2. Work on website
3. Buy popsicle sticks
4. Go shopping for a computer
5. Buy some school supplies
6. Buy Becky and Kelli's Birthday gifts
7. Read through at least one peice of classic literary fiction before school starts
8. Revert necessary blog entries to private on older blog
9. Transfer all files off of laptop and onto hard drive
10. Go through all videos and delete/edit/upload
11. Donate items
12. Fix up lanai
13. Buy comfy lawn chairs for lanai

Wow what a list. I've got a lot to do this month, especially before school starts. Ganbarimasuyo!

Mondays also usher in a new week, so here's my Current Favorites!:

Song: "Somewhere In Brooklyn" - Bruno Mars
Book: Same
Movie: Same
Snack: Ritter Sport Chocolate with Cornflakes
Pastime: Cleaning up Mazzie ;o)

Have a great day!


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