Monday, August 2, 2010

SEOTS Entry No.3: In the words of Tim Gunn, "Make It Work"

This SEOTS entry topic is one near and dear to my heart. I've always admired people for eliminating "can't" out of their vocabulary. More recently I've wanted to be someone to look up to as reaching their goals, setting higher ones, and attaining their dreams, all the while saying "I can". Nothing can get you farther than a smile and a positive attitude (don't ask me if i want wine with THAT cheese), and I have seen it work it's magic first hand.

I am a whiner (oh, there's that wine). From the time I could speak, I could whine. No doubt about it. Drove my parents insane. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM...!" "...but WHHHHYYYYY?" "I don't WAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAA!". Whine about this, whine about that, nag about this, nag about that. Can't, can't, can't.

Now, I can't recall when exactly I tried to eliminate the word "can't" out of my vocabulary, (did you realize that was a hypocrital sentence?) but I remember making a conscious effort after I got my head bitten off from a classmate of mine.

"You're such a little bitch! Stop being a little bitch and just come with us!" she said. No one had ever called me a bitch to my face before. I was taken aback, and really wanted to cry. I was 19 at the time, and was at my other friend's house. It was the three of us, and they wanted to go out boogie boarding and surfing at a local spot, Kaimana's, near Waikiki beach. Anyone that knows me personally, knows that I hate reef, rough waters, and seaweed. Kaimana's was FULL of all three.

As my other friend kind of just stood by (she wanted me to come with them, so at no point was she going to step in and say that i didn't have to) as the antagonist friend of this story was egging me to come, I just thought of more and more excuses I couldn't go. I didn't have my bathing suit. I didn't shave my legs. I don't like the reef. I don't boogie board or surf. I gotta clean my room. I have homework. (I'm scared!).

After some time as the argument got more and more heated, I gave them a generic response, like "I'll think about it", and left abruptly. I got in my car and cried, because I felt attacked, and I figured that I would get to that point on my own, not by someone's force. I went home with no intention of returning.

About an hour or so later, I got a phone call from my antagonistic classmate, saying she was sorry she was so harsh, and that she just wanted me to come with them and have a good time. For some reason the movie "Yes Man" popped into my head, and for a moment, I pretended to be Jim Carey, and decided to say yes, even if I didn't really want to. So because i'm a softie for apologies (apparently), I decided to come with, and maybe I could just relax on the sand. To make a long story short, I ended up on a boogie board farther out at sea than i've ever been in my entire life. It was nothing short of thrilling.

I had a great time until it started get dark, and we were still far from shore. We worked really hard to paddle in, and by the time we did, the moon was out, and the sun had gone. The beach at night was gorgeous, but I nearly had a mental breakdown trying not to completely lose it over some sharp looking reef and seaweed constantly brushing my legs (I don't know why it scares me so much, but it just does).

I've had many experiences like this with this friend (the non-antagonistic one). It's the reason I look up to her; she is a risk taker, like I could never be. And sometimes when she's around, I feel like I can take a risk or two, and still make it out alive and in once peice. But that's not the moral of the story.

If you don't get over your fears, who do you expect to do it for you? You have to step out of your comfort zone every now and then to open up your mind, your feelings, your body to the universe. And if you don't actually START on the path you want to be on, how will you ever finish?

The point is, if you believe that you CAN'T make something happen, then it CAN'T. Stop making excuses, and just do it! Make it work! Pull through. The first airplane had a lot of disappointments, but eventually they got it right, even though many people told them it was impossible.

I can't afford that, it costs too much money.
I can't do that, I don't have time.
I can't think that way, it's not normal.

Work hard, make money.
MAKE time.
Stop making social rules the law.

This week I want everyone to say "yes" to something they want to say "no" to (this does not include illegal activity!). Take "Can't" out for one day, and reflect on all the experiences you gain.


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