Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 17th, 2010

Is it seriously only tuesday? Damn.

I wish I could dance well. Or rather, be in shape to dance. Watching Big Bang, and more specifically Taeyang's music videos... makes me want to move like that! Too bad i'm 1) too shame to do that in front of people and 2) no one wants the jiggly. All bad. Maybe someday.

*Sigh* Today is cleaning house day when I get home. I've been avoiding it for the last week and a half... clothes strewn about, small rubbish not taken out, makeup all over the place, floor unswept, tub unscrubbed, dishes dirty, and laundry not hung, and not washed. Soujioshimasu!

I have been having a most unholy urge to play DDR. But I want to get back into it physically, not just with the remote. I think I would love it as a workout. How nostalgic! Is that dorky of me? An almost 22 year old playing DDR? Would it look weird if I went to the arcade to play? Yeah, that'd be weird. I wonder if they still do the coin thing, and I wonder if newbs still steal coins. Oh shit, they don't even use coins anymore. Hah XD


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